Saturday, 27 November 2021

Cherry Green's Doodleology Stamps: Ideas and Inspiration

 There are a great range of Doodleology stamps and stencils designed by Cherry Green for Claritystamp.  Here I have gathered to gether some ideas and inspirations for their use with links back to the original step by step instructions.

See HERE for the instructions.
They can be used in sections through stencils (see HERE).

Or to decorate more complex card types (see HERE).
And look just as good in monochrome (see HERE).
Or on kraft card (HERE).
They can be used on other projects too (HERE).
They can be decoupaged too (see HERE).
Or used as a patchwork of images (see HERE).
And used for all occasions (see HERE).

1 comment:

Helen said...

Beautiful!! I love them.