Wednesday, 6 July 2022

WOYWW 683: One and A Half Weeks

 The countdown to the holidays continues and once tonight's parents' evening is over the majority of my term time work will be done.  Not sure how many appointments I have yet but I only had 5 for the virtual parents' evening yesterday.

My desk shows me prepping for the next few pages of my daily journal.  I have started working on runs of four pages with the same theme as it creates a more cohesive look and makes things easier.  Please visit more desks c/o Julia, leader of WOYWW, at Stamping Ground or better yet, share your own.

I arrived home from work on Friday evening to find tree surgeons cutting down the two trees that we have been worried about for some time.  They were enormous, very close to the neighbours property and we have been concerned that they might fall and damage something.  Hubby only rang for a quote at lunchtime and they started work just before 5pm - finished by just after 6pm.  We opted to dispose of the wood ourselves at that was a saving of over £600 and a skip costs a lot less.  Lots of chippings for the borders were left too.
One tree was down before I got my camera - we didn't want to lose the magnolia

The second tree loomed ominously over the shed.

Halfway down

Gone but still affecting the fence until we deal with the stump
I shall probably not be visiting until tomorrow morning due to the parents' evening; until then, stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

wow, that tree removal really makes a difference - hope you get the stump sorted soon too. Hope parents evening goes well and you aren't too late home. have a good week and thanks for your early visit! Helen #1

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I wish we lived closer, we’d have helped you with the wood for our wood burner! A good job done though as if the trees had fallen, it would have been disastrous, we can’t have your shed being taken out by a sycamore can we?! Great journal pages as well.
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Neet said...

You brought back lots of memories of tree felling. When we had ours done I sat amazed (and took so many photos) at the agility of the lovely young man swinging about from branch to branch - talk about agile! Fascinating to watch.
Love the cohesive look of your pages. Works for me.
Good luck with parents evening - I used to dread them.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

What a beautiful post. Love your new background too. We had a derecho go thru earlier 70/80 mph winds took 2 big trees down and lots of branches. Thankful for electricity as it was 107 and humid. Crazy weather here. But your trees are LOTS bigger. WOW. ENJOY a good week Sarah

Tracy said...

Gooo the tree surgeons Sarah, grand job they did ... such light now in your garden. You should get a chimnea, stack up the wood for those summer nights 😘 You're holidays in sight,getting closer day by day. Here's to parents evening going well for you 🤞 with your appts showing up. Your journal pages are all inspirational,
especially loving hold on to your hat 💕💕💕 looove it,made me smile. Sending you love and hugs Tracy #14 xxxx

Tracy said...

Gooo the tree surgeons Sarah, grand job they did ... such light now in your garden. You should get a chimnea, stack up the wood for those summer nights 😘 You're holidays in sight,getting closer day by day. Here's to parents evening going well for you 🤞 with your appts showing up. Your journal pages are all inspirational,
especially loving hold on to your hat 💕💕💕 looove it,made me smile. Sending you love and hugs Tracy #14 xxxx

Lynnecrafts said...

Lots of good firewood there Sarah! Lovely journal pages- it looks like you’re starting to tell a story, a sort of steampunk detective novel?
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13

Crafting With Jack said...

I hate seeing trees come down, we need more on this planet! Having said that, sometimes it has to be done. Gardens today just can’t accommodate these huge trees. There are some huge ones visible from our house that we are in no danger from, but when it is very windy the owners of the houses near them must worry. Love that StudioLight book- I did try to find it! Great collages. Happy WOYWW. Angela #10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I used to like parents evening though some of the parents you would like to speak to don't always attend, I think we both know why! but I used to ring them to ensure they had received the invitation which was often interesting when they didn't even know the parents evening was taking place, I wonder why! Hope your evening goes well. I smiled when you mentioned the trees were being taken down and I'm surprised someone hasn't asked if they could have the logs as there are so many people with log burners who collect them to store for later. Wishing you a very productive woyww. Hugs, Angela x12x

craftyani said...

Trees are beautiful but can cause problems. It will seem so much lighter now. Can't you sell your wood people round here would take it away for their fires. Ani

My name is Cindy said...

Bet removing those trees has let more light into the garden. Good to get it sorted so quickly!! Not long now till the summer break - I'm sure you are ready for it! Great journal pages, once again in awe at your commitment. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs xx Cindy#11

Rajani Rehana said...

Super blog

Mariane said...

Wow, Sarah, Your life is busy at the moment, because you are teacher? :) (Sorry if I forgot you were) Your art is looking great and wow those trees must have been taken a lot of light in your garden. Glad to see they came down safely. I do hope you are going to have a great week.

Mariane #19

Susan Renshaw said...

Interesting pics of the tree removal. They looked as though they were very big trees!

Susan Renshaw said...

I am sure you are looking forward to a week and a half's time. My daughter is on a three week term break here in Australia. We are off gallivanting to Adelaide and Sydney. Susan #17

BJ said...

Must be great to see the end in sight with the holidays coming into view. Hope the parents evening went OK. Best safe than sorry with the trees despite it being a bit of a shame to see them felled it is better in the long run. Love your last 2 pages with the squirrel on the toadstool and the dreamy morning. Thanks for the visit. BJ#16

Julia Dunnit said...

Gosh, those trees took up a lot of space didn’t they, expect it’ll take a day or two to get used to the revised view! I live the pages, and the words ‘she hung into her hat’. .. kinda like a story competition where they give you the first line!