Wednesday 26 June 2024

WOYWW 786/6: Still Busy

 Welcome to the weekly desk share blog link that is WOYWW.  Hosted by Julia for 15 years who then passed the baton to me.  Thanks for joining in.

My desk actually has something of interest on it - the puffin picture that I created at Tilly Tea Dance's workshop on Saturday.  I also had a quick catch up with Jo (Twiglet) who was dropping off the memory cushions that Annie (Whipso) had made for me.  They are wonderful - thank you.
I also treated myself to a fabulous piece of artwork by Tilly Tea Dance herself which now hangs in the living room.

The concert in Lichfield the same evening went well.  Sunday was a quiet day of crafting and memories.

My reports are complete but it is still very busy at work even though today is the halfway point of the term.  11 more working days to cram everything in.  Stay safe everyone and Happy WOYWW.

Friday 21 June 2024

Thursday 20 June 2024

Clarity Stencil Club 2016: Ideas and Inspiration

It isn't too long until the Clarity Members' Half Price Sale will be starting so I thought I'd share some of the projects I have done using the stencils from 2016.  I have used 7/12 - some multiple times as you will see.  Links to the projects are given below each photo.

January (#20) Using rice paper on canvas (see HERE).

Wednesday 19 June 2024

WOYWW 785/5: Still Busy

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks that is WOYWW, led for 15 years by Julia who trusted me to take up the reins.

I am very busy with sample making and report writing, neither of which can be shown on my desk, so I took a snap yesterday morning as I was working on my #dailycollage2024 page.  You can see some of the ephemera that I have been using on my pages for June and my trusty glue runner.  The glasses case is always a feature as they are now essential for close work and reading.
Tribute to Dad.
The parents' evening went well and I was quite busy.  Reports should be done with by the weekend and I am looking forward to a felting class with Tilly Tea Dance on Saturday.  Also a catch up with Jo (Twiglet) who is bringing the memory cushions that I commissioned from Annie (Whipso) at the WOYWW crop.  Saturday evening I am also playing in a recorder concert where I will be seeing all my siblings, my Mum and my brother- and sister-in law.  Sunday would have been our 34th wedding anniversary so I am trying to keep busy.  I wish Caro a Happy Anniversary as we shared the date if not the year.
Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW.
PS I have comment moderation on so you won't see your comment until I have chance to approve it.  Will be at Eva's watching the footy this evening so will be later on.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

Travel Tag

The current challenge over on Tag Tuesday is travel.  I am in the midst of report writing and looking forward to the summer holidays so I found a tag to join in with.

Sunday 16 June 2024

#dailycollage2024: June the First Half!

For my June #dailycollage2024 pages I decided on a purple colour palette.  I have been using the Clarity BOW-WOB papers in the background and finishing each page with a Clarity word sticker as always.

I went through my stickers to find the right colours.

Saturday 15 June 2024

Father's Day Ideas

For many years I have made two Father's Day cards: one for my Dad and one for my Husband.  Sadly they are no longer with us but I wanted to share some of the cards I have made over the years for them.  Links to each project are given below each photo.


Friday 14 June 2024

Thursday 13 June 2024

Projects using the 2014 Clarity Club Stamps

 I decided to bring together all the projects I have completed so far using the Clarity New Design Club stamps from 2014.  I have used 7/12 of the designs so far, some multiple times as you will see.  Links to the projects are below each photo.

Stamp #87 came out a month before I first joined the club, but I later bought it made this card (see HERE).

Wednesday 12 June 2024

WOYWW 784/4: Into the Swing

 I am getting into the swing of things with both work and WOYWW - I nearly forgot to add Mr Linky last week!  Glad that folks are still joining in after Julia handed over the reins.  I have tweaked my comment settings to try and help everyone out.

And so to the desk - the reason why we come together each week.  I can't usually share the samples I make for Clarity before I post them, but these are late as the shows were on the day after we returned from our holiday.  You can see I have two mugs on the go at a time in the shed now - one for mint tea and the other for my Toffee Nut latte indulgence.
Thanks so much to BJ for her fabulous ATC and the lovely note that came with it.
My #dailycollage2024 is still on the go.  I have a parents' evening tonight until 6pm after school so probably won't get round to everyone that I don't catch in the morning until tomorrow.  Stay safe and thank you for joining in with WOYWW.

Monday 10 June 2024

Clarity Cut Card Kits: Ideas and Inspiration

 There are many cut card kits from Clarity Crafts which include stamps, shaped cards and envelopes.  Here are some ideas and inspiration using a small number of them: hearts, blooms and trees.  As usual, links to the original projects are below each photo.

Using one of the shaped heart cards (see HERE).

Sunday 9 June 2024

Wednesday 5 June 2024

WOYWW 783/3: Report Writing

 Welcome one and all to the weekly sharing of desks originally hosted by the lovely Julia and now entrusted to me.

My desk shows a card from Julia and an ATC from Helen which were waiting in the post for me on my return from the adventures in Spain last week.  Thanks to you both.  Also the last two Star Trek ducks for my collection which arrived in my absence too.
I cheated a little with my #dailycollage2024 as I prepared the rest of the May pages before I went away, but am now back to the daily creating for June - in lilacs and purples as you can see.
I won't share all the photos that I took while I was away but thought you would enjoy the one of the Guggenheim art museum in Bilbao.
I am busy working on reports since my return, but managed to complete Y6 on Monday and Y8 yesterday so only Y7 to go.  Wish me luck!  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.