Wednesday, 30 September 2020

WOYWW 591: A Bit of a Blip

Welcome to the weekly desk share, joining in with Julia at her Stamping Ground blog with crafters from all round the world. 

I have a backlog of online workshops to get to and am hoping to make a start at the weekend.  The books in the background are the usual for a work morning, although I am not sure if I will be able to go into work today, as we are still awaiting #1 son's test results from Monday evening.  He has a cough, although no other symptoms, so we are all locked down until we know what's what.  I wear a mask and sanitise regularly when marking books and they never go into the house so there is a buffer zone there.

No Eva this week of course.  Hope to be giving you good news next week.  Stay safe and happy WOYWW.

Thursday, 24 September 2020

Wednesday, 23 September 2020

WOYWW 590: Still Here

Wow, only 10 more weeks until WOYWW achieves the big 600 mark.  Please do visit Julia's Stamping Ground to find out more about our weekly get togethers and sharing of desks and craft spaces.

My desk shows some gorgeous new designer card from Clarity.  I particularly love the colours of the Antarctica designs.  Tom and Peter were helping Eva and I social distance as she is still making it over on a Tuesday for our crafty play dates.  Other than that, the only place I go to is work on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  So far all is well at our school with no Covid cases among either staff or pupils.
On the other side of the desk, Eva was working on her Groovi projects.  As you can see, Tom and Peter were temporarily displaced for my light box as I had photos of projects to take.  Plenty of hand sanitiser being used too, as you can tell.  We are hoping that we will be able to continue meeting weekly but are watching out for new guidelines, in which case it will be back to Face timing instead.  I'll be round to visit in the morning or after school this evening if I am not feeling too tired.  Stay safe and happy WOYWW.

Friday, 18 September 2020

Travel and Transport Journal Page

I am still a little behind with my art journal challenges with Mission Inspiration.  This is my response to the August main mission with the theme of Travel and Transport.  The suggested colours were  Earth Brown, Sky Blue and Daffodil Yellow and the prompt words were Flight, Tracks, Map, Destination and World.

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

WOYWW 589: Company for Crafting

Welcome to my weekly contribution to What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday (WOYWW) linking up with Julia and fellow deskers via Stamping Ground as usual.
I can actually show you what I was working on yesterday, as all my samples were safely in the post by the time I took this photo and I was working on a tag (surprise, surprise).
Socially distanced on the other side of the desk, Eva was working on Groovi projects.  It was a beautiful day, so no problem keeping the door and window open, and there are plenty of sanitising sprays and gel available to us as you can see.  It was a slightly shorter session than before, as Eva's class has moved earlier in the day and I had to pick up my son from college at 2pm too.  Still we had a thoroughly enjoyable morning crafting together.  Happy WOYWW.  I'll be round to visit tomorrow morning on my next day off.  Sorry Karen but I am still unable to comment on WordPress blogs, but I do visit.

Monday, 14 September 2020

For My Tweetheart

I do like the play on words with the sentiments which come with the Clarity Tweet stamp sets.  Here I worked with the Tweetheart set.

Sunday, 13 September 2020

Quarantine Quickie 97 & 98: Wind Up / Mirror, Mirror

It took me a while, but I finally finished the first 100 Quarantine Quickie prompts over on Mission Inspiration.  I decided to call it a day at that point even though the prompts have continued.  Here is my penultimate set.

Thursday, 10 September 2020

Wednesday, 9 September 2020

WOYWW 588: Back in The Swing

Welcome to the weekly craft room/desk sharing with WOYWW.  Everything is back to normal for a school day today.  Off out to school early with some marking done before I leave.
I have been getting more organised with my craft storage too with 12 extra storage caddies to go with the trolleys.  I have been able to clear three tubs off my desk so the laptop can sit further back (nearly fully off the glass mat now).  It has made my life a lot easier as I no longer have to reach over the screen for my tools, scissors and brushes.  Nothing to show on the other side of the desk I'm afraid as Eva only popped  over for a quick coffee so there was no crafting to show.  I will be over to visit tomorrow morning.  Happy WOYWW everyone.  Please visit Julia's Stamping Ground to find out more or even join in with the link up yourselves.

Monday, 7 September 2020

Pergamano Fedotova Whimsy Poppets Card with Matching Tags

For my first sample featuring the mini Whimsy Poppets designed by Marina Fedotova, I decided to use one of the pretty designer papers from Clarity to create a matching card and gift tags.

Sunday, 6 September 2020

Happy Birday Card!

These new Tweet stamps from Clarity have a bird theme and some lovely 'bird' themed sentiments to go with each set.  I started with a 'Birday' card.

Saturday, 5 September 2020

Clean and Simple Get Well Soon Card

A friend had an emergency operation recently.  Luckily she is now back home and slowly recuperating.  She loves pink, so I had to include it in her Get Well Soon card (shared with permission).  Wishing her a speedy recovery.

Friday, 4 September 2020

Under the sea Journal Page

Having only recently caught up with the main June Mission over on Mission Inspiration, decided not to leave it so long before catching up with the July prompts.  The colours suggested were Coral / Ocean / Sand and the choice of prompt words were Wreck / Reef / Tails / Dive / Treasure. 

Thursday, 3 September 2020

Challenge Tag with an Hawaii Theme

Having caught up with the July prompts over on Tag It Tuesday, I decided to get fully up to date and complete the August challenge as well.  The four prompts were:  1) Doodle flowers and vines, 2) Add a border to at least one side, 3) Make a grid of circles / squares / objects, 4) Use primary colours. Once again I managed to use all the prompts although only two are needed for the challenge.

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

WOYWW 587: Back To School

It's been a weird week.  I am actually at home today and in fact having a crafty day with Eva later on the other side of the desk.  Why, you may ask?  After all I usually work on Wednesdays.  I went in yesterday and attended the more crucial of the two INSET days  and therefore have today off to play instead.
My desk shot today is a close up of my growing gallery of artwork created by Tilly Tea Dance.  I have started a small collection but I have no doubt that it will grow.  The blue bowl was a birthday gift last year, a Barbara Gray original piece of pottery.  I cherish all these pieces.  Why am I showing you this today?  To join in with the weekly gathering a Julia's Stamping Ground, where desks and creative spaces are shared each Wednesday.  Feel free to nose around browse yourself.  Stay safe and happy WOYWW.  I shall pop and visit over the next couple of days as I am not back in to school until Friday.