Wednesday, 20 May 2020

WOYWW 572: Happy 11th Anniversary

Eleven years ago, Julia came up with the idea of people sharing their desks, warts and all, and the idea of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday began.  I have not been there since the start (My blog is less than five years old), but I have been joining in regularly for the last four (plus) years.
So here is my weekly contribution for the 11th anniversary.  At the back is a pile of UFOs (Unfinished Objects) that I haven't managed to complete. However, you can see that I finally finished the colouring page that I have been working on at craft meet ups (including last year's WOYWW crop) for over two years.  I thought it would be an appropriate response to Julia's anniversary challenge.  I also have a tag to finish off (Three's A Crowd to go with Two's Company) for my Quarantine Quickie tag journal.  Tom and Peter are ever present and my Shed Diary keeps me on track with sample deadlines,  planned projects and school stuff which needs doing.  Happy WOYWW everyone and a shout out to Y7 and Y8 as always: miss you guys!  I'll be around to visit desks between school work and crafty projects.


glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. Happy 11th anniversary. What a great idea - link the past two anniversaries along with this one. Well done on finishing the page. Loving the pile of UFOs still to go... you'll get there.
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #3

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Great that you were able to finally finish that coloring piece. It's a beauty. Cute tag, too. It will be great when the other one is finished. Happy WOYWW from # 6.

sandra de said...

Happy anniversary and lovely to see your colouring page and cute tag. I think we all have discovered a pile of UFO's for this week. Stay safe and keep creating.
Sandra de @16

Shoshi said...

Great projects, Sarah. Your colouring skills are awesome - that’s a beautiful page.

Happy 11th anniversary WOYWW,
Shoshi x #19

Annie said...

Hi Sarah. I love the completed page....well done you for completing it for today.
Thanks for your love and friendship over the last 11 years.
Annie x #11

Cardarian said...

Hi Sarah! Amazing coloring on that UFO! I really admire you and your daily crafting! I wish I was as enthusiastic as you are! I was happy to meet you at the crop and hope hope we will meet again soon!
Lots of love and hugs,

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy 11th Anniversary WOYWW. Great colouring and well done for getting it finished. Hope you can be back with your pupils soon. Ali x #18

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Sarah! I think I remember seeing your colouring in real life last year - it looks wonderful as a finished project - looks 3D! I didn't realise it was the WOYWW anniversary until this morning! I'm glad I made last year's meet up, given that there can't be one this year. So looks like secondary schools won't be back for now, but frankly we're doing pretty well with homeschooling with the support of the teachers. When we homeschooled for six months in Y8 just after we moved, waiting for a school place to become available, it was much harder to motivate my son, but he seems to be doing better this time around. Thanks for your visit earlier - half term next week, yay! xx Take care, zsuzsa #30

Shoshi said...

Thank you for visiting, Sarah, and I'm glad you like the teddy card I made for my hubby. Thank you for being so encouraging about my surfeit of UFOs by reminding me that I have finished quite a few projects as well!! I need to remind myself of that when the UFOs get me down! I'm thrilled with my seedlings and ready to harvest the peas now, I think.

Shoshi x #20

craftyani said...

Love the colours of the colouring page. Does the tag say threes a crowd on the reverse? Thank you for your friendship over the years. Ani #1

Mariane said...

Thank you ever so much for your visit to my blog, Sarah! I always admire your work and one day I do hope I am at that level :) I love the colours of the painting page. I imagine it has taken time to do!!

Thank you so much for sharing!

Happy WOYWW Anniversary
Mariane #25

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Sarah, great that you completed a UFO and the page is fabulous, I love the shading. The tag is cute and I like the idea of a matching one.
Hope you have a great week and Happy WOYWW Anniversary,
Diana xx #28

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, I'm loving your colouring page it reminds me of the doodles I used to do at staff meetings Lol! What am I saying! of course I was listening at the same time but it stopped me loosing my concentration, well that's my excuse any way. Wishing you a very happy woyww 11th Anniversary. Big hugs, Angela x17x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Happy 11th Bloggyversary!! I like your UFOs today, the Shed Happens book made me hoot! I had to include you and Eva in the video, it wouldn't have been the same without you both. Hope you and she are keeping well in these crazy times, enjoy the celebrations today.
HUgs LLJ 4 xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, WOYWW has made all of us some wonderful new friends, I agree. No-one, I'm sure would ever have expected it to last this long! Love the colouring page, beautiful job.Fab colours on the tag too. Stay safe, have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #12 X

BJ said...

Super colouring, very fitting UFO. Can't wait to see the Three's a crowd tag.
Thanks for the visit BJ#13

My name is Cindy said...

Hello Sarah, Happy Anniversary and thank you for the earlier visit. I love that you have been colouring that piece for 2 years! I am always astonished when I realise how long some things have been floating around my desk. Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindy #26

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Sarah, Happy 11th WoywW Anniversary, what a super colouring page, I can sense the concentration you much have had whilst colouring, i'd have missed a bit or made a mistake for sure. Looks awesome as does the tag, I love that wee clarity stamp. Take care & stay safe, i'm sure your in good hands with Tom & Peter to keep an eye on you .. hee hee Hugs Tracey #10 xx

FLR said...

Hi Sarah! Thanks for your comment on my post. It´s so good to be blogging again, it keeps my head sane...haha! Hope you can go out for walks too, as I live in the countryside it´s easy to do so. Love your colouring and the tags! X Francisca

StampinCarol said...

Happy 11th!
Your coloring is gorgeous! Love how you blended colors!
The die on my desk is stars. I haven't used it much but hopefully soon.
Cool tags! Fun backgrounds on them!
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #34

Helen said...

Sarah well done on finishing that page, it looks stunning! Happy 11th anniversary to us all! Despite saying I don't enjoy colouring I did quite like doing the canvas! Helen #2

Lillianb said...

Happy WOYWDW lovely colouring on your UFO, and glad Tom and Peter are still keeping you company

Stay safe and well,

Lilian B # 21

Lillianb said...

Thought I had posted a comment but not so lol

Happy WOYWDW Love the colouring. I am glad you have Tom and Peter to keep you company

Lilian B #21

Caro said...

Happy Anniversary! I've finished my marking so can now pop round the blogs and comment. I remember that colouring from the crop last year - it looks stunning now it is finished. Take care and stay safe my friend. With love and God Bless, Caro (#19)

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, Ooh I love how you colored that page it looks like it will make really cool backgrounds too :) Happy Anniversary, ~Stacy #38

Mrs.D said...

Happy 11th WOYWW anniversary Sarah.
I love that coloured page, at first look I thought it was a printed page, beautifully done. I love the idea of a shed diary, I could never be that organised, but I can imagine you would. Thanks for sharing
Bless you
Chris #8

Crafting With Jack said...

Hello Sarah, happy anniversary! I was watching Doctor Who this afternoon whilst I cut out my stamp sheets. Your tag and colouring page look great. I hear they are thinking about a return to school soon, in England anyway. Stay safe x Angela #44

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Sarah!
I love your coloring page! It must have taken many hours and much patience! Now what are you going to do with it? Frame it, cover a journal or.....?

I didn't realize that your shed journal was truly a "Shed Journal". How perfect!

Don't work too hard and stay healthy!

Happy Wednesday
Kathryn #43

Neet said...

Lovely colouring page Sarah, and aI do like that tag. Gorgeous sunny and bright colour and the images look cute too.
Seems like longer than four years that you have been coming on here - I feel I have known you for much longer than that. Will miss you this summer at the crop but hopefully will make up for it at some time in the future.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Dorlene Durham said...

I don’t think anyone ever finishes UFOs. I love the coloring sheet on your desk. The combination of blue and green are so pretty. Happy 11th anniversary. Dorlene $41

Marit said...

That coloured sheet looks lovely, the yellow 'flowing into' greens (how do you call that? Can't find the word right now...) is awesome, some project that was, yay for finishing it! Happy anniversary dear, stay safe and a big hug from Holland, Marit #32

Julia Dunnit said...

I bet you do miss the students, another reminder of these extraordinary days. Love the finished colouring page. Fair to say it looks printed, and of course, not just coloured, but full of chat and gossip and good feeling too. Perfect for WOYWW 11!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Happy belated 11th WOYWW, Sarah, isn't IT amazing!? 😊 and so grateful to have your friendship through it!
Wonder if you had that page in 2018 crop when we were in Llundudno? Wonderfil colours and textures in it! Wondered whose photos they wwre, i guess their stars I should know but ignorant of such things!! Maybe Tom is Tom Jones?? Peter.. is mh brother, but know it's not him!! 😄😆
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless and keep you and all whom you love safe and well.
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz. X 7

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Christine said...

Sorry I'm late, working my way back to number one from my entry 31.
Love to see the tag around . . . I did not say 'again'!!
Happy Anniversary
Stay safe and take care
Christine #31

Lindart said...

Hi Sarah! Your finished colouring is beautiful - I love the colours, all my favourites! Happy Anniversary, glad to be your WOYWW friend! Lindart #40

Anne said...

Hello . Thanks for popping by. A rather belated Happy 11th WOYWW Anniversary. Anne x 37