Tuesday, 31 August 2021

Saturday, 28 August 2021

Friday, 27 August 2021

Kraft Beetle!

I went for a clean and simple look using one of my favourite colour combinations using one of the new bug themed stamp sets, designed by Cherry Green for Claritystamp.

Thursday, 26 August 2021

We Wish Shoe A Merry Christmas: Ideas and Inspiration

 The current offer of the week at Claritystamp (until midnight on Sunday) is the fabulous shoe stamps designed by Cherry Green.  I thought I'd bring all my cards using three of the five sets of stamps into one place.

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

WOYWW 638: Best Birthday Present Ever!

 People of a nervous disposition may want to look away after the desk picture.  After a mammoth shifting of stuff, my shed got a new floor for my birthday and the pictures aren't all pretty.

At first glance, it may seem that nothing has changed in the shed, however in the last fortnight it has been completely emptied, the floor removed and completely replaced.

I started moving things out of the shed two years ago.  However a flurry of activitiy before we went away meant that there wasn't much left to remove on Saturday morning.
Once the carpet was removed it became very apparent how rotten the floor was.
There were even plant roots growing through it in the corner.
So the first job was to remove the floorboards and the polystyrene insulation below.  I let one of the boys get rid of the dead mouse!
Everything had to be removed down to the concrete plinth, although the ends of the batons holding up the shed were left in place initially.
So the first job was to replace the floor batons with new treated timber.
This was how far the boys got by the end of Saturday.
Sunday (my birthday) was full speed ahead.
So much so that I was sent out to choose a new carpet and underlay.
By the time we returned, the new floor was complete.
I managed to find red carpet with glittery sparkles so if there is ever a glitter spill it won't show up too much.  By 6pm the floor was complete and the skirting boards back in place.

I spent Monday (with hubby helping with the furniture) replacing much of the stash into the shed.  I wanted to be able to work in there again as quickly as possible.

As you can see, by Monday evening I was about two thirds of the way there.  I was able to make samples in the shed yesterday and have more to make to day as they are due by Friday.  Once they are posted I will finish getting the rest of the shed organised and the house can go back to normal.  If you want to see less crazy craft spaces than this one, then please visit Stamping Ground, where Julia will explain everyhting WOYWW related. Happy WOYWW everyone.

Monday, 23 August 2021

Sunday, 22 August 2021

Grunge Roses

I gave the Rose stamp from Jayne's Rose Frame and verses set a completely different look by working on kraft card and adding in grunge elements.

Saturday, 21 August 2021

Friday, 20 August 2021

Splatter Birthday!

Clean and simple, grungy or both?  I couldn't decide which way to go with this birthday card using the July 2021 Clarity New Design Club stencil.

Thursday, 19 August 2021

Wednesday, 18 August 2021

WOYWW 637: Off Gallivanting

 A different desk this morning as we are off gallivanting in the South East for a few days, leaving #3 son to house sit! Regular deskers will certainly spot the difference as I join in with the weekly link up with Julia at Stamping Ground.

The only things I have with me are my daily drawing kit.  I won't be sharing them online until the weekend though.  Warning - clown image coming up!!!

We had a leisurely drive down to Royal Tunbridge Wells where we are staying yesterday, and spent the late afternoon and evening exploring the centre.

We had a pleasant drink and meal in the courtyard.
Downhill into town and a climb coming back to the hotel.
We explored The Pantiles where there are lots of places to eat and saw the perfect shoe storage/bench for the hall.  We enquired about it and ordered one to be delivered flatpacked to home for £3.50.  As there was a £20 saving on the price in the sale, it didn't take long to make up our minds.

We are off to Hastings today to visit Battle Abbey - the last time we were there I was expecting #1 son so it is 29 years ago lol.  Calling at sister's on the way home on Friday to exchange birthday gifts and cards as it is our birthday on Sunday.  I will be spending my birthday putting the shed to rights as it is having a new floor installed by the boys on Saturday, so I have had to empty it out.  I reckon it will take me the day to put my craft supplies back once they have returned the furniture.

I may not get round to visiting this week as a result of all this.  If I don't I hope you'll forgive me.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Daily Drawings: Still Going Strong

 I am still going strong with my resolution of drawing every day in 2021.  Here is the latest half-monthly round up.

A nice easy one to get the month started.

Monday, 16 August 2021

Fantasy Cards: Here Be Dragons, Unicorns and Phoenix

 For those of you who like to make cards with mythical creatures on them, I thought I'd bring together some of my ideas using the dragon, phoenix and unicorns stamps from Claritystamp.  They also use a few of the word chain/mini word chain stamps which were last week's offer of the week.

Saturday, 14 August 2021

Stay Calm, Drink Tea

I decided to do something different with my last sample using the Linda Williams' Tea, Coffee & Cake stamp sets.  I turned the teapot into a silver one!

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

WOYWW 636: Over Half Way

Well the Wednesdays are certainly flying by as I join in once again with Julia and my WOYWW friends at Stamping Ground.  I am sure that LLJ will appreciate this week's number as I know she likes palindromes.

There's a feeling of déjà vu on my desk today.  I am nearly at the end of my second sketchbook of the year as I continue with the daily drawings.  I have a third ready to go which will see me to the end of the year.

Eva and I went for a walk around the lake in Trentham Gardens yesterday morning before our craft session.

It was great to be back at the footie on Saturday watching Stoke beat Reading 3-2.  Unfortunately #1 son couldn't be there as he and his brother (they share a house) were self isolating. #1 son tested positive for Covid last week.  Luckily he had had his first jab and so he is already starting to feel better after a rough couple of days.  He will have to postpone his second jab as it was due next Monday and he has to wait 28 days to get it.  So far #2 son is OK and I am hoping it stays that way.  

A few people have been talking about stamp storage recently so I thought I'd show you my main stamp storage - in blank DVD boxes in DVD towers from IKEA.  Each tower holds up to 88 DVD cases and acrylic stamps attach to both sides of the case (as seen on my desk last week).  I label the spines for easy finding and store any masks in the cases too.  I am not sure what I shall do when I run out of space as I cannot fit another tower in the shed lol.

Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.