People of a nervous disposition may want to look away after the desk picture. After a mammoth shifting of stuff, my shed got a new floor for my birthday and the pictures aren't all pretty.
At first glance, it may seem that nothing has changed in the shed, however in the last fortnight it has been completely emptied, the floor removed and completely replaced.I started moving things out of the shed two years ago. However a flurry of activitiy before we went away meant that there wasn't much left to remove on Saturday morning.Once the carpet was removed it became very apparent how rotten the floor was.There were even plant roots growing through it in the corner.So the first job was to remove the floorboards and the polystyrene insulation below. I let one of the boys get rid of the dead mouse!
Everything had to be removed down to the concrete plinth, although the ends of the batons holding up the shed were left in place initially.So the first job was to replace the floor batons with new treated timber.This was how far the boys got by the end of Saturday.Sunday (my birthday) was full speed ahead.So much so that I was sent out to choose a new carpet and underlay.By the time we returned, the new floor was complete.I managed to find red carpet with glittery sparkles so if there is ever a glitter spill it won't show up too much. By 6pm the floor was complete and the skirting boards back in place.
I spent Monday (with hubby helping with the furniture) replacing much of the stash into the shed. I wanted to be able to work in there again as quickly as possible.
As you can see, by Monday evening I was about two thirds of the way there. I was able to make samples in the shed yesterday and have more to make to day as they are due by Friday. Once they are posted I will finish getting the rest of the shed organised and the house can go back to normal. If you want to see less crazy craft spaces than this one, then please visit Stamping Ground, where Julia will explain everyhting WOYWW related. Happy WOYWW everyone.
what amazing hard work to get the floor re-done so quickly and you're almost back to normal! It looks fabulous in there! Glad you had a great birthday. Happy WOYWW Helen #3
Happy WOYWW. Wow. You have certainly worked hard to get the shed sorted and now your furniture/stash back in there. The red carpet is brilliant. I have a bright green wall in my craft room, so a neutral carpet was needed. It has a few different shades in it, so doesn't show up any spills. When I vacuum it is amazing how much glitter etc comes up! Ali x #2
Fair play to you and your menfolk, that was a great job tone! It looks so neat and tidy and a great space to work in. The glittery carpet made me smile, Shaz Silverwolf would have approved! Have fun in your new space!
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx
But where do you sit??
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite) - for new readers, Bendy is our HUGE Norweigian Forest cat.
Gosh that's scary all that rot it's a wonder you weren't bouncing about on the floor but it's looking good now. Have a lovely and creative woyww. Hugs Angela x9x
WOW isn't it a big shed! had no idea it was so huge. It is better than a shed so I feel it should be re-christened. Too nice to be a shed. I'm going to start a campaign.
Hugs, Neet xx8
Wow! Congratulations all round I think! What a wonderful way to spend the weekend . . . . watching men work!!
It looks super duper now and I love the way you thought ahead about the glitter! lol
Enjoy your new shed
Christine #14
What a brilliant post, Sarah! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing the shed floor makeover. What a great job they made of it, and I simply love the cheerful red carpet, and what a great idea, choosing a glitter camouflage one lol! I love how the carpet matches the table cover and the doors of the cube storage unit. The rotten floor reminds me of the corner in our kitchen where we discovered dry rot under the old cupboard - you may remember me posting about that - the cupboard had to come out, and what I ended up with was my fabulous walk-in pantry which was a huge improvement. They didn't find any dead mice under there, though! We've had them a-plenty in the past with the various kitties, though. Sometimes they used to escape into inaccessible places where they would subsequently die. My sister always used to say, "They only smell for a while" lol!! I found it very interesting seeing the shed stripped of all the stash, and getting a good view of the layout with the shelving etc. It's a really great space. You must be thrilled now everything is coming back into place and you can soon start working in there again. I really enjoyed reading about this and seeing the before, during and after photos.
Thank you for your visit. Getting on that table initially was very uncomfortable, but it was amazing how much more comfortable it was once they'd adjusted it to my shape and size. I was on there for about 20 minutes in all, about the same length of time each treatment will take, I understand, and apart from my hands going to sleep because of having my arms in that position for so long, it really wasn't so bad. I won't have to go through the initial discomfort again, because before each treatment, the table will be set up just right for me again. Your freezer has done very well indeed, lasting 30 years, but I suppose when it was made, there wasn't this stupid built-in obscelescence feature included, that we all have to put up with today. I'm hoping my new iron will last a bit longer than the previous one did. The greedy guts girlies send a meow and a purr back.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #11
xxxnb m
Hi Sarah, I hope you enjoyed your trip down my way! Your shed has had a lot of work don! I love the idea of a nice cheery red carpet with glitter already in it!
Bella has helped me write this reply and sends Meows.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12
Wow! What a transformation! And done so quickly! Love the carpet!
Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful week!
Carol N #19
Wow! It really did need sorting didn't it. I'm impressed with how fast it was done and the carpet is fabulous! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, With Love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#15)
HI Sarah, happy belated birthday. Ooh I totally get that, yay for a new floor. this must be such a relief to have the dirty parts behind you and the fun stuff of reorganizing to and get just so. ~Stacy #20
Wow Wow Wow and glittery sparkles too what a great job well done.
Thanks for sharing that's made me smile
Thanks for the visit too. BJ#17
Sarah, I LOVE, LOVE your shed! It is absolutely spectacular!! You had to go through the mill to have the revamp, but it looks to be TOTALLY worth it!! Bravo! And the red carpet with glitter was a very clever idea!! LOLOLOL Happy Belated Birthday to you and blessings for your new year! Thanks you, as always, for stopping by my desk! You stay safe and healthy as well! Felicia #21
Whata transformation in sucha short time!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #5
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!
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