Wednesday, 19 February 2025

WOYWW 820/40: Just Chillin'

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks which is WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday), the brainchild of Julia, who has kindly entrusted it to me to continue after 15 years of togetherness.  Please feel free to link up your desk and visit others' - we are a friendly bunch. 

My desk shows some of the recent arrivals from Clarity Crafts, including an ATC folder and a personalised mini Groovi plate for if I start participating in the monthly PTC swap as well as the Clarity ATC swap.  As you can see in the background, I now have a storage unit for my stamp pens so they are more easily on hand.  I also treated myself to the sets of Dylusions mini Archival inks.

My #dailyart2025 is still going strong.  

I would have gone to choir yesterday evening - I decided to sign up after all - but had an email on Monday to say it would not be going ahead as not enough people had signed up.

Sorry I didn't visit until the weekend last week.  It became rather manic towards half term so I was too tired to do much other than eat and fall into bed until the weekend.

Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Grungy Caravan Card

 I liked the grungy effect of Barbara Gray's Project that accompanied the February Clarity New Design Club stamp.  I only drink mint tea however, so didn't have a tea bag to create the background.  I decided to use one of the Darjeeling Collage papers to create a similar effect and work on a kraft card.

Monday, 17 February 2025

Bijou Geese Mini Make

 The mid month mini make challenge over on Clarity Crafts Mini Makes & ATCs is to create a piece no more than 5" x 5" featuring Feathered Friends and using scraps of paper.  It should also include a touch of blue, as that is the colour theme for this month.  This is what I came up with.

Sunday, 16 February 2025

Floral Forest and Floral Flourish Designs: Ideas and Inspiration

I thought I'd share a collection of projects using the Floral Forest and Floral Flourish designs from Clarity Crafts which are available as dies, stencils and 3 way overlay stamps.  Links to the step by step for each project are available below each picture.

I combined stamps and stencil for this card (see HERE).

Saturday, 15 February 2025

February #dailyart2025 Pages: Part One

 I have settled well into a routine with my #dailyart2025 pages in my Clarity Petite Journal.  I am still using the prompts from the FB group 365 Days of Drawing Prompts and Other Art.  I am now using only Faber-Castell Albrecht Dürer watercolour pencils with a watercolour brush pen and a black Posca pen for the titles/ occasional detail.  Here is the story of February so far...


I seem to be on a whimsical/cartoon like run at the moment.

An easy one to guess!
Double response - having trouble with the internet in the craft shed at the moment.
Had to come up with a different angle after 'self care' last month.
I found this one tough.
A bit obvious maybe?
Back to whimsical.
The closest to a heart shaped instrument I could think of for Valentine's day.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

WOYWW 819/39: Home Stretch

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks which is WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday), the brainchild of Julia, who was kindly entrusted it to me to continue after 15 years of togetherness.  Please feel free to link up your desk and visit others' - we are a friendly bunch.

As promised, my desk this week shows the projects I completed on Saturday at Tilly tea Dance's workshop.  I was really pleased with the finish piece.  It was great to catch up with Jo, Max and a school friend of mine who came to the workshop too.  I have three more workshops booked for 2025 and am really looking forward to them.

The internet is still dodgy in the shed!
Had to come up with a different view after 'self care' last month.

Some challenging prompts this week - especially the last one.

Yesterday was a musical day as I had my recorder group in the afternoon and then a taster session with the new Magical Voices choir that has just started in Stoke on Trent.  Songs from the musicals including Les Mis.  Great fun, but I won't be joining up until I no longer have to get up early for work on Wednesdays.

It is half term next week at least!

Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

In The Pink: A Tag

 The current prompt over on Tag Tuesday is In the Pink.  I thought this one qualified.

I started by adding a blending mat copy paper mop up sheet to a #8 manilla tag. 

I then blended Blaze ink through the Garden Heart stencil, moving the stencil around until the whole of the tag was covered.

Next, I stamped the heart in Terracotta and the verse which comes with it in Dark Garnet Artistry ink. 

The heart background was painted in Blaze ink and a water brush.  I picked out the birds from the stencilled background, drawing around them with a fine liner and painted them in same way.

I love how the stencil complements the stamp set.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Sharp and Blurred Photo

As these stamps are based on photographs, I decided to create a blurred image effect using rainbow colours to go with the crisper image.

Sunday, 9 February 2025

February ATC: Calm/Blue

I am really enjoying participating in the monthly swaps on the Clarity Crafts Mini Makes & ATCs Facebook page.  This is what I made for my swap partner in February - the prompts were blue and calm.

Friday, 7 February 2025

Birthday Postcards

There are some fabulous postcards that have images from the first Timestamp Creations collection.  They are printed by Clarity Crafts using images by Janice Phillips.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

Timestamp Creations Notelets

I love the new stamps from Timestamp Creations made by Clarity Crafts from Janice Phillips' photographs.  I was lucky enough to be sent a couple of the sets and the alphabet to play with but will be buying more.  Here are a pair of mini makes using some of the smaller images.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

WOYWW 818/38: Felting Ahead

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks which is WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday), the brainchild of Julia, who was kindly entrusted it to me to continue after 15 years of togetherness.  Please feel free to link up your desk and visit others' - we are a friendly bunch.

And so February arrives, and with it my latest goodies from Clarity.  I have made samples with other stamps and stencils in this collection, but they were split into smaller bundles for shows and I couldn't resist buying the ones I don't have.

My #dailyart2025 drawings have been mainly cartoonlike and whimsical for the last week.

I am looking forward to my needle felting class with Tilly Tea Dance on Saturday.  I am going with a former school friend this time and we will be creating a toadstool picture. That seems to link in well with what BJ and Angela (Felix the Crafty Cat) have been up to recently too. I am also looking forward to catching up with Jo (Twiglet).

Meeting after school this evening as usual, so will catch up with everyone in the morning if I don't visit before I leave for work.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.