Wednesday, 11 August 2021

WOYWW 636: Over Half Way

Well the Wednesdays are certainly flying by as I join in once again with Julia and my WOYWW friends at Stamping Ground.  I am sure that LLJ will appreciate this week's number as I know she likes palindromes.

There's a feeling of déjà vu on my desk today.  I am nearly at the end of my second sketchbook of the year as I continue with the daily drawings.  I have a third ready to go which will see me to the end of the year.

Eva and I went for a walk around the lake in Trentham Gardens yesterday morning before our craft session.

It was great to be back at the footie on Saturday watching Stoke beat Reading 3-2.  Unfortunately #1 son couldn't be there as he and his brother (they share a house) were self isolating. #1 son tested positive for Covid last week.  Luckily he had had his first jab and so he is already starting to feel better after a rough couple of days.  He will have to postpone his second jab as it was due next Monday and he has to wait 28 days to get it.  So far #2 son is OK and I am hoping it stays that way.  

A few people have been talking about stamp storage recently so I thought I'd show you my main stamp storage - in blank DVD boxes in DVD towers from IKEA.  Each tower holds up to 88 DVD cases and acrylic stamps attach to both sides of the case (as seen on my desk last week).  I label the spines for easy finding and store any masks in the cases too.  I am not sure what I shall do when I run out of space as I cannot fit another tower in the shed lol.

Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

How lovely that you and Eva had a walk out - I hadn't realised from FB that is who you'd gone with. Hope your sons recover soon/continue to avoid Covid!
Your stamp storage looks fabulous- do you need a ladder to reach the top?! Have a great week. Helen #2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You’re right! Idi smile to myself when typing 636 at the top of my post *grin* You know me so well, lol! I’m sorry to hear about your son and really hope that he recovers well from Covid and the other doesn’t catch it, we still have to be so careful. Lovely to see Eva, I’m glad you had a good walk - your storage is amazing btw, Helen’s comment about the ladder made me laugh!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Your stamp storage is a thing of beauty. I always appreciate organisation and storage - spent a lot of time in libraries in my youth and should have trained to be a librarian! I would definitely need a ladder to reach the top. I have a little folding stool in my craft room to reach the top of my storage wall. Ali x #12

Neet said...

So sorry to hear of your son. Hope he is out of it soon.
Love the storage - so neat and tidy.
As always, enjoying your drawings. I think 'Hysterical' would make a fabulous stamp to go as a head on some of my Dylusion bodies. Brilliant!
Have a lovely wee
Hugs, Neet 10 xx

Christine said...

Hoe your son recovers soon, it is an awful thing and I hope he doesn't suffer from too many after effects, long covid just goes on and on.
Love the idea for your stamps . . . may put some DVD covers on my Christmas list!!
Love to Eva, she's looking well.
Have a good week
Christine #16

Lynnecrafts said...

Hope your son recovers soon Sarah, and that his brother avoids it.
Lovely to think of you and Eva walking around the lake in Trentham gardens. I used to go there with my Mum.
Great drawings as ever. I love the interpretation you make of each tag, like comfy knickers 😻
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 4

Crafting With Jack said...

Hope your son recovers quickly. Lovely to have a walk with Eva. I am amazed at how many stamps you have, your storage system is great though. Have a great week Angela #9

April said...

Hi Sarah, it's good to meet you too :) thanks for stopping by and also for the tip to take a look at The Works, I will do that thank you.

Your desk looks very organised, love your sketches! your stamp storage is fantastic! you obviously have an extensive collection :)

Hope your son is fully recovered soon.

Have a great week.
April #17

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

The tower looks like a great idea and doesn't take up too much space. Ikea are very clever. Pleased to hear you too are enjoying your freedom time. My mother's family were from Stoke On Trent though I have never visited it. They moved over to South Yorkshire as my great Grandfather was an engineer when they opened the mine where I grew up. Enjoy the rest of your week and a happy woyww, Angela x14x

Empire of the Cat said...

Oh I love your DVD towers, not seen them at IKEA but they look like very useful storage. I meant to take some photos of stamp storage for this week and I forgot, so I will try to do it for next week. I love your drawings as usual, especially the baby! Hope your son gets better soon, Happy WOYWW! Elle #21, EOTC

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I can certainly identify with the comfort of those full briefs! Amazing stamp storage! Mine are just in boxes or scattered around - it's a miracle that I find anything! Mind you I don't have that many stamps, but it was just today I was wondering how I will keep track of them! That's a bit worrying about your son getting Covid - hopefully, all goes well - young people are more resilient than we are and it's lucky he's had his first shot. I think the actual R-rate is a lot higher than they tell us and people are letting down their guards. Take care and greetings to Eva. xx zsuzsa #19

Shoshi said...

Your drawings made me hoot this week, Sarah! Especially "Comfortable" lol!! Made me think of Kermit's support pants (Kermit is my stoma - support pants are big like your drawing, to hold my hernia in!!) I loved "Hysterical" as well - what a fantastic bit of draftsmanship! (or is that draughtsmanship? Can't remember which is for drawing and which is for cold air lol!) Your interpretation of "Bar" made me smile too! And I loved "Friend" - that kitty face is so sweet, and I love the way the dog's eyes are looking that way. I think this is your best collection yet! You should publish these! I love your stamp storage - it's really impressive, and so neat.

Thank you for your comment. Very good news on the oncology front - chemo not necessary! What a relief! I'm so glad you enjoyed the kitty video. Cats are so funny, only peeing indoors haha! I'm glad you liked the card I made. I did a post about the Zentangle piece that was published in the book, way back on my old blog. If you are interested in the book, here's the link to that old blog post: and the following post if you scroll down. Unfortunately there are no photos - this is why I abandoned that blog, because Blogger managed to erase ALL the photos from 8 years' worth of blogging and trying to replace them all, I nearly lost the will to live, and gave up, and started a new one. I am thinking of doing some "archive revive" posts on my blog of some of the best stuff from the old blog, so they can be enjoyed again. What do you think?

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #11-ish (can't access Julia's blog as it's being blocked by Norton...)

StampinCarol said...

Great stamp storage! I used to use blank DVD and CD cases but since I purged so much and became an affiliate for so many I use baskets.
Great drawings!
Hope your son heals quickly.
Have a great week and thanks for popping by!
Carol N #20

Spyder said...

The breies do look comfy... but I think my fav this week is....friend! Hope you son gets better quickly and your other son doesn't go down with it later. Like the shelfing! it all look very neat!
Stay safe. Happy WOYWW? ((Lyn)) #23

Lynn Holland said...

That’s one impressive collection you’ve got there Sarah. We have the same shelves full of cd’s that we hardly use now as we have an Alexa.
I love your daily drawings, it’s such a great practice. Looking forward to seeing your progress
Take care
Lynn xx 13

Julia Dunnit said...

Good grief, when you measure the year by three sketchbooks it seems very short! Well done on keeping up, it’s a triumph of your time management skills isn’t it. Lovely pic of Eva, must be nice to have had a stroll knowing that you had crafty session to look forward to as well.
I in awe, not only of the storage method, but the number of stamps you must have! Am going to show MeBart, it will help him understand that we don’t like to trade or give away stamps which was his suggestion whilst in was pondering my storage. Yikes!

Marit said...

Wowzah, you kept up with the drawing for so long, my compliments! I hope your son is feeling better right now, it's still scary, that virus going around. I am in ooh and aah over the amount of dvd-boxes (meaning stamps!!!) My day (thursday) is sunny and bright and I hope your day/week is the same! Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday, it was good to 'see' you! Hug from Holland! Marit #7

Twiglet said...

A brilliant use of storage there Sarah. Glad you enjoyed a crafty day with your friend - so nice just to share quality time together. xx Jo

Stacy Sheldon said...

Sarah, I am sorry to hear that your sons are in quarantine but, that sounds really encouraging that he has had one shot and feeling better. Love the bird sketch too. ~Stacy #25

Lillianb said...

sorry to hear about you son #1 and hope he is better soon, that # 2 son is okay as well. Love you drawings the baby made me smile,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian Beazer #22

BJ said...

Ah "Comfortable" Pants. I went there after my son was born on the advice of my Mother-in-law. Only came out again a few years ago LOL. Son 23yrs this year too. Oh my. Love where you are going with the "bar", that's certainly my kinda bar (is there any other?)
Thanks for the visit BJ#18

Susan Renshaw said...

What an amazing set of storage!
I too am pretty keen on numbers. My Daughter Sophie was only telling me today how weird I am having a book of prime numbers. I did used to teach maths. Anyway today Sophie is 35 - half teh age of her Dad who is 70 - and when she was 14 (2 X 7) and I was 49 (7 to the power of 2)... Enough!!

Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #27
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, it's great to see that you and Eva are crafting together again, and enjoying a walk too. Gives me hope that we'll all be meeting up at a crop in the not so distant future. As you know, I enjoy your daily drawings but some interpretation of the word make me laugh out loud ... this week it was 'comfortable':) And it was your stamp storage that inspired me to invest in DVD covers for my stamp sets. It's still a work in progress but I really appreciate how much easier to find stamps and how tidy it is too. Hugs, Elizabeth x#24

Lindart said...

Wow! That's quite the stamp storage, and it looks so neat and tidy! So sorry about your son getting Covid, glad he's feeling better already, and hope your other son stays OK. Such a scary business. Your drawings are great as usual, I'm liking the bird the best today, reminds me of sitting on the porch in the morning watching the chickadees at the feeder! Have a great week, Lindart #23