Wednesday 19 June 2024

WOYWW 785/5: Still Busy

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks that is WOYWW, led for 15 years by Julia who trusted me to take up the reins.

I am very busy with sample making and report writing, neither of which can be shown on my desk, so I took a snap yesterday morning as I was working on my #dailycollage2024 page.  You can see some of the ephemera that I have been using on my pages for June and my trusty glue runner.  The glasses case is always a feature as they are now essential for close work and reading.
Tribute to Dad.
The parents' evening went well and I was quite busy.  Reports should be done with by the weekend and I am looking forward to a felting class with Tilly Tea Dance on Saturday.  Also a catch up with Jo (Twiglet) who is bringing the memory cushions that I commissioned from Annie (Whipso) at the WOYWW crop.  Saturday evening I am also playing in a recorder concert where I will be seeing all my siblings, my Mum and my brother- and sister-in law.  Sunday would have been our 34th wedding anniversary so I am trying to keep busy.  I wish Caro a Happy Anniversary as we shared the date if not the year.
Stay safe and thanks for joining in with WOYWW.
PS I have comment moderation on so you won't see your comment until I have chance to approve it.  Will be at Eva's watching the footy this evening so will be later on.


Helen said...

Happy WOYWW ! a tough couple of weeks you've had with Father's day and your anniversary this weekend. Glad you are keeping busy and i am sure the felting class will be wonderful. Take care. Helen #1

Neet said...

You've done well if you have only recently become dependent on your specs for reading etc.
Sorry about all the anniversaries coming up so close together. There are always going to be these reminders coming up Sarah but you are going about things in the right way and planning ahead to keep yourself busy. The class with Tilly will be so lovely for you, you know what you are doing so go and try to enjoy yourself and family are once again coming to the rescue for you on Sunday. Take care, so many people will be thinking of you.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Mary Anne said...

Busy busy life, some good, some sad. Keeping busy is the best plan, I agree. Lovely collages again. Enjoy the felting. Good friends and learning will help keep your spirits up I’m sure. Happy Woyww hugs.

Mary Anne

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’ll be thinking about you on your anniversary, it will be a tough day for you,, keeping busy does sound like the best thing to do. Hope the concert goes well xx
Hugs LLJ 4 xx

Twiglet said...

I love the purple collages- a great colour combo. I'm really looking forward to seeing you on Saturday and hope you enjoy your Tilly workshop. x x Jo

Annie said...

These dates are difficult days and I will be thinking of you. Hoping you enjoy the felting class with Max....the cushions are with Jo ready to come too. Keep busy and keep smiling my friend.
Annie x

Lisa-Jane Johnson said...

I shall look forward to seeing what you create in Tilly's class. I wish I lived close enough to do one but also I fear it would be another crafting rabbit hole that I'd go down! Sending you love and strength for the weekend. These dates and events are like someone on the high street trying to get you to hand over money. They get in your face and you try to avoid them but there's just no escape and you just have to grit your teeth and get through it, however you can is the right way. Here's hoping for a a sunny week, Lisa-Jane #6

Kyla said...

So pleased you took up Julias woyww. Sounds like a hard couple of weeks for you, but hope the family catch up, recorder concert and felting are good

BJ said...

Lovely desk shot and can't believe you have only just become dependant on the glasses. I've needed reading ones for many years now and also distance so went bifocal a few years back too! Loving all your purple pages and great to see the folder they are in too. Looks like you are keeping yourself busy around this anniversary time, I've had a bit of an "anniversary" week myself. The memory cushions will be very special. Hugs BJ#11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds like you've been busy but at least the report writing will be finished soon and I look forward to seeing what you make during your day with Tilly. Love the journal colours today and well done for keeping it going. Wishing you a woyww of smiles. Hugs Angela x14x

Crafting With Jack said...

Hello Sarah, the book you are working in intrigues me, did you make it?. I always wonder if the pages turn smoothly when they art on separate rings. Enjoy your felting. Sending love and hugs. Angela #12

Diana Taylor said...

I'm loving your collages Sarah, the colours are gorgeous. I hope you have a lovely time with Tilly Tea Dance, I would love to do one of her classes, and I look forward to seeing your creation. I hope the week goes well for you, it's good to have family to lean on for those tricky anniversaries and events.
Hugs, Diana xx #15

Julia Dunnit said...

A slew of 'firsts' Sarah; seems so soon to be have to be facing anniversaries and events without Paul. Keep busy sure, but don't overwork yourself, you'll be permanently exhausted and grief is tiring enough. You're sure fitting a lot into your days gal, am very much enjoying your colour palette for June.

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your daily collages, Sarah. Anniversaries are hard so I'm sending big hugs. Good that you've a plan to keep busy.
take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13 xx

Robyn said...

Busy! i'll say! I need a nap just reading this post! thanks for pop up comments, as now I can comment with ease. Robyn 17 (currently last and hopefully not least !)

Lindart said...

That binder is really filling up! My favourite collage this week is the Father's Day collage. My Dad passed away in 2021, and my Father-in-Law has passed as well. So it was a bit of a day of remembering, as well as celebrating the wonderful Dad that my hubby is. Have a great week, Lindart #19

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Sarah, would you please put a link on your page to your profile and thence to your email if it can still be done. I've emailed Julia with a query, cos don't have your email. I've my email link on my profile .. just a suggestion. Love Shaz in Oz.x

Susan Renshaw said...

Love those collage pieces. Super colour!
Happy WOYWW! Susan #5