Wednesday, 13 July 2022

WOYWW 664: Two Days to Go

 Only today and Friday to go and my holidays have started.  Still have to rewrite the MFL curriculum for next year but that will be done before the end of July.  But you are here to see my desk and join in with WOYWW courtesy of Julia.

Getting ready to publish my #dailychallenge2022 journal page as always.  I finally cut up a paper place mat that I picked up in a Hungarian restaurant when we visited Roumania back in February 2019.  It made four great pages with the paper dolls.

Yesterday I went along to a recorder group that my brother has started conducting.  I hadn't played for ages and they have a concert next week, but I had a lot of fun and really enjoyed myself.  I will be going back.  Tonight is Awards' Night in school and I will be staying in school until it finishes.  Won't be visiting until the morning therefore as I won't get home until after 9pm. 


Helen said...

Love the pages - well done for using the placemat finally ! Hope the day - and evening - go well ! Woop woop for the last 2 days of term Helen # ?

Mariane said...

What a superb pages. Looks very inspiring! I do hope your day will be great and fun. Have a good day, Sarah

Mariane #4

Neet said...

So fortunate you could use the placemat in this way. Hurrah for Roumanian eateries. Lovely pages!
How good is that that the holidays are here at last. How I used to look forward to that last week in school, I can imagine how good that feels after the long hard slog of the year.
Kedep playing and enjoying the orchestral group.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Bet you can t wait for the holidays! How fab that you’ve joined the recorder group, I used to have a beautiful treble recorder made from sycamore but it never got played much so I passed it on, made a lovely sound though!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Oh my those journal pages are brilliant. It's great to find a use for stuff that would normally end up in the bin and some of those placement mats and napkins are perfect for journals. Some of the schools round us don't finish till next week so we are going to try and visit the dragons at the castle this week before it gets too busy.....fingers crossed! Enjoy your end of term. Stay cool and have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x11x

Twiglet said...

What a fab way to use your holiday placemat - great pages. Enjoy your holiday! xx Jo

Kelly said...

Good morning, Sarah. Love the pages. Sounds as if you've been keeping busy. I've never heard of adults playing the recorder. Here in the US, they are part of elementary music class and that's about the extent of it. Maybe I should get my granddaughter's out and have a go. Hmm. Thanks for inspiring! Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #18

Crafting With Jack said...

Fabulous pages. I really must get myself some words. I often think I will type some, but never seem to get around to it. Another thing I thought of is one of those gadgets that print words on a plastic tape. Hope you scanned your place mat! Happy WOYWW. Angela #13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Sounds like a long day. Love your journal works. Really fun pages. Glad to know your out and about also, I think we ALL need that. ENJOY

My name is Cindy said...

Had to smile about the placemat - I have been known to re-purpose an interesting napkin when out. Great that it is nearly holiday time, but just met up with my school attendance officer friend and realised when trying to schedule lunch in between summer holidays that it”s really not that long!! Don’t think I ever mastered the recorder but glad you had fun!! Have a good week, Cindy @8 xx

Annie said...

I'm late making my visits's been a crazily busy day with sewing today and I still have work lined up for the morning.
I love what you've done with the placemat. I bet you cant wait for the holidays now.
Annie x #9

Spyder said...

Yes the pages are loverly and I'm thinking about how I can have a go...I have loads of old photos of family, back in the black and white days, when no one smiles and they just stood there. Don't know who they are but it seems a waste to just leave them in the attic, I'm sure they'd like to be turned into 'pages' and have a bit of fun! I guess you really are looking forward to the holidays when you can get more crafty things done! Stay safe and cool! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#17

Tracy said...

Belated WOYWW Sarah ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ’• the days are passing ๐Ÿฅฐ getting nearer your holiday๐Ÿคธ‍♀️๐Ÿ˜˜๐Ÿ’• I hope you managed to get some sleep after a busy day. I adore your pages ... I'm starting to crave pretty papers to journal and scrap with ๐Ÿ˜‰ you're an inspiration! Hoood luck with the recorder group ๐ŸŽถ๐ŸŽต๐ŸŽผSending love and hugs Tracy #12 xxxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Gosh,, you’re another day nearer to breaking up now, because I tackled the list from the far end this week! I don’t know, but am going to hazard a guess that the MFL part of the curriculum stuff isn’t you running off at the mouth and using initials for rude words because you still have stuff to do?! ๐Ÿคฃ
Loving the journal pages, my word who knew that even using stuff up could turn out so creatively. My using stuff up pile does not inspire me the same way, am full of admiration!

BJ said...

Oh my life I am sooooooo late sitting down at my PC to comment this week – so sorry no idea where the week went but I did get a craft delivery from Kraft Crazy on Thursday so that might account for some of it.

Whoop Whoop for the Summer Holidays. Love the purple piano page and that you got to play your recorder again.