Wednesday, 10 November 2021

WOYWW 649: Back in the Swing of Work

 Morning and welcome to the weekly desk sharing thanks to WOYWW and Julia at Stamping Ground.

My desk looks a little different this morning.  I have been playing with some of the new Montage stamp sets from Clarity which are this evening's One Day Special on The Craft Store.
This is the first sample I made with the set at the bottom.  I am still drawing every day.  Here are the latest since Inktober finished.

I have my booster jab booked for Saturday and I had my flu jab back in September so I will feel a bit more confident after it is done.  I am still wearing a mask in school and have avoided COVID19 up to now.
Eva popped in for some crafting last Thursday - with some colouring as you can see. 

I'll be round in the morning to visit as I have training after school this evening.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW everyone.


Helen said...

Love the montage stamps Saeah . Yay fur the booster jab . Have a happy woyww. My computer has died on me so I'm stuck!! Helen can't link

Julia Dunnit said...

Ooh lovely colouring on the montage stamp, I can see those being a very useful addition to your stamp armour! Am so glad that you remain Covid free, it’s extrA hard work in your job.

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings, love the rooster! Your new stamps are quite unusual, love the colours you have used. Happy WOYWW and hoping we all stay Covid free. Angela #6

Lunch Lady Jan said...

The new stamps are interesting, they remind me of Clarice Cliff designs! The drawings are fun to see - and so is Eva!! *waves back*. She’s looking very well indeed. Hope your booster goes ok, I can’t wait to get mine either.
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah. Loving the new stamp, I'm sure she did some montage stamps years ago but this is quite different from how I remember the one I have. I'll have to see if I can find it. This looks bigger too. Loving your drawings. I just realised that I wasn't one of your followers so I rectified that and now I am. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x13x

Annie said...

I'm so glad you are getting your booster and flu jab has been done....I've not heard when I'm getting mine as yet sadly. I really love your daily sketches...your head must be full of brilliant ideas.
Annie x #7

Diana Taylor said...

Loving the new stamp set - the card you made is gorgeous, and works especially well in those lovely vibrant colours.
Have a great week
Diana xx #18

Neet said...

You still amaze me with those drawings, you think up some fantastic pictures to go with words - lots which I would struggle with.
Hope you manage to keep on keeping Covid free, good that you have the booster booked, they seem to be rolling them out very quickly now.
Hugs Neet 3 xx

Lynnecrafts said...

I adore your beautiful imperfections card Sarah, that’s a very satisfying arrangement of shapes and colours. Lovely drawings. I hope your booster jab is ok. Mine was just a sore arm
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12

BJ said...

Oh trying to get my head round the montage stamp, how did you colour it so perfectly, a special clarity technique no doubt, lovely. My hubby is having his flu and booster at the same time in a few weeks. I've not had any at all.
Thanks for your visit today, hugs BJ#8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Happy WOYWW kind of day. Great new stamps and pretty colorful card. I so much enjoy your drawings. Amazing, I'd be the one on that wire, balancing life...and Courageous is what I have to be. Thanks for the fun Enjoy a great week

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Love what you did with the stamped image and it's always fun to see your new drawings. I could do with that wad of money to give to my dentist LOL! Stay safe! xx zsuzsa #22

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

ps. Lovely to see Eva again!

Ellie said...

Love the sampler, will be watching the show later. Aww glad to see Eva popped round, hope the training goes well
Ellie #26

Caro said...

That montage stamp set looks great - I love the way you have added the colours. So glad your booster jab is booked - my flue jab is at the end of November, not sure about booster yet. Love the drawings as usual. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe, with love & God bless, Caro xx (#15)

Shoshi said...

Those new stamps look intriguing, Sarah. Lovely drawings a ever - "Upsetting" was very poignant! Our 2 kitties are very unfazed by fireworks but my very first kitty used to cower under the sitting room table for days and was absolutely terrified! Nice to see Eva again.

Thank you for your visit. I shall be fine fatigue-wise - it comes and goes and I have been pretty busy lately. Things are fairly quiet at the moment so I've got the opportunity to rest. Glad you've got a printer you are happy with. I still haven't made a decision about it.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #10

Lindart said...

Hi Sarah! Glad you are all vaccinated. We are still waiting for our flu shot to come up (we're on a list), and the Booster has just started for some people, but I think we have to wait 6 months after jab #2 before we can get it, so for us that would be January. Since we essentially stay at home all day, it's not a huge concern yet. Love the drawings as usual, but I don't get "finger"...maybe because I'm in Canada? The only finger I know is fish finger - would that be it? It's nice to see Eva, have a great week, Lindart #27

Lynn Holland said...

I do love your daily drawings.
We are all jabbed up here now. Fingers crossed we all stay well.
The colour combinations on your stamped images are lovely.
Take care
Lynn xx

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, love the shading you did on all those blocks of color in the top card a lot :) Yay for being fully vaccinated I have my fingers crossed it works in my favor too :) ~Stacy #25

Kyla said...

loving the stamp and card really effective.I have already had my flu jab and my 3rd dose of the C19 vaccine and like you I also still wear a mask, especially at work and indoors.


Spyder said...

Liking the stamp, not come across one like that. I've had my booster and the flu jab this week, all ok so far! Probably like the 'morning' drawing this week best! Happy very late woyww (have only just got into Julia's) ((Lyn))