Wednesday, 24 November 2021

WOYWW 651: Still No Voice

 Keeping the weekly desk sahring short and to the point.  Please visit Julia at Stamping Ground to find out more about WOYWW.  Sorry I didn't visit anyone last week.  I have spent most of it in bed and still have no voice - signed off work for at least a week now so I can continue to rest it.

Not much has happened on the desk this week, although I have just about managed to keep up with a quick daily drawing and set work for school.

As you can see they have been very quick and simple this week.  Apart from the lack of voice I am starting to feel a little more human, so will try and be better with my visiting this week.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, so sorry to hear you've been so ill but I hope you continue to recover fully this week. As usual, I enjoyed your daily drawings, particularly your interpretation of 'above'. Thanks for your earlier comment. Have a great WOYWW. Hugs, Elizabeth x#6

Christine said...

Sounds like whatever you've had is slowly working it's way out of your body, let's hope so. Stay warm and take it easy, lots of crafting might help!!!
Christine #04

Neet said...

I feel as if I am joining you with the throat/loss of voice as i am very croaky. Hope you soon begin to feel better. People don't realise how teachers cannot be really ill, they still have to set work when off.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Well, you can't teach with your voice gone, but you can definitely still draw! Glad you're feeling a bit better now - rest lots. Hope you're back to full health soon. xx zsuzsa #20

My name is Cindy said...

Sorry to hear you've been poorly but the best thing probably is to rest your voice so a it's good you are off work. I used to find it infuriating when people would constantly ask me what was wrong - in the end I made a sign to hold up!! Nice excuse to do some gentle crafting!! Hope you feel better soon. Happy WOYWW, have a great week, stay safe stay well, love n hugs Cindyxx #19

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh Sarah sorry to hear your not back to good health. Have you tried local honey. 2 TBL a day Maybe google and read on it's benefits. Best Wishes on feeling better.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

This sounds familiar, all that talking you have to do. Take care and hope you're better soon. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

Helen said...

I knew you must have been feeling really rough as you've not be around much on FB. Glad you are starting to feel a bit better, hope the voice comes back soon. Take care and stay safe. Helen #3

Caro said...

Oh you poor thing, there are some really nasty bugs going round at the moment. I hope you feel very much better soon. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings. I am sorry you re so poorly, rest relax and recuperate x love Angela x #11

StampinCarol said...

Hope you recover your voice soon! Glad you are feeling a bit better.
I enjoy your drawings!
Carol N #21

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You seem t have had a run of colds etc this year, take care of yourself girlie and get some Sambuccol Elderberry tonic, it’s good stuff and gives a kick of Vitamin C. I’m glad your’e igned off, rest up and get better soon.
Hugs LLJ 12 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

It’s very frustrating for you, but just what you need really, lots of quiet and rest. Your poor voice, overall exhaustion I think and I feel for you, you’re so active that having your wings clipped must feel a bit odd! Keeping up with anything whilst you feel rotten is amazing zsarsh, and I’m glad to read that you feel better than you did. Don’t worry about commenting, just improve daily until you’re ready to face the final furlong to Christmas!

Spyder said...

Me with no voice would make my Hubby very happy! And I've only just realised, I never stop taking...even when no ones there! Hope you are feeling a lot better soon! My fav drwing this week is.... above...because it too me a tenth of a second to see, it's looking down...Stay Safe! Keep on Crafting. Happy late WOYWW!?((Lyn))#16

BJ said...

Oh you poor thing, glad you managed to keep up with the drawings though. Thanks for the visit BJ#5