Wednesday, 17 November 2021

WOYWW 650: Winter Bugs

 Short desk share today - please visit Julia at Stamping Ground to find out more about WOYWW.

I am keeping up with my daily drawing and posted some samples off on Monday, but otherwise not a lot to see.  I am not feeling particularly creative thanks to laryngitis and a snotty cold.  The tests continue to be negative though so just a winter bug.  I had my booster jab on Saturday so that may also be partially to blame.

I may see if I can be excused the training after school this evening so I can have an early night - if I make it in at all.  It's a light teaching day, but I usually get 6 sets of books marked in school on a Wednesday so I don't want to fall behind.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW everyone.


Helen said...

what a rotten "coincidence" to be poorly after your booster - bit like the work colleague who right after her booster caught covid! Glad you are testing negative though, and hope the bug passes quickly. Take care and happy WOYWW Helen#2

Diana Taylor said...

Loving the drawings and so glad you are managing to keep up with them despite the bug - hope you feel better soon and so glad the tests keep coming back negative.
Take care of yourself and hope you get your early night,
Diana xx #12

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Sorry you’re feeling poorly, it may well be a reaction to the jab as well as winter germs doing the rounds. Hope you have a quiet day and feel better soon.
HUgs LLJ 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sorry to hear you're not feeling to good but that's teaching for you. Children are very good at passing stuff on. Since I finished I have only had one cold whereas I used to get them often especially at the end of term....typical! Take care and hope you're feeling better soon. Hugs and wishes for a very happy and maybe creative woyww, Angela x15x

Lynnecrafts said...

So sorry you’ve feeling unwell Sarah. Get some rest!. Your daily drawings are great as ever.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13

My name is Cindy said...

So many horrid bugs around already this year, doing my best to stay germ free as fed up of feeling ill!! Got my booster this w/e, first 2 didn't bother me at all but quite a few reports of sore arms and yukkiness this time round so I'm crossing my fingers I get off lightly - still, I have nothing planned this w/e. Love your drawings so dediced. Yes do get home early, you need to look after yourself. Have a good week. Love n hugs Cindy xx #14

Neet said...

I am surprised you are teaching with laryngitis, not easy to be using your voice a lot and maybe not wise Sarah. When I had it I was told to rest what there was of a voice.
Take care.
Love the daily drawings - as always yu amaze me.
Hugs, Neet 4 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Sorry to hear you are poorly and still working! Glad it is not Covid, but still take care of yourself x Angela #7

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh you poor thing, laryngitis is the pits. I think it would be prudent to let work slip a little bit whilst you get well, it’s not as if you’re a shirker who won’t make it up! Crap timing with the booster, it may have made you a bit more susceptible, but we’ll never really know, just important that you feel better v soon. Hugs. Xx

StampinCarol said...

Hope you get to feeling better soon! And glad it's not the "virus"! Great drawings!
Get plenty of rest!
Carol N #20

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, sorry to hear your so poorly. I got sick (literally) after my booster so wouldn't be at surprised if that's what's made you ill. As always, I'm enjoying your daily drawings. Take it easy and get well. Hugs, Elizabeth x #24

Christine said...

Hope your feeling better soon
Christine #22

Susan Renshaw said...

Love the core and the folds...
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
Susan #16
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