Saturday, 1 May 2021

Daily Drawing Latest Round Up: April Part 2

 I have filled my first sketchbook of daily drawings for this year.  I work in a Daler Rowney sketchbook 148mm x 130mm/5.8" x 5.1" with 150gsm/101lb cartridge paperand a fine black Posca pen.  Here are the drawings which take me to 25% of 2021 completed.

A straight forward response to an easy prompt.
Another easy prompt for ideas.
A challenge indeed - to come up with an idea and execute it.  I actually did a parachute jump when I was at university, but my parachute was round.
I am still avoiding having to draw people. 
A new Posca pen started for this one.
Another easy prompt to draw.
I admit to using a picture online as guidance for this one (see HERE).
Another easy prompt - especially as I wear glasses.
I went with a cartoon like response.
I was brave enough to draw people, but only a rear view.
I usually take a lunchbox to work.
A bit of a challenge, but I had a lightbulb moment lol.
An easy choice to draw.
A bit of a cop out - it is such a broad topic.
Indeed random pieces to put together and also connected with the games themselves.

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