Monday, 18 September 2017

Art Journal Prompts 38: Abstract

I didn't have a great deal of time to complete this page in response to week 38 of Art Journal Prompts: Abstract.  Luckily I always have a stash of mop up sheets (including paper towels) that I can use!
I had a paper towel which I had used to clean my stamp (sound wave stamp from the Music Speaks set by Visible Image) when making yesterday's card (see HERE).
I also had a clean up sheet from a gelli plate/brayer session which used similar colours.  I glued this to a piece of 19.5cm x 18.5cm mixed media card and sealed it with Pebeo Matte Gel; trimming round once dry.
I then added the upper layer of the paper towel over the top, although if you look carefully you can see that I laid it on face down by mistake.  This was also sealed with Pebeo Matte Medium, dried and trimmed.
I then took some of the Archival inks used to stamp the sound wave, dabbed them onto pieces of bubble wrap and added the impressions randomly over the page.
The prompt word 'Abstract' was added using the Claritystamp Word Chain Alphabet, stamped in Versamark ink and heat embossed with Bright White detail embossing powder by Cosmic Shimmer.
Finally, the rest of the quote by John Newman 'All good art is' was printed using my Dymo Letratag and added to the page.

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