Wednesday, 25 March 2020

WOYWW 564: Stay Safe

It feels weird posting this and not going into work today.  I am staff rota team B so I am not needed back in work until next week, although things may change as we are getting fewer pupils than anticipated.  As promised, a shout out to the Y8 pupils who may have left our school last Friday, although hopefully we will be back in time for Prom if everyone follows the instructions we have been given.  My asthma is luckily not chronic enough to have been asked to isolate for 12 weeks, but I have been practising social distancing (as should everyone).
My desk shows a project that I have started on a piece of 6" x 6" grey board.  So far I have given it a coat of white gesso and added some modelling paste through a stencil.  As I write this I am waiting for the paste to dry before adding some Distress Oxide sprays.  As you can see, I am fed up with having no crafty company so I decided to let Tom Baker and Peter Davison keep me company.  I found the framed signed postcards (dating back to 1980) when I was tidying and decided to bring them out to the shed.
I will be joining in with what's On Your Workdesk Wednesday as usual as it is the only way to travel these days.  Looking forward to visiting desks from all around the world today.  My hospital appointment is now a telephone consultation (phew), so I won't have to leave the sanctuary of the shed all day if I don't want to.  Thanks Julia (The Stamping Ground) for hosting our weekly virtual get-togethers.  Hopefully the annual crop will be able to be postponed until later in the year!  Happy WOYWW and stay safe everyone.


Helen said...

Morning fellow work from home-r! seem to have logged on to work already... bit early! Glad you don't have to go out for your appointment. Enjoy your crafting companions - at least if things go "wrong" you can ask them to take you back in time and re-do it!!!! Happy WOYWW Helen 5

sandra de said...

Hello Sarah, good to see you are at home and able to have a health consult over the phone. Enjoy your crafting as it already is looking very nice indeed. Stay safe and keep crafting.
Sandra de @6

glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. Great Dr Who photos keeping you company out there in your shed - I remember it well! So cosy, two sides - one for you and one for a friend. How's Eva doing? I'm sure those days will return.
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #8

Lillianb said...

Two great pictures to keep you company, I have a picture of my late husband on the window sill and I talk to him as though he is there,

Say safe and well,

Lilian B #13

craftyani said...

Good morning Sarah, lovely to wake up to your posts on fb every morning. Glad you can have a consulation over the phone, that is what is happening here, you phone the doctors and the receptionist arranges the doctor to phone you back. No visits only to pick up prescriptions. Keep safe and keep posting. Ani#14

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I'm glad that you're doing ok Sarah and that you're still managing to work, albeit reduced hours. It's so good to have such great methods of communication so we can easily keep in tough with all our friends, crafty or otherwise. And you definitely winthe prize for the Coolest Item on a Desk today, my two fav Dr Who's ever!!
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Debbie Rock said...

Love your crafting companions! If only we could time travel and shoot forward to July and all this horrible business be over. Look forward to seeing your finished project. Take care Sarah, love Debbie xXX

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, good news on the hospital appointment- last place you want to be visiting right now.My GP has been telephone consultation for the last week or so,unless it's absolutely vital to see a GP.We are currently re watching old Dr Who series, just started on Jon Pertwees run.Saw something interesting the other day, Peter Davison is the Father in Law to David Tennant! How strange is that? Stay safe,Have a good week, Huge hugs, Shaz #1 X

lisa said...

Hi Sarah
All you teachers are doing a great job. I work part time in the office so not essential at the mo. I was in on Monday and although the day was very different, we had a few laughs and the children loved what they were doing. We have a large outdoor space at school so they spent much of the day doing outside activities, at a safe distance of course. I may be in, may be not but will help where and when it's needed. Glad you got your appointment done over the phone and are making the most of having more crafty time.
Stay safe and well.

Hugs Lisax #25

Neet said...

My hospital appointment is not until the 18th May so I don't know what will happen, can't do a pacemaker check over the phone can they? Crucial too as the battery has been on low for 18 months now so will be needing replacing this year. Oh heck!
Look forward to seeing what you are doing, can imagine lots of things coming from your desk over the weeks now you are not working full time.
Keep up the crafting and stay safe and well
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I am surprised that you haven't got more children in school and I'm wondering if some parents have kept them at home for fear of them passing the virus on but they may not feel the same in a few weeks. My hubby has done his moderation training on-line and is now awaiting further instruction though I can't see anything happening but we'll see. Sending you best wishes for a happy and creative woyww, Angela x3x

Sue Jones said...

we have only 4 pupils in school and as i am more of a counselor , not needed - just as well as i am needed at home and can still support if needed via email.
I love your company :) Stay well and keep safe . Soojay #21

Crafting With Jack said...

Ooh! Signed photographs of Doctor Who! I love Doctor Who, my son bought me a Tardis teapot last year :) What do you think of the latest Doctor? Ahem! back to reality! Happy crafting x I can't get onto Julia's sit for some reason so here is my link:

Annie said...

There's so much for us all to adapt to in this mad world we are living in but we will get there and hopefully we will all come out the other side safe and well.
Stay safe and keep crafting.
Annie x #15

Glenda said...

I'm staying home and keeping my nose out of this as much as I can. I'm older and have a medical problem that makes me at risk so I have self isolated...I'm on day 8. It's all good as I don't go much anyway since I'm retired.
Stay well!
Glenda #17

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Sarah! Enjoy your time off and try to ignore the reason. Your are so busy the rest of the time!
My cousin works at a school too. They are closed definitely until April 30th but was told it is doubtful they will return for this year.

Stay safe!

Diana Taylor said...

You have a very smart looking craft room, the red is beautifully bright and cheery - I'm always drawn to red. I have a soft spot for Peter Davison, ever since All Creatures Great and Small so this post has ticked all my boxes so to speak!
Glad you are doing OK, stay safe and well and have a good week,
Diana xx #22

StampinCarol said...

Good looking guys to craft with! LOL! Love it.
All my monthly groups have been canceled for a couple months plus my job is on hold so I end up crafting with movies.
I hope your phone consultation works well.
Thanks for stopping by and stay healthy!
Carol N #28

Little Dorrit does... said...

Hi Sarah.
Love that Peter and Tom are there to oversee your creative endeavours. Jon Pertwee was my favourite Doctor Who - so rakish in that velvet jacket with the ruffled shirt! Showing my age there, lol.
Look forward to seeing the finished project you're currently working on.
Have a good week, stay well!

Amelia #36

Mrs.D said...

Great that you are not in work so much, more time to spend with Dr Who in the shed, more beautiful art work for you to share and cheer our days.
Bless you

Shoshi said...

It's great that you can do some work from home, Sarah, but I am sure you are missing Eva and your lovely crafting sessions together. I love the idea of sharing your desk with two incarnations of Doctor Who instead, though! They look as if they are watching you with approval in their eyes.

Keep well and keep safe, and Lily and Ruby send purrs and miaows.
Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #35

My name is Cindy said...

Love that you've got the drs for company! It does feel weird doesn't it to have nowhere to be.... Have fun in your shed! Happy WOYWW (I'm late I know) keep well, keep safe, Cindy #23

Caro said...

I'm glad that you are doing OK. Alex has asthma too but fortunately is not bad enough for 'the list' and my heart condition is also not bad enough which is a relief. Enjoy your shed. Happy Belated WOYWW. Stay safe my friend. Take care, with love & God Bless, Caro xx (#15)

Belinda said...

Some cool crafting companions you have with you! I too am glad we have WOYWW to keep in contact with crafty friends all over the globe. It's much better than the news overload we have going right now. I can only take the news in small doses. So glad to hear you could conduct a medical appointment via telephone. The alternative is a bit scary right now. The sun is shining bright today so I will make it a point to get out in my yard for some fresh air today. It's so important now that we are housebound.
Stay well, my friend.
Belinda #33

Shoshi said...

Thanks for your visit, Sarah - I agree, the Celtic knot on the crumpled paper background is my favourite one, too! I made some more oatcakes today (Devonshire ones, not Staffordshire lol!) - I made a double quantity, 1/2 plain and 1/2 with seeds. They disappear fast! Fortunately I haven't had to buy any loo roll since this crisis began - I always buy a lot when it's on special offer and the bottom of the airing cupboard is usually full of the stuff. Our pantry is well stocked, as is the freezer and I'm doing quite a lot of cooking. The kitties continue to be oblivious to the situation and continue to enjoy sleeping in my wool box. Shaz Silverwolf commented today that her mum's cat had her kittens in her wool box lol! No danger of that with ours as they've both had their squeaks removed when they were about 7 months old.

Shoshi x

Julia Dunnit said...

Sorry I’m late..something about having more time?!! Was very impressed to see Tom and Peter on your desk, thought I’d popped in to a different convention! Pleased to read they are keeping you company, had a horrible moment when I thought they were destined for the gesso board! Rota-I gotta or not, I think you teachers are a little unsung in the present situation...I take my hat off to you Miss!

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, ooh I like how you added the company to the desk view :) and I am surprised your school is still open. they pretty much closed every school here in the states. the colleges stayed open a couple of weeks past the K-12 grades but, that left a lot of families scrambling to figure out home schooling. I love that you can see the paste from the angle you got with the panel too ~Stacy #31

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Sarah, love your playmates this week, Tom Baker is my Hubby's fav Dr of all. My Son's GF is one that has been advised to isolate for 12 wks due to her chronic asthma sadly means I can't see my Son either but we all have to do our bit. Hope to see that canvas again next week as it progresses.
Stay Safe Tracey xx