Wednesday, 11 March 2020

WOYWW 562: Madness!

Welcome to my weekly contribution to WOYWW care of Julia over on the Stamping Ground.  This is where crafters from around the world share their desks each week.
The world appears to be going mad.  We went to the supermarket at the weekend for our usual shop, to see empty shelves where pasta, toilet roll and hand wash are usually stocked.  None of those were on our list as we have enough for the next week or two, but how unfair and selfish of people to buy far more than they need and deprive those who cannot afford to stockpile or who may actually need these items now.  Anyway, enough ranting...
My desk shows my large stash of copy paper and paper towel mop up sheets that are my go to when I need a quick background.  I was debating throwing them out, but they don't take up that much space and are too useful to get rid of.
The right hand tag was made with the other layer of the mop up sheet on top of the pile (see HERE for details). 

I have a stinking cold at the moment (nothing sinister), but woke up yesterday morning to find out that in the next few weeks people may be asked to self isolate for 7 days if they have symptoms like mine.  I have been upping the usual hand washing, decided not to go to the footie on Saturday (and was gutted to miss a 5-1 thriller) and missed my JJAMMMA meet up yesterday afternoon as I didn't want to spread my germs.  I am not stopping off work unless I am instructed to.  If it was anything serious, I would be feeling a lot worse than this by now (due to my asthma).  I am not going to see my parents until the cold has gone however as they don't need even my ordinary bugs.
On a lighter note.... I am hoping that some of my samples get shown at 12pm and 4pm on Hochanda today.  I will probably not be round to visit until the morning, as I will probably be too tired after work this evening... happy WOYWW, see you then.


Helen said...

I agree about the shelf clearing, totally unnecessary! Hope your cold improves soon, i thought I was coming down with one but it seems to have disappeared, like you I don't think it is anything sinister either (well here's hoping) Love your mop up backgrounds, definitely much too pretty to throw away! Helen #?

Neet said...

Not been out shopping (staying away at the moment with all my health problems) but the other half tells me of the state of shelves. Not been able to get hand sanitizer so when I do go out I will wear a pair of gloves, does that count?
Love your mop up tag, mop ups are something I don't have much luck with, I save them and then find they are piling up so dump them. Maybe I should use them. I did use an old Brusho sheet torn into strips on my journal - will that count? It was just what I used to try out different colours.
Sorry you are under the weather, I think the fever is the first thing to indicate there could be a problem so you should be ok.
Get rest and drinks as and when you can. Sleep is a good cure it all.
Hugs, Neet (still no Julia) xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Sarah, I'm right behind you on the list! We're in the same boat - got enough supplies for a week or two but what are we going to do if we run out? Got Tesco's coming today - I really don't want to go into crowded supermarkets at the moment - but they were out of some essentials. God knows what will happen when the poop hits the fan for real. Super tags as usual! So cool if they're featured on Hotchanda. zsuzsa #14

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, I agree, people are bring so crazy with stockpiling. It does make me wonder how they normally shop- do they wait till they are on the last loo roll or whatever to buy more? I learnt from my Mom, and always have a reasonable stock of everything basic, and non perishable. As she always says, 'It doesn't eat or drink anything!', lol. Great job with the tags, and the samples look superb. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Shoshi said...

My Tesco delivery man said yesterday that they were rushed off their feet at the store, and we agreed that the whole thing was totally ridiculous. He told me that of the huge number of people in China who contracted the illness, only about 2 percent had actually died of it, and the rest had recovered. He said that more people die from normal flu! We agreed that anyone elderly or otherwise health-compromised was at risk but the general healthy population probably were not. I am sick of all this scaremongering which is encouraged by the authorities. We are not being told about those who have recovered. Anyway... love, love the tags! I am another person who keeps all her mop-up sheets - in fact I use kitchen paper judicially, choosing semi-used ones of the same colour to mop up so I don't end up with mud, and once all the white is covered, the papers go into a pizza box ready for future use. Every now and then I get them out and stroke them because the colours are just gorgeous... High time I used some of them up, though!

Thank you for your visit, and yes, those kitties certainly have grown! They are great solid lumps these days and together they weigh over a stone!! I can't believe how little they were when we first got them. I'm glad you like the Celtic knot pieces to complete the first batch. I used to keep stamps in CD boxes but stopped because of storage problems and also wanting to keep the original packaging. I haven't got room to set up a CD/DVD rack unfortunately, but thanks for the suggestion!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #11

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, there are definitely some thoughtless people out there. My daughter could not even get a bottle of Calpol for her son - people really need to give their actions more thought. Great use for your mop ups - it's something I don't really do, but then again I don't have many as I'm not overly adventurous with colour (yet lol). Hope your cold gets better soon. Have a lovely week Heather xx #21

glitterandglue said...

Hi Sarah. Hope you feel better soon - colds are no fun at all - no energy for doing craft things! Love the colours on those mop up papers! Enjoy using them all. Far too nice to throw.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #15

Diana Taylor said...

I wish I had mop up sheets that were as interesting and arty as yours - they look like little works of art. Your tags are great and the green and yellow background is beautiful.
I'm with you on the selfishness of some people - a single person purchased all of the loo rolls in our local Waitrose on Saturday morning - I'm almost more cross that Waitrose let them actually do that!
I hope you feel better soon,
Diana x #9

okienurse said...

great looking works of art. I love making tags and you are right I wouldn't get rid of your papers. I am going to give gel plate a chance tonight. I bought one a couple years ago and never did anything with it! I agree also on the the stockpiling of foods. I think I usually have enough to get by for two weeks without ever buying extra so I didn't go crazy just usual groceries this week. Hope you have a great week. Get to feeling better. Vickie #26

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Teaching is hard enough without having to suffer a cold bug but I know how you feel we used to go in no matter what though there always were some people who would stay off if they just had a bit of a sniffle maybe it is us who are wrong, who knows. I do hope you are feeling better soon. You hang on to those mop ups as I'm sue you'll find a use for them. Have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x2x

Crafting With Jack said...

Hello Sarah, I do hope you are better soon, my cold is still hanging around although a lot better. What is it with over buying toilet rolls? Using for tissues maybe? Great mop up backgrounds. x Angela #28

sandra de said...

Hope you cold improves and you can keep doing the things you love. Like the idea of keeping those very useful mop up sheets as background. Clever girl.
sandra de @8

Marit said...

I love the examples you show, with those backgrounds! And yes, it's a mad world right now. I do hope you feel better by now, people with a 'normal' cold like you must feel awkward 'cause others may think you have 'it'.... I, too, am avoiding my parents although I am not ill... especially my mum has no defence system left after her chemo threatment a couple of years ago. Stay save dear, big (virtual) hug from Holland! Marit #7

Little Dorrit does... said...

Hi Sarah.

I really love the otter tag, and read with great interest the post about how it was made. Fortunately for my family (who would hate to have to move into the garage when I ran out of storage space for even more craft materials) stamping is unfamiliar territory, so a lot of the technical terms mean very little to me - but the finished result is sooo pretty!
Hope your cold clears up and you feel better soon!
Amelia #22

Lindart said...

We have the same thing happening here, I really don't know why the stores haven't placed a limit on how many (of the popular items) you can buy at once. Big oversight if you ask me. If we run out, we can use other things, or even go to cloth and wash them! (some people are suggesting trashy book paper!). Everything is so much up in the air, it's hard to plan even a few days ahead. Anyway...I love your pile of mop up sheets, great for backgrounds, as you have proven!
I hope your cold goes away, and you are healthy afterwards. I think it is best to stay away from people, even if to avoid their glares!
Have a great week, and thanks for your visit, Lindart #20