Wednesday 18 March 2020

WOYWW 563: All Up in the Air

Welcome to my weekly desk share to join in with What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday?  It's a great way to socialise in these worrying times, as it is all done from the privacy of your own craft area for those (like me) who have to go into social isolation for 12 weeks at the weekend.  Thank you Julia for hosting this weekly virtual get together over on The Stamping Ground.
My desk shows a pile of marking in the background.  I am determined to keep on top of it this week until I am no longer supposed to go into work.  My phone was on the desk as I was awaiting a call back from the Head to discuss procedures.  The Werder Bremen mug and lanyard were purchased on previous school visits to Berlin.  They are the German football team that I support.  Of course, Stoke City are my first love!  I can't show you my latest projects as they are secret samples for upcoming shows, but I have also been working on tags in my spare time as you can see on the desk.
Happy WOYWW and stay safe everyone.


Helen said...

wishing you well for your isolation! Happy WOYWW! Helen #??

Neet said...

Sarah, why do you have to go into social isolation for 12 weeks? Not being nosey, just out of concern for you.
We are self isolating because I fall into that category with my underlying health problems but nothing that new to e as i hardly went out anyway. Stay safe.
Hugs, Neet xx

craftyani said...

Good luck with the isolation it has been 4 days for me so far. But we are all lucky as we have hobbies to keep us occupied. Ani #7

sandra de said...

Looks like you have plenty to do while at home. Lovely little gift tags in the corner of your photo. Stay safe and keep crafting is my mantra this woyww.
Sandra de @4

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. That is a lot of marking. Hope you get it done. As crafters I think that social isolation is a lot less scary for us. I just hope that I do get round to doing some extra projects! Ali x #9

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Hi Sarah, i'm sure you will find plenty of ways to keep yourself occupied us crafter's are very lucky. My Son's girlfriend is a TA and is awaiting news that she may have to do the same especially as she's asthmatic. Take care of yourself it's important. Happy WoywW Tracey #10 x

glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. Goodness me! 12 weeks?! Is your school closing this Friday? Not sure what your subject area is, but there are lots of pupils by the look of that pile of books to mark. All the very best with it. If you want virtual company during those 12 weeks - give me an email or phone call - a good nattery catch up over craft can't be bad!
Take care. Stay safe. God bless.
Margaret #5

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It's worrying about the virus but simply not worth taking risks - I hope that you stay safe and away from germs and enjoy the time to do things that you want to do.
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

HelenS said...

I have Christmas cards on my desk. I belong to a make a weekly Christmas card group. I'm using the Groovi bauble plates. Stay well xx

Lillianb said...


Wishing all the luck with your isolation and hope you are okay and find plenty to do,

Lilian B #18

lisa said...

Hi Sarah
It's a busy time for schools at the minute isn't it? All we did yesterday was preparations for closing, trying to get virtual classrooms set up for home learning and answering questions from parents. At least the children carried on as normal and thank goodness someone had some biscuits stashed from Christmas that they shared round....very welcome.
Take care
Hugs Lisax #18

fabulous fiona said...

Life will be so different over the next few months. My daughter has to self isolate too as she is having a bundle of joy in October. It will be hard as her partner is a police officer and they live in a wee flat. I think she will taking up crafting to fill her time!
Keep yourself safe Sarah and I am looking forward to seeing more of your blog posts.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, at least we crafters have something to occupy us during the isolation. I'm not going anywhere at the moment, just have a 10 minute walk around the block for exercise. Like what I see of the tags. Stay safe, and have a good week, Hugs, Shaz #6 X

Diana Taylor said...

The tag is looking so pretty, the bright blue is beautiful. I hope the isolation goes well for you, I'm having to do the same this weekend - I'm planning well and have a list of art and craft projects and new techniques I want to try but hubby is pacing the house like a caged animal at the thought of it! I'm very thankful for WOYWW.
Stay safe and enjoy the extra crafting time!
Diana x #17

Marit said...

Oh dear.. these are strange times and all we can do is sit, craft and wait... we're not homebound completely in Holland (we are still alowed to go outside) but social isolation, yes. And the place I work closed its doors (as do the schools, pubs, restaurants and most shops) and since I cannot do my work at home, I am unemployed now. It feels strange to have no job all of a sudden... I'm glad I have my online friends! Take care, stay healthy! Big virtual hug from the Netherlands! Marit #21

Lindart said...

Hope everything goes well in your isolation. Is your desk at work? Can you craft at home? I also am in isolation, just for 4 weeks to start, then we see what happens. I love the colours on you tag! Have a great week, Lindart #26

Glenda said...

I am also isolating myself at this time. I'm in the at risk group of citizens and am doing what I always do during cold and flu season. Hope you are well and have what you need.
Glenda #18

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It's been an interesting week. We're waiting at the moment for the next stage for the moderation. The training days have been cancelled and will now be done on-line but as yet no mention of visits to schools so we'll just have to wait and see what's next. Take care and wishing you a happy creative WOYWW, Angela x12x

Little Dorrit does... said...

Hi Sarah. I can relate to that urge to keep on top of work things for as long as possible. Our being sent home from work (for social distancing purposes) happened rather suddenly yesterday, along with instructions to cancel all meetings and visits (I work with children and families). I'm in the process of contacting families by phone to explain this, and wondering what will happen once I've worked my way through the list! I do think we crafters are lucky to have our engrossing home-based hobbies to keep us occupied while we wait for this difficult time to pass. Look forward to seeing your finished projects.
Stay safe and well,
Amelia #32

Julia Dunnit said...

I’m really lucky, just a social distancer here, although it would be different if I could have access to see my Mum, but the care home has closed to visitors so for me that’s one less worry about where I may carry this damn virus. I hope that your isolation is a successful time for you - get some rest! That stack of marking looks very heavy!!

Caro said...

I'm also in the vulnerable category with an underlying heart condition so have been at home all week. Alex's school is clearly gearing up for shutting from Friday as we now have on-line resources for learning at home. Stay safe. Happy WOYWW. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#14)

Belinda said...

Hi Sarah! I am confused. Isn't this WOYWW #562? I don't think I missed one. Julia's says #562 too. I hope people stop by as I did link up. This corona madness is making me so crazy, I can't even sort out the correct number for our snooping!!!
Your desk looks so nice and tidy. I have been revisiting scrapbooking. Come pop on over and don't be deterred by the title (hee hee)!
Stay well my friend!
Belinda #30

Shoshi said...

All the best with your self-isolating, Sarah, and I hope you get your marking done OK, and manage to maintain contact with the school. The Internet is a wonderful thing, isn't it - none of us needs to feel lonely! Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you like the knitted bunting. I agree with you in hoping that the County Show isn't cancelled, but it probably will be, being in May, because I don't suppose this crisis will be over by then... It may be postponed till later in the year, and in the meantime I shall keep knitting!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #22

StampinCarol said...

So glad we're able to "socialize" this way!
Hope you have a healthy week!
Carol N #24

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there Sarah. Sorry for late visit! 😊
Least I'm making it this week. 12 weeks seems excessive. Two weeks here if in cintact with virus. Wondering if you mean school closed 12 weeks.. have fun on secret creations!!
Thanks for sharing, and may God bless you and all you love, and keep you well in these troubles times. In God we trust.
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Lillianb said...

Thank you for letting me know about the link, I have put a new link in now #34, Thanks again


Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Sarah, well at least we have the internet for now, We are not on a lock down in the small town I live in, ( it takes hours to drive to another one in any direction and there is a small population) but, schools are all closed for young kids ( not the colleges yet) and people are trying to be safer. perhaps we will really have an early spring and things can warm up soon and start killing this virus off faster. (( HUGS )) ~Stacy #27

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, goodness me 12 weeks is a long time. I'm working from home and will avoid going out as much as possible. Not sure if I will need to self isolate or socially exclude myself or whatever, but I will do whatever I have to in order to keep safe. Love the blue colour on the tag. I hope crafting keeps you sane during your stay at home - or will you be teaching remotely? I'm not sure how everything will end up working yet. Stay safe, and have a lovely week Heather xx #13

Debbie Rock said...

Such worrying times isn't it? We are on lockdown too because we can't risk things with Phil's COPD - but, in all honesty, I think it has to happen that the majority of folk have to stay home now in order to try and curtail what is happening. Thank goodness we do have our crafting and arty stuff to do and thank goodness for the internet and FactTime etc.,
Sorry I am late getting back to you - total meltdown day yesterday when I had to look into H's beautiful big blue eyes through the letterbox and tell him "not today" when he asked to come in. His mommy was dropping us some fruit and bread into the porch - how do you explain all this to a five year old! I cried non-stop for 8 hours after he kissed me through the front window. keep safe and imagine all the celebrations and hugs once this is all over. Much love, Debbie xXx

Elizabeth said...

Hello Sarah, sorry I am so late this week - life's got in the way. Sigh. That's quite some pile of marking but I suppose you've been through it all now and schools out - possibly for summer. I feel for the children - they are going to miss seeing their friends. My son just got home from Berlin last Sunday - lucky to get out before a total shutdown. On the plus side, there's no planes flying in and out of Prestwick airport and the silence is golden. We can hear the birds singing! Stay safe and keep well. Hugs, Elizabeth x #31

Kelly said...

Hi Sarah.. That is an impressive stack. Looking forward to what the items become. Love the tags. I've never thought about a rounded top tag. Interesting what we see when we visit each other. ;-) I wouldn't call my cookies 'amazing' but they do hit the spot and they are from my award winning recipe. Creative Blessings! Kelly #25