Wednesday, 3 July 2019

WOYWW 426: Greetings from Berlin

I am on my travels this week with the annual school trip to Berlin.  We arrived safely on Monday having got up at silly o'clock (I was at school by 2.50am).  So far we have had a fabulous visit (photos to follow).
I travelled very light on the craft front, although I did manage to get a little more colouring done on the page that I was working on at the crop.  I hope someone will link me up with Julia at The Stamping Ground as we have an early breakfast today (6.45 UK time).
We made it to the Ritter Sport chocolate shop on Monday after our walking tour of the Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate and the Holocaust Memorial.  The pupils were all very respectful and we have been very proud of their behaviour this year.

Yesterday morning was spent at the zoo as usual. 

There are lots of sculptures and artistic pieces to view as well. 
Reichstag which we will be visiting this evening

Friedrichstrasse our destination this morning

Brandenburg Gate in the distance

The cathedral
In the afternoon however we had a new item on the itinerary as we went up to the observation deck of the TV tower at Alexanderplatz.  It is the tallest structure in Berlin at 368m total height.  The observation deck is at  203m and that was high enough for me: fabulous views though as you have seen.
We got a different view of the cathedral on our river cruise later in the afternoon.  Yesterday was finished off with bowling.  Today will be very cultural as we are visiting the Palace of Tears at Friedrichstrasse, Bernauer Strasse (the wall memorial) and the museum at Checkpoint Charlie.  Some light relief at Sealife later this afternoon followed by a visit to the glass dome on the Reichstag this evening after dinner.  We are packing it in!

Happy WOYWW everyone.  I hope to be able to visit at the weekend as I won't have much time until then.


Helen said...

I am impressed that you've got any crafting done at all! I'd be collapsed in a heap after such busy days! Enjoy the rest of the trip. Helen #?

Helen said...

p.s. I've linked you, Julia is up early

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

In your words Sarah you sure are packing it in!! What an amazing adventure you are taking our future generation on, so nice to hear they are behaving and respecting the culture. Nice to see you have taken some creative tools along with you, a calming way to wind down the day. Hope you are all managing any hot weather issues?
Thanks for sharing WoywW Enjoy! Tracey #4

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I have never been to Berlin but everyone I know who has remarks on what an amazing place it is. The views from that tower are fantastic. Hope the next few days go as smoothly as well!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

You certainly are packing it in. But for some of your kids, this will be their only trip to such an important city, and there’s no shortage of things to see or do. It’s a wonder that you’ve had time to reach for the pencils, I think my priority would have been a drink and bed! Lovely that the weather is decent too, specially for a zoo day.

Neet said...

Your trip sounds wonderful. You certainly are seeing Berlin! So good to hear that you are feeling proud of the children you have with you - what years did you take?
Stay safe, enjoy the rest of the holiday and hope you get some 'rest' time in.
Hugs, Neet 15 xx

Christine said...

Thank you for sharing the photos. I was surprised by all the greenery the other side of the Brandenburg Gate .... imagined it built up on both sides!!
So pleased to hear your pupils are behaving, all the better to enjoy it.
Keep safe
Christine #16

Shoshi said...

Great pics of Berlin, Sarah. I am so glad the kids have been behaving so well, too. It's good that you managed to do a bit of creating along the way - great colouring page! Safe journeys and an uneventful trip home!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #14

Lindart said...

Wonderful pics of Berlin! Looks like you are having a great time! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #23

StampinCarol said...

WOW! Love all your photos! So fun to see places that I'll never see otherwise! Thanks for sharing and have a fab week!
Carol N #21

Caro said...

Love that a little more progress has been made on the colouring. What a fabulous and exciting trip you are having. Love the animal photos, especially the pandas. Happy WOYWW. With love & God Bless, Caro x (#9)

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the colouring. Looks like you're having a great woyww even without the desk! Angela x13x

Dorlene Durham said...

Wow! Fabulous trip and photos. Have a great week. Dorlene #24

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, enjoy your trip to Berlin. I've only been there once, but like you, I packed in a great deal in the few days I was there. So many interesting things to see. Have a lovely week, Heather xx #26

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi Sarah,
I find it curious that the school makes an annual trip to Berlin out of all the cities in Europe. I guess it maybe for German language, possibly, then it makes sense or some other logical reason. Definitely agree being at school before 3am on any given day is silly o’clock. Glad you’re enjoying colouring too!
Thanks for being a blessing, God bless you too.
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #18

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}