Wednesday, 31 July 2019

WOYWW 530: Back To Old Habits

I confess, I am enjoying my holiday lie ins a little too much, so I prepared this post yesterday afternoon.  Also I had a visitor at the other side of the desk, so took advantage and grabbed a photo.  I enjoy being able to visit desks a little more promptly during the holidays.  To join in with WOYWW or just snoop at other people's desks please visit The Stamping Ground where Julia keeps us in order each Wednesday.
My side of the desk shows the start of a birthday card.  I can't show you any more as the birthday isn't until tomorrow.  In the background you can see Eva having a look through my Groovi folders and the cake which she brought with her for sharing!
Eva was just starting a new Groovi piece on the other side of the desk.  I always provide coffee, so we were sorted as far as refreshments were concerned.  Eva always likes a look through my Craft Stamper when it arrives too.  I can't believe that it is already the second week of the holidays.  The new footie season starts with a home match on Saturday, so I am also looking forward to that.  Happy WOYWW.


Neet said...

How nice to be able to share your desk again - always fun to raft with a buddy.
That cake looks awfully yummy!
Enjoy the lie ins - nothing to stop me doing them but somehow my body clock doesn't want.
Hugs, Neet 1xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Pleased you're enjoying your holiday and don't you feel guilty about those lie-ins you deserve it. Look forward to seeing the card finished. Have a great woyww and a happy creative week, Angela x13x

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Sounds like you're enjoying your holidays, Sarah! I appreciate the lie-ins as well! I sleep so much better knowing that I don't have to get up at a certain time the next morning. I told my son to mark every day of the holidays because before he knows it, he will be back at school. When he was little I used to dread the school holidays, but now I'm enjoying them too! Say hello to Eva for me. xx

Helen said...

Don't make us workers jealous please. I'm looking forward to the new season top... Hooe the cake was nice. Helen #3

Marit said...

Sounds like you are enjoying your holiday to the fullest... good for you! THe two of you at one table, cake, coffee and crafting... that's close to heaven I think! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #15

Shoshi said...

Enjoy your well-deserved holiday, Sarah, complete with lie-ins! Most days, given the choice, I have a lie-in unless I have to get up for something, because my sleep pattern is so disrupted with my ME. I'd love to be more of a lark! It takes me so long to get going in the mornings... Lovely that Eva is back on the other side of the desk and you can enjoy being creative together. Thank you for your visit and I'm glad you enjoyed seeing Ruby in the sink! You are right - she and Lily have very different personalities. I'm always saying how I love starting with new kittens because you watch their little characters develop, with their individual funny little ways. Well, I'd better get back to the kitchen now and finish tidying up yesterday's cooking chaos!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #18

Claire said...

Oooh,is that a tin of mini stamps I see?? Can I ask which brand makes them?
Happy WOYWW :)
Claire, no. 2

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Not having to get up at silly o'clock is the single best thing about taking early retirement! I don't blame you for enjoying your lie-ins, you work blooming hard all year round. Lovely to see Eva again, any cake going spare??
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

Well it all seems to be working out well for you this holiday! Lovely sneek pic of Eva, coffee, cake and a mate to craft with sounds just great to me! I believe the ‘lie ins’mare Actually a way to put sleep in the bank for the start of next term really!

Kathryn Frantz said...

Eva is so nice! Sharing cake?! How do you get on with those little Archival Inks? The colors are so pretty and vivid.

Happy Wednesday (and enjoy those lie ins! They will be over soon enough! This year seems to be evaporating at an accelerated rate!)

Happy Wednesday!

StampinCarol said...

Thanks for stopping by.
And thanks for the heads up on my "last day of August!" I fixed it! I think my brain was trying to think end of July first of August and my fingers got confused while I was typing my post! LOL!
Lots of crafty going on with you and Eva! AND CAKE!!!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #20

Anne said...

Hi Sarah thanks for popping by. Enjoy your lie ins - well deserved!!! ( I was a teacher :-) ) The cake looks yummy. I used to have craft stamper- still got some of them. Anne x 12

Jan said...

Happy WOYWW #530 great desk you have been very busy! xx Jan (21)

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Make the most of those lie ins Sarah although I have never been one for them and always feel a little envious when I hear how revitalised people are after having an extra hour or two. Have fun playing and creating and cake eating of course.. we all need a slice to keep our crafting energy levels up.
Like you my MIL is super excited about the seasons start.. today is the day I take her shopping and I know it's all she will talk about hee hee!!
Happy WoywW Hugs Tracey #14

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, I have the mini Archivals, and love them! Cake looks fab, and with coffee who can complain? Really late this week, spent most of yesterday afternoon in A&E, as the breathlessness wasn't easing off. They gave me IV Antibiotics & steroids, and some nebulisers, which has helped, but it's still not what it should be. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4X

Dorlene Durham said...

It's nice to have a buddy when you're creating! My daughter and I have tables that butt up against each other so we can work on our own projects but still see each other. But she never makes me cake...:( Dorlene #22

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I need to get me one of those light boxes to take pictures of my cards like the one you used for your cute birthday card. Happy belated WOYWW! #24

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit earlier, I love my trolleys, wish I had bought more and would then get rid of my book shelves!
Great to see Eva back in situ!!
I have yet to buy my mag, hoping there will be some left when I manage to get to the shops.
Christine #23