Wednesday, 15 May 2019

WOYWW 519: It's Getting Closer

Only one week to go until the 10th anniversary edition of What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday (or Whizzday as it is starting to be known as the weeks seem to come round so quickly).  Julia started this chance to link up our desks each week back in 2009.  Whether it's your first visit, you've been with the blog hop since the start, arrived mid way through or dip in and out, all are welcome: just visit The Stamping Ground to join in.
My desk this week shows the haul that I acquired at Port Sunlight on Saturday.  I dropped my samples off for Dee and Barbara's shows on Hochanda that will be on on Friday and Saturday and managed to pick up the dies, stamps and stencils that I wanted from the Clarity stall.  I also stocked up on some glue, envelopes  and some chipboard shapes (not shown).
I bumped into lots of crafty friends including fellow WOYWWers.  Doug kindly took a photo of me with Shaz and Chris, there will be another version of this on Shaz's blog today I'm sure, but I have no evidence of meeting Neet and Heather lol.  I'll be round to visit after work tonight and look forward to seeing many of you at the 10th anniversary crop on 1st June.
PS. Maria Moorhouse is on Hochanda at 12pm and 4pm today with some old stamps, new dies and new stencils.  Here are sneak peeks of my samples for the shows.


Helen said...

that looks a very restrained haul from PS ! Looking forward to the crop and meeting some new deskers I've not met before. Like your sneak peaks too from the samples. Helen #?

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm so glad you got rid of G+ and I can now visit. You got some lovely dies, stamps, and stencils, too. Happy WOYWW from #2.

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, nice load from the PS show! very inspiring, a huge handful of new stuff! So glad you met some folk you knew...and I totally get why you have no photographic evidence of meeting Neet or Heather, the time just goes and I completely forget! I don’t know who Maria is, but am guessing she’s a Clarity Gal as your samples are going to appear...are you getting used to it yet? Hope not, hope you get a thrill each time you see them!

Neet said...

Your photo reminds me I didn't include my pots of glue from Honey Doo. I think yours is probably Cosmic but I buy HD which is very much the same. It must be good as it is sticking the lace to the teabags.
Lovely to see you and not long before we met again. have a great week.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Lynne Bishop said...

A nice collection from the show. I am sure you will create some wonderful cards. Great to meet up with fellow crafters X X

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Yes it's a busy life with DT stuff. Love those stencils Sarah, i'm sure there's much more in the hiding pile hee hee!
Nice to have met up with some of the WoywW peeps.
Great sneek peep, sadly I get hardly any spare time to watch craft TV and have so much recorded I fear i'll never catch up.
Happy WoywW Tracey #4

Lillianb said...

Loving the haul you managed to get, Great sneak peak as well


Lilian B #7

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Aww, that's a nice pic of the three scallywags!! Really looking forward to seeing you at the Crop. I like the colours o your sample cards very much!
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Glenda said...

Always nice to visit and see what is going on in your life. Happy WOYWW
Glenda #19

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, we had a fab day, didn't we? Managed to get the things I REALLY wanted, and a bit more, lol. The samples look amazing, great job. See you in a couple of weeks, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #15 X

Christine said...

In all your busyness you managed to fit in a show! I am truly impressed. Love all your cards.
Have a good week
Christine #25

fairyrocks said...

Lovely sample work. Terrific photo of you and like minded company. Great haul with those delicate die cut. Keep smiling and creating.

Kathryn Frantz said...

So cool that you can meet up with other WOYWWers! Amazing energy you have to design, work and actually find time to create! Have a fun week!

Caro said...

What a lovely photo of the three of you and how nice to meet up with fellow WOYWWers. Love the sample work and the new toys. Happy WOYWW. Have a great week. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#18)

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Sarah, those Clarity stencils look absolutely stunning, can't wait to see how you use them. Love the peek of your samples, I'll have to see if I can find the shows on Hochanda catch-up :o) Have a great week ! Annie C #11

pearshapedcrafting said...

What a great selection there! It was so good to see you on Saturday! Hugs, Chrsx 33

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, looks like fun things followed you home and that is even better that some of the smiles were shared after too :) ~Stacy #29

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, ah, we forgot to get a photo! Lol. Never mind, there will be plenty of time for photos at the Crop! I had a small practice with embossing the Clarity Stencil. Need to play a bit more when I have time. I then spoilt what I did by painting brushos over it! Not to worry though! I am intrigued by your sneak peeks. It's very rare I watch craft tv but I may have to make the effort to see some of your samples! Have a lovely week Heather x #7

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Loving the photo and a nice collection of new goodies too. Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x14x

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Yessss Sarah!l THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH for changing to pop up window.
I can write it now on iPad. Much more stable ..loved seeing the happy stamper photos and I know everyone in the pickies, that is really really wonderful. Off to peek at other post too.

Happy belated WOYWW, Shaz in Oz.x #20

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Twiglet said...

Great photo of the three WOYWWers - looking forward to seeing you all soon. x Jo

Debbie Rock said...

Always lovely having new stuff to use and meeting up with friends whilst at the delightfully named Port Sunlight is just an added bonus. Thanks for popping by my desk yesterday - was lovely having you visit. Love Debbie xXx

sandra de said...

Such a lovely collection of goodies from your crafty meet up. Always lovely to see woyww's get together. Thank you for the lovely comments.
sandra de @23

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Lots of goodies there to play with. I just fell for the shapes and the mirror mist (I have a plan for that). See you soon. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #22

Sue said...

Hi Sarah, Lovely that you got to meet up with other WOYWW deskers.

Lots of lovely goodies to play with, so that will keep you out of mischief:) LOL

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #9

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

You're such a tease with your sneak peeks! From what I see, they look very intriguing! Lovely that you met so many WOYWW-ers at the show. It's funny how I feel I know all you girls, though I've never met any of you in person. One day, hopefully! Thanks for your visit earlier, Sarah! See you next week for the 10th anniversary - wouldn't miss it for the world! zsuzsa #21

Lindart said...

Wow! Lovely new goodies you have there! How exciting! We don't seem to have shows like that anymore in this area, but I suppose it's good for my bank account! Sorry I'm so late, thanks for your visit, Lindart #26