Wednesday, 12 April 2017

WOYWW 410: Crafty Colleagues

As always this photo was taken on Tuesday, although as it is the school holidays, I do not have piles of exercise books on my desk today for a change.  My usual crafty friend is away at the moment, luckily I had the company of a colleague and fellow crafter for the morning.  I took a picture of her side of the desk too and I hope she will be able to join me in other school holidays occasionally.  
My side of the desk shows the beginnings of a Waterfall card.  I haven't made one for ages, then saw one online and thought that I must have another go.  It turned out beautifully as you will see below and I will be putting a step by step on my blog tomorrow if you're interested.
 My colleagues side of the desk shows the thank you card that she was working on.  She had found some lovely vintage 6"x6" paper pads in The Works.  
Finished waterfall card

If you want to know more about why we share our desks on Wednesdays, just head over to our lovely hostess Julia's blog and she will explain it all.

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