Wednesday, 26 April 2017

WOYWW 412: On My Own Again

Once again, I am back sharing a lonely desk with you all.  Exam season is in full swing and my friend will be busy conducting A Level speaking tests for a few weeks.  Why do I share my desk every week?  Go over to our hostess Julia's blog 'The Stamping Ground' to find out more; in a few weeks the blog hop will be celebrating its 8th anniversary.  I have not been with the group since the beginning, but every one is very friendly!
On my desk this week are some clippings that I've already found and some supplements and advertising brochures ready to look through.  One of the art journal groups that I belong to has the prompt 'magazine clippings' for this week so I have been busy cutting out whole images and parts of images in different colourways.  I won't use all of them for this page, but the rest will go into my stash for the future.
 Finally, here is a follow up picture of the tree behind my shed.  As you can see, although there is still plenty of blossom on the tree, underfoot it looks just like snow.

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