Wednesday, 19 April 2023

WOYWW 724: Workshops are Back

 Welcome to my weekly desk share with the wonderful Julia and my friends at WOYWW.

My desk shows the pile of projects that need finishing off, following the first face to face workshop with Maria Moorhouse in Shrewsbury in over three years which Eva and I went to on Sunday.  It was so good to catch up with everyone and we already have the dates for the next four classes.  I can't wait.

As you can see the daily drawings continue even though the holidays are now over.  Two bank holidays between now and half term will be good though.  I am having to plan my marking carefully as I would normally get everything marked on a Monday.
Stay safe everyone and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

It is good that face to face classes are getting back to "normal" and glad you enjoyed it with Eva. You have lots of projects to finish off, good luck fitting the marking round it! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Neet said...

Fab drawings as usual and that bee stamp is lush. I love the colour you have used on it - such a deep warm blue.
Glad you are getting back in the swing of things with the workshops. Seems strange to me as we have been having our club meetings for a full year now. Covid has such a lot to answer to. Off for my booster this morning.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great collection of drawings today and love the card, gorgeous colours. I was so pleased when we managed to get back to our Craft club so I know how you feel. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x6x

Twiglet said...

Where do you do your workshop in Shrewsbury Sarah? It's a great place for a visit! 😀

BJ said...

Oooh the bee card is fabulous, the workshops sound great. I'm going on a mini retreat on Fri/Sat which is craft based, should be relaxing and fun. Super drawings, is that a glasses case? I've ordered new lenses for my glasses on-line after my ridiculous experience in Boots after my eye test last week. They quoted £140 for just lenses or £90 if I got NEW frames too, what a waste of resources. Ordered new lenses on-line for under £40, just a shame the PO took 5 days to get my frames back to them. Oh gosh I'm wittering on, hope school and marking goes OK, I'm back to reading on-line too, funny having school terms in my head again after so long without. Hugs BJ#9

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hooray for getting out to workshops and meeting up with other crafters! Love that deep blue of the bee card, my fav colour!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx

Annie said...

Great to hear you've been enjoying a bit of normality Sarah. I think May is all Bank Holidays this year lol
Annie x #7

Lynnecrafts said...

Glad you and Eva enjoyed your class. The new card looks good and I always like to see your daily drawings. My routine’s disrupted by the bank holidays as well - I usually have a creative writing class on a Monday.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 13 x

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Beautiful Bee...... and fun drawings,. It is good to find some normalcy here and there. We are having more things back to normal also. Covid's like a flu now it seems. Only if our weather would get to normal soon. This storm is a whopper. Hope to keep electricity. Have a great week HAPPY WOYWW

Christine said...

Love that Bee . . . pleased you enjoyed your workshop, great to meet up with friends and chat.
Have a good week
Christine #15

Tracy said...

That top card is a beeeeauty Sarah 🐝❤️😍⭐️ So happy you and Eva had a lovely time at the workshop 💕 A joy to see your drawings today ... adorrrreable is comical 😍⭐️🙃 Sending love and hugs Tracy #11 xxxx

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your bee card. How nice to go to a craft course with Eva. Great drawing as usual. Happy WOYWW. Angela #16

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh how lovely that you’ve got back to a MM workshop, what fun! And a lovely card on the top of the pile, nice to see a bee image without yellow or orange, just makes it so versatile! No doubt your marking master plan will reap benefits, two bank holiday weekends actually makes for a short month when you start to look at making plans!

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I was going to do some more 'commenting' yesterday, but my symptoms worsened and I was battling with getting my first set of digital stickers designed (the design software is new to me). Up reasonably early today to a quiet house and sunshine, so grabbing a chance although my head is fuzzy. I love the blue of your bee card. We started having craft workshops again locally well over a year ago - it has felt safer in Pembrokeshire. I have already found some crafty things to join in with in the Forest of Dean. Just need to drag hubby away from the farm - trying to get him to sell up sooner rather than later. Ali x #18

My name is Cindy said...

How lucky you are to have proper classes you can go to! Well jell! The colour on that bee piece is exceptional. Good luck with the marking, can’t believe it’s Summer term already. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx

Kyla said...

impressed with the daily drawing, I struggle to do a week! so pleased your physical classes are back, bet it was lovely catching up too.
thanks for visiting my desk already

Kelly said...

Good morning, Sarah. I know you weren't planning to see me this week, but here I am! LOL Love the colors on that bee card. Nice to see a different color than yellow/ black. Really eye-catching!
I enjoy your drawings. I really need to draw more. Something I used to enjoy.
Yay for in-person events again. Nothing like being in the same room with all that creative energy. Look forward to seeing what you do. Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #17