Friday, 1 October 2021

Drawing Every Day in 2021: Only Three Months To Go

 A quick round up of the second half of September in my quest to draw something every day in 2021.  I am not sure whether I shall continue next year, although I am considering the weekly challenge from #Inktober.  It is fun to do, but difficult to find new prompts.

Sometimes I keep it really quick and simple, even if it's not a work morning.

Sometimes I have fun with the prompts, thinking outside the box.
Sometimes I look out of the window for inspiration.
And sometimes inside my head.
Some prompts are easy.
And some are more challenging.
Sometimes an idea comes quickly.
As did this one.
And sometimes they take a bit of pondering first.
This one is probably the fastest all year!
My first thought at this prompt.
One of the longer responses to draw.
One up side to the rain.
Couldn't think of a way to avoid drawing a person lol.
Definitely the sort of chain I prefer.  And on to #inktober2021 as my daily drawing journey continues.


Magic Maggie said...

Dear Sarah

I'm one of your 'looks often, but does not comment much' blog fans. I think your drawing is lovely - and recogniseably YOURS, something that even great artists have struggled with to find their artistgic identity/style. What is a prompt?. Do you have your very own logo/signature yet?
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite) - Bendy being the cat! (not me)

Stacy Sheldon said...

Sarah, I do not see an email you button but, I received an email from a store called Marker universe this morning and it has a list for October in it that is different than the inktober list. its a "creepy" one for Halloween but, I hope this link goes to it, but it hides under monthly challenges in their store front.