A quick round up of the second half of September in my quest to draw something every day in 2021. I am not sure whether I shall continue next year, although I am considering the weekly challenge from #Inktober. It is fun to do, but difficult to find new prompts.
Sometimes I keep it really quick and simple, even if it's not a work morning.
Sometimes I have fun with the prompts, thinking outside the box.Sometimes I look out of the window for inspiration.And sometimes inside my head.Some prompts are easy.And some are more challenging.Sometimes an idea comes quickly.As did this one.And sometimes they take a bit of pondering first.This one is probably the fastest all year!My first thought at this prompt.One of the longer responses to draw.One up side to the rain. Couldn't think of a way to avoid drawing a person lol.Definitely the sort of chain I prefer. And on to #inktober2021 as my daily drawing journey continues.
Dear Sarah
I'm one of your 'looks often, but does not comment much' blog fans. I think your drawing is lovely - and recogniseably YOURS, something that even great artists have struggled with to find their artistgic identity/style. What is a prompt?. Do you have your very own logo/signature yet?
Maggie (Bendy Yorkite) - Bendy being the cat! (not me)
Sarah, I do not see an email you button but, I received an email from a store called Marker universe this morning and it has a list for October in it that is different than the inktober list. its a "creepy" one for Halloween but, I hope this link goes to it, but it hides under monthly challenges in their store front.
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