Wednesday, 31 March 2021

WOYWW 617: Alas My Camera Is No More

 Morning and welcome to my weekly sharing of the desk with the gals at WOYWW, hosted by Julia at Stamping Ground.  The place where you can nose around craft rooms to your hearts content.

This week's photo was taken by my phone as my trusty camera has a lens error which I cannot resolve despite hours on YouTube and trying different methods.  It is rather a pain as it is far more laborious transferring photos from my phone to the computer than using the SD card on the camera.  I am trying to source a replacement camera which takes NP-45 Li-ion batteries as I have a charger and three spares for the camera which has just stopped working.  Any suggestions greatfully received.  I can get another of my current brand, but only second hand.  My desk shows my desire to get all my marking out of the way before the holidays as this is my last day at work for two weeks.  Daily drawings have been continuing as usual too.

Funnily enough it was creepy which did for the camera!  Stay safe and happy WOYWW.  I shall be round to visit after work this evening or tomorrow morning as usual!


Neet said...

The photograph today seems so different to what we are used to. This is a real teacher's desk - with. not one, but two apples for the teacher. Hope you got the marking done - that is a very ordered pile of books you have to show ius.
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

Helen said...

oh no, hope you can find a replacement camera! how frustrating. Bet you're looking forward to the Easter break. Happy WOYWW Helen #10

Sue said...

What a neat ‘teachers’ desk indeed. Love your take for your drawings. Very talented teacher. Hope you get to relax during the hols. Take care, Sue. xx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Sorry to hear about your camera Sarah, it's hard work when something we rely on stops working. Can you not send each pic you need to yourself via email from your phone and open it up on your laptop/computer? I rarely use my phone for pics but I find it the easiest way to transfer a file if there's one I want to keep in my pics file. Good luck finding a solution.
Great inky doodles again and yes that cat is rather creepy hee hee..
Enjoy your Easter break & Happy WoywW Tracey #7 xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Certainly the quality of your photo doesn’t seem changed, but I get that the camera thing is a pain..the hoops we jump through to get a picture online! Avery nice and reassuring to see that pile of exercise books Sarah, makes me feel that some things are coming round to normal again! Have a good break, you must need it. Favourite pic today...’tired’ cute!!

Lisa-Jane said...

There's no doubting that a teacher lives here - pile of books, pens, apples! How annoying about the camera. Can you get hold of the manufacturers at all? I really hate waste and it dives me mad having to get rid of things that might be a quick fox for someone who knows what they're doing. I hope you get it sorted! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #3

Lunch Lady Jan said...

It was the Up the Potters coaster that caught my eye and made me smile this morning!! How infuriating about your camera, I really hope you manage to find an alternative because it’s so annoying to have your normal way of doing things disrupted. Hope you have a good Easter break and enjoy the rest.
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

BJ said...

Love the tired pussy cat and glad "teacher" has got some apples to enable lots of marking to be done. Sorry about the camera, I have completely transferred to my phone camera now, just plug it into computer to extract the photos each week, else for the odd photo I use the messenger App or Google keep. BJ#13

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Pants (to use Tracey's expression) about the camera. Mine broke as well a while ago but hubs managed to fix it, thankfully. Mine's at least 10 years old and I'm using it all the time - a little Nikon point and shoot (Coolpix S8200) - I would wholeheartedly recommend it but they don't make it any more and the replacement models are not as good. That's a load of marking piled up on your desk - I don't envy you! Hope you'll have sometime to play as well over the holidays. Happy Easter! xx zsuzsa #22

Anonymous said...

Since I upgraded my phone, I use the phone camera almost all the time. I'm quite lazy, I guess. It gives good point and snap quality photos but I do use my actual camera when we go on vacation...just that sentence itself tells you when the last time I actually used it. Sigh...
Have a wonderful week. Dorlene #30

BJ said...

Oh YES someone spotted the Dr Who reference. Told my friend and she nearly wet herself!! I don't normally name things but my hubby had asked so I said Amelia, he was none the wiser. My friend DOES name things and well Tenna lady required!! LOL BJ#13

Shoshi said...

Lovely drawings as always, Sarah - my favourite this week has to be "tired" but I also like "box" which is a really alternative expression of the word. Your desk is looking amazing - a vision in pink and red this week! So sorry to hear about your camera. I can well understand that you want to replace it with one that takes the same batteries. I usually use my iPad for taking photos but if we are on an outing I usually take my Panasonic Lumix - this had to be replaced a couple of years ago because the first one broke, and it takes the same batteries fortunately. I don't actually like it as much as the old one - it has certain "improvements" that I don't think actually improve it!

Thank you for your visit. So glad you are enjoying the kitty blanket progress. It really is such a fun project to do! I have got into the habit of backing up every file as I create it. I also reduce the photos in size each time and save the smaller copies which will upload to my blog, and they are ready to email if I need to. It's a system that works well for me - OK, a couple of extra steps each time, but it's worth it. In the early days I had some mega disasters through not backing stuff up properly. I also have some cloud backups - I'm afraid I'm a bit of a neurotic back-up freak!

Lily and Ruby are asleep on my legs as I type this, snuggled up together after having their tea. They would say "meow" back if they were awake!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #20

Crafting With Jack said...

That's a big pile of books! Apart from the last two your drawings are all about danger this week! Happy WOYWW and Happy Easter x Angela #5

Annie said...

I email photos to myself so I can open them up on the computer....not sure it’s the easiest way but it works for me. I really enjoy your daily drawings.
Annie x #14

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, looks like school work there now that brings back memories Lol! That's a stinker about the camera. I have two cameras both Samsung Lumix, one is a small digital and one is a larger Bridge camera. I love them both for different reasons but the little one is brilliant and I use it all the time as it's great in low light. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x21x

StampinCarol said...

Hope you can find just the right camera. I use a little point & shoot and connect with a cable to my computer.
Great drawings!
Have a wonderful week!
Carol N #24

Anne said...

Hello Sarah. Sorry to hear about the camera. I have such a game nowadays re getting photos onto my blog from phone. Am thinking should use camera. It us very neglected.
Hope you got the marking done. How I hated it! Have great Easter. Anne x 29

De serendipity said...

Now that looks like a desk ready for marking. Hope the time goes by in a jiffy and you can get back to drawing.
Happy Easter, stay safe and keep creating.
Sandra de @33

Susan Renshaw said...

Look at that pile of pink books! Enjoy your break...

Great drawings as usual!
Happy WOYWW and happy Easter!
Susan #18

Felicia said...

Sarah, as everybody has noted.....your "teacher's desk" brought a smile to my face.....especially with the apples!!! Wish I could help you on the camera score, but I use my phone all the time because I have nothing else! One day I will get a real camera! LOLOL Love your drawings this week especially the CAKE!!! The creepy kitty is even cute! LOLOL Thanks as always for stopping by my desk and leaving encouraging words! Here's hoping you have a lovely Easter weekend! Felicia #25

Lindart said...

Hi Sarah! Well, creepy was very creepy...Funny, I stopped using my camera when I got my phone, I have "I-Cloud" which automatically transfers picture from my phone to my computer - very easy! And I can transfer photos from phone to I-pad easily as well. Good luck with getting your camera fixed, and have a nice break, you've earned it! Thanks for your earlier visit, sorry I'm so late, have a great rest of the week, and Happy Easter! Lindart #28

My name is Cindy said...

Oh this does look diferent - we don't usually see this much red do we? Love the pile of books to mark - hope you got it all done before the holidays! Great daily drawings as usual - even the creepy kitty! Thanks for the earlier visit, Happy Easter! Have a good week, stay well, stay safe, love n hugs Cindy xx #23

Stacy Sheldon said...

Ooh I hope you can find a replacement camera Sarah. I know when mine gives up the ghost I will have to do a full sweep as I am using out dated versions of Photoshop and lightroom because, the tech in my old camera is old ha ha. ~Stacy #26

Spyder said...

As always, love the drawings, the creepy cat is scarrrrry! and yes! I too was supprized my the size of Jo's twiddlers, they must take her ages to knit... They'd take me weeks! but they are fabulous and Lady Pam loves hers. Her little hot water bottle does fit inside! I dropped my camera yesterday, well, hubby moved something and the camera was sent flying..He moaned it was broken and there was a crack round the on/off button, but I knew that was an old injury, and said, oh that's nothing, it'll be okay, and luckily it was. Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy very Late last weeks WOYWW!? ((Lyn))#6