Wednesday, 17 March 2021

WOYWW 615: Plodding Along

 How soon we get back into routine.  It's as if we were never away from school.  Wednesdays still come round quickly too as I join in with Julia and the gang on Stamping Ground for WOYWW and my weekly desk share.

My photo looks as if my shed is stuck on Groundhog Day as it doesn't change much from week to week.  I am closing in on 25% of 2021 with a daily drawing.  The orange Kipling pouch  holds my pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener, Posca pens and my small sketchbook comfortably.

I am sure we will all be thinking of Shaz, Doug and family this week with the funeral on Friday.  I will unfortunately be unable to join the live link as I will be at work.  I do hope that it may be possible to watch the service later, but I will be taking a moment during the lesson to pay my respects internally.  Stay safe everyone.  I'll be round to visit later or in the morning as usual.


Helen said...

Morning Sarah - I have enjoyed the latest drawings- Relax looks very appealing! I hope you can get to watch the service on Friday afterwards - I have taken the day off (and Monday tacked on) so have a long weekend to look forward to Happy WOYWW Helen #?

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Sarah,
Love your daily drawings, the “Wet” one is particularly successful and your sheep looks just as if someone has whispered “mint sauce” to her.
Stay safe and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 7

Caro said...

Your drawings are such fun as always. I love the worried sheep! I am hoping to watch the service on Friday and really hope you can watch it afterwards. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#11)

glitterandglue said...

Morning Sarah. Oh how I love this week's drawings - especially the wet and worried ones! They are great.
Glad you are coping with being back full time in school. It must be strange - especially for the youngest children.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1

Neet said...

Glad life has a routine for you now you are back at school. I long to have some kind of routine back in my life - hopefully soon.
Love your drawings, I close my eyes at each one and try to think what I would do - the ones like "relax" and "scared" just as two examples, would have had me stumped. You are brilliant at this. Well done, love them.
Hugs, Neet 15 xx

Lisa-Jane said...

My favourite this week is the rainy day pic although I did chuckle at the worried sheep one too! Sending hugs for Friday, whenever you can watch. Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #8

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

We're back in our old routine as well, which involves careful planning and timing - and something a bit of shouting at my son - to get ready and be "dispatched" to the bus stop. Frankly, we all preferred home learning LOL! He's got mocks coming up too, so nothing has changed - in fact, it might be harder as he will be assessed based on these mocks without the time to prepare for the real thing. Oh well, we'll just go along with it, but I'm just glad it will be Easter soon! I always love your interpretation of the prompts! That sketchbook will be very bulky at this rate! Have a good week! xx zsuzsa #21

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Nooooooooo, a quarter of the year can’t have gone already!! Where has it disappeared too when I wasn’t paying attention? I do like the fact that all your daily drawing stuff is kept in one bag, just handy and the sort of thing I’d do as well.
Hugs LLJ 2 xxx

Karen said...

Terrific drawings ~ Your doing great with your challenge! Enjoy your week ~ Love, Karen#29

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, loving the drawings. Hope everything is going well at school. Sadly some in Lincolnshire have had to send children home already and just wish they would encourage more of them to wear masks though the parents don't help. Take care, have a lovely week and a very happy woyww, Angela x18x

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings Sarah, my that sheep does look worried! Love the umbrella one. Lazing 9n a hammock does look good, but I would never be able to get in or out :). Have a great week Angela #17

Felicia said...

Sarah, how funny quickly time flies and even after displacement, funny how we all fall back into a routine!!! I hope things continue to be on track and school resumes well!! Love your prompts this week. Day 16 is my fave. Love the umbrella and wellies!!! Too cute! Stay safe and healthy Sarah! Felicia #27

Annie said...

I really love your daily drawings. Friday will be a sad day for us all I’m sure. I will be at the funeral with Jo and my hubby so will be taking the hearts o& so many with us.
Annie x #14

Shoshi said...

Love the drawings as always, Sarah - favourites this week were "Scared" and "worried" - that sheep's expression is priceless!! - and "Wet" - love the wellies in the puddle, and also the tiny suggestion of shading on the panels of the umbrella. Fabulous work.

Thank you for your visit - yes, the kitties usually recover pretty quickly after throwing up - it's usually Ruby because she eats too fast. She likes to polish off her own food in double quick time so she can then have a go at Lily's, the greedy guts. Serves her right for her particular variety of Cat Throw...

On which subject, so glad you like the progress on the other Cat Throw! I have found this to be the easiest way to get the embellishments organised. It looks complicated, but it's easier than crawling around n the floor, and not knowing in advance how many more of each design/colour I need to make, not to mention trying to keep it hidden from my hubby! On the computer, he hasn't a clue what I'm doing.

The banana ice cream - super-easy and super delicious! Also super-healthy. win-win.

Happy WOYWW and don't work too hard!
Shoshi x #20

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love the sketches! Hope that school is safe - my son had parent just wandering the other day - no mask, and was quite shocked when he took steps backward until she realised what she had done!!! Hugs, Chris#33

Kathryn Frantz said...

Hi, Sarah!

By the skin of my teeth, it’s still Wednesday here! Sorry to be so late.

Your drawings sure give an insight to your person, your sense of humor and such.

Stay safe and well.

Happy Wednesday

Kathryn #32

Elizabeth said...

Hi Sarah, my desk has that Groundhog Day look too. It's not as if we don't do stuff, it's just not so obvious we do. Your interpretation of the words in your sketches always amuse. I especially like the one for 'scared' ... reminds me of how my brother and I watched 'Dr Who' back in the day. Like you, I'll be thinking of Shaz on Friday. Have a good weekend. Hugs, Elizabeth x #24

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Sarah, loving your drawings - they just get better and better. I'm sure some of them would make excellent illustrations for greetings cards, I can see them as stamps! Have a great week, Annie C #25

BJ said...

Oh My your worried sheep is wicked!!! :))) Love the umbrella too. Glad school has fitted back well like a worn in shoe, so comfy.
Thanks for the visit BJ#9

Lindart said...

Great drawings, as usual! Day 13, scared - that was my daughter the first time she watched Wizard of OZ! And Day 15 - oh yes, lying in a hammock in the sun...can't wait! I love how your drawings often have meanings or memories for me! Thanks for your visit, have a great week, Lindart #31

Spyder said...

I know I have a hammock some where! I'm gonna hunt it out for the summer!
and the jump, reminds me of my gym teacher telling me to do that style jump, because, 'you'll be able to clear a higher jump' I didn't think it mattered as long as I could get over it my way!
great fun!Stay Safe! Keep crafting. Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #19

Susan Renshaw said...

Great drawings! Love the high jump and sheep!
Sorry I am so late visiting.
Happy WOYWW! Susan #11

Anne said...

Hi Sarah I am so late visiting, not sure why :-( I love seeing your drawings, you are clever. Hope you are well. I saw on FB you said you were not so good. Take care. Anne x 28

My name is Cindy said...

Hi Sarah, sorry I'm so late. Plodding along sums it all up really!! It does feel like an endless treadmill, and my days don't vary much. Hooray for WOYWW! I watched the service on Friday, it was well done. Happy belated WOYWW Cindy #22