Wednesday, 22 January 2020

WOYWW 555: Feeling Fitter

Thank you to everyone who sent good wishes last week.  I was cleared to drive last Friday and have been keeping up with the 30 minute walks on non work days and weekends.  The low salt diet is going well and I have even lost a little weight, so onwards and upwards.
I have been busy crafting as you can see, and found time yesterday for an art journal page.  I have decided as part of my new year's resolutions to take part in three of the monthly challenges that I didn't find time for last year.  So I am back with Mission Inspiration, Tag It Tuesday and Mixed Media Art Journey challenges.  I can't manage a weekly challenge (apart from meeting up with all the fabulous WOYWW deskers) but it is nice to be joining in with these groups again.
I did manage to finish the page and will be sharing the step by step on Sunday.  It may be then before I can visit as I have some projects which need to be in the post by Saturday lunchtime to work on tomorrow and Saturday morning.  Have a happy WOYWW and feel free to join us over at The Stamping Ground, where Julia has been keeping deskers in order for nearly 11 years.


Helen said...

I can't remember the last time I entered challenges.. might try this year to spur my creativity on a bit; although I have been doing a bit this week. Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Emma b said...

If only we didnt need sleep we could do so much more Haha glad your feeling better

Julia Dunnit said...

I can’t commit to a weekly challenge so Jim not surprised that you can’t! I use them for scrapbooking but even then the challenge sites move a bit fast! Love your journal page, really pretty image and the hashtag words make me laugh! Glad you’re fitting things in a Sarah, you must live on very specific timetable!

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Sorry to read you've not been well Sarah, look after yourself it's important to us all as well as yourself. It's my plan this year to look after me a little better, there will be no one to look after anyone else other wise.
Hope you manage to keep up with those challenges your journal page is fabulous, I do love those stamps.. Happy WoywW & Take care Tracey #10 x

Neet said...

I do AJJ but nothing else. Can't keep up with challenges but I wish I could. (all down to bad back)
Glad you can drive again - hope the BP is coming down. Other half was refused his operation (tomorrow) on account of his so that is two ops he is waiting on when his BP is down. Then another friend has been told her BP is up. What is happening???
Good luck with the challenges, nice to see some finished work so looking forward to more challenges you enter.
Hugs, Neet 11 xx

Glenda said...

I always enjoy joining challenges but don't do it often. You have inspired me to try in 2020.
Glenda #18

shazsilverwolf said...

I do a Christmas Card Club Challenge, and that works fine for me. It's hard to commit to these things, as it's so easy to take on more than you can keep up with,so sticking at 3 is a smart move.Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 X

Christine said...

Great stamps! Been loving looking at your creations. Sorry to hear you've been under the weather, not much fun is it? I hate not being able to do the things I want to do!!!
Thank you for your kind words last week, much appreciated.

Ohhh Snap said...

I signed up for Mission Inspiration, but haven't yet started. Very crafty desk (those stamps!!) and love the page. Glad you are feeling better.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah, love the journal pages. Try to take it easy for a while. Happy creative woyww, Angela x16x

StampinCarol said...

Glad to hear you're feeling better!
Nice start to your page and hope the challenges go well!
Thanks for popping by and have a great week!
Carol N #22

Diana Taylor said...

I'm sorry to hear you've been unwell - I hope you continue to improve and it's great that the low salt diet is going well for you - I was amazed at how much salt was in so many unexpected foods. I love the journal pages and I hope you enjoy your challenges.
Diana x #9

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Sarah, I am glad to hear you are feeling better and taking care of yourself too. :)
I love the colors of your art journal pages ~Stacy #29

Elizabeth said...

Glad to hear you're recovering, Sarah, and finding time to think about participating in more challenges. I have to admit that I've had to cut down on the challenges - there's only so many hours in the day. Your pages are fab - love the red. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x 20

Anne said...

Hi Sarah glad you are feeling better. I have to take medication for High Blood Pressure :-( - good you are taking care of yourself.
like the journal pages. I can never seem to keep up with challenges. Anne x 19

Shoshi said...

I'm glad you are feeling better, Sarah, and well done for losing some weight, too. I have to have more, not less salt than normal lol! With an ileostomy, it is easy to get dehydrated and lose electrolytes so more salt is good! Good thing I like it. I hope you are not missing it too much. I love your journal page, and well done, getting set to take part in 3 monthly challenges! I've never done anything like that. I am sure we will see lots of fabulous entries, which is something nice to look forward to! Will Eva be joining you in this project?

Thank you for your visit. I'm so glad you like my art work this time! It's nice to ring the changes and come back to old projects again. The lady on the cutting machines forum is totally brilliant and is helping me such a lot. I know I am going to learn a lot from her.

You are right about ulcerative colitis running in families. As far as I know, though, I am the only one in my family. Like your Dad, I wasn't diagnosed till later in life, but I believe I had it for many years and was misdiagnosed with IBS. Well done to your Dad for getting regular screenings. What sort of treatment is he on for his UC? Is he doing well? And what about the rest of the family? It sounds like an epidemic in your family!

My new blender certainly is a beast. It is sooo much more powerful than the old one and I think it really should take up residence at Cape Kennedy rather than Chez Shosh, because I think it's trying to launch itself to the moon!! It's going to have its first bash at almond milk tonight.

Happy WOYWW and keep well!
Shoshi x #21

Lindart said...

Good for you for joining some challenges. Sometimes I find it's the only way to keep me going, I need that deadline! This year I joined a new Facebook Group called The Mixed Media Emporium which gives a monthly challenge, which is about all I can handle these days! Good to hear you are doing better, thanks for your visit, Lindart #27

Sue said...

Hi Sarah, Glad you are back driving and you are looking after yourself.

Art journal is lovely.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Sue #6

Lillianb said...

Thank you for you visit Well done on joining te challenges and love the journel page,

Lilian B #14

Crafting With Jack said...

Glad you are feeling better. I do occasionally enter challenges and it does help you be more creative, but demanding too sometimes. #32 Angela

Caro said...

So glad you are feeling better - loving the journal page. The #whatever made me laugh. Happy belated WOYWW. Have a lovely week, with love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#8)

Kelly said...

Hi Sarah! Thrilled to hear you're back on track! Those are 3 fabulous challenges to play in. I wish I had time for at least one of those. The monthly Junk Journal challenge 'bout does me in but I love playing there! Thanks for stopping by. Creative Blessings! Kelly #26

Kyla said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend. Must admit I struggle with regular challenges to. I manage Inktober each year but that is about it!!
Thanks for visiting my desk already