Tuesday, 26 March 2019

Working on Tags to try out Techniques

I often use tags to work on if I am trying out a new product or technique.  When I want to try out different colour combinations for example.  These are some of my favourites over the last few years.  This tag provided me with practice achieving a reflection by using a gel plate and stamps (see HERE for step by step).
I later used the same technique on a larger scale with this art journal page (see HERE).

When the fourth lot of Distress Oxides came out,  I tried out four different colour combinations (see HERE).

Once again, I later used my favourite colour combination of the four as a background to an art journal page (see HERE).

I have also played around with layers of different types of ink.  Here I started with an Oxide combination, then added  stencilling and even heat embossing over the top.
For once it was a technique that I had previously partially used (without the stencil layer) on a card (see HERE) but it allowed me to refine the look.
It is also useful to be able to refer back to tags used in this way.  They can have notes written on the back to look at, listing the products and techniques used.  If you don't like the result they are only a piece of card!


MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Good morning, Sarah. What a good idea to keep tags from experimenting, with notes on what you did. I keep my parchment play pieces in the same way for future reference. Love those purple tones. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

These are truly impressive. Wonderful art, too.