Saturday, 3 March 2018

Water Colour in the style of Clarice Cliff

The Explore Your Creativity Challenge #8 on Junk Journal Junkies and Mindful Art was to use water colour pens and/or pencils in the style of Clarice Cliff.  The predominant colour was to be yellow.  As I live in the Potteries, I could not resist this challenge.  I decided to base my piece on her crocus design even though they were in shades of orange, purple and blue in the original pottery version.  I turned my piece into a journal page.
I started by cutting a piece of A4 water colour card (Crafter's Companion) down to 18.5cm x 19.5cm to fit my journal.  Using all three yellows from my 24 water colour pencil set (WHSmith), I roughly sketched out crocus shapes and lightly coloured them in.
I then used my Cosmic Shimmer water colour brush to blend out the pencil.
I extended the flowers to the bottom of the page using the pencils and added further shading.
The water brush blended out the harsh lines.
I then added leaves using the two darkest shades of green in pencil.
These were blended once again using my water brush but I forgot to take a photo after that stage.  For the background, I scribbled Light Green and Chartreuse Ecoline pens (Royal Talens) onto my glass mat, blended the colours together using my water brush and gave the background a wash, starting darkest at the bottom right and adding more and more water as I moved up and to the left.  I deliberately left some white space along the left hand side of the page.
This was to mimic a photo that I found of a milk jug with the original Clarice Cliff design.
To turn the piece into an art journal page, I simply added two quotes from the Small Talk sticker book by Tim Holtz idea-ology.  The top quote was cut into two to fit the layout better.

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