Wednesday, 24 January 2018

WOYWW 451: Hurry Up and Craft!

I can't believe the week has gone by so quickly.  I wrote this post on Tuesday afternoon as I will just about have time to publish and share the link today before carrying on with my reports.  I have 107 comments to finish writing before heading into school for a twilight training session (it never rains but it pours).  So, many apologies, but I doubt that I will get to visit many of your desks until the weekend.  Please do visit our hostess Julia at the Stamping Ground to see what is on offer on other desks around the world!  I have had to come up with some quick projects in the last week so as not to miss my daily blog post.
My side of the desk shows the start of the only longer project that I have completed this week (for lesson 3 of Wanderlust 2018) which I will share tomorrow if anyone wants to pop back and see the finished piece.  I was just starting to create the background in my Moleskine journal which is the one I am finally using for Wanderlust 2018.  The tag was a very quick project completed after school on Monday night for sharing yesterday (see HERE).  I was rather tired, so didn't want to spend too long on the project.
On the other side of the desk you can see the finished pieces that Eva started working on last week.  She was continuing with some Groovi projects (parchment) yesterday that she also started last week and left with me for safekeeping.  Have a great week everyone, hopefully things will be calmer by the weekend and I'll have a little more time to visit.

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