Monday, 29 January 2018

Landscape Format Art Journal Flick Through

I decided it was time for a look back over one of my art journals and the associated mini mission tags.  This one is a monthly journal following the prompts on Mission Inspiration.  Although the prompts have been going since January 2016, I only joined the group in August of that year and in fact, my first ever art journal page was completed the same month following the 10 steps.  I still have to complete November and December from 2017, otherwise I have kept up since that time.  I also take part in the mid month mini missions, which are a more recent addition, but those I complete on tags.  These follow a one word prompt (following the alphabet).  The current prompt is Jazzy, which is next on my list to complete.
My first ever art journal page.

September 2016
October 2016.
November 2016.
December 2016.
In January 2017 the format changed slightly: 8 steps, 3 colours and 5 prompt words for inspiration.
February 2017.
March 2017.
April 2017.
May 2017.
June 2017.
July 2017.
August 2017.
September 2017.
October 2017.
I have left pages in my journal to complete November and December 2017.
January 2018.
The next set of prompts will appear on the first Saturday in February.
Mini Missions: A for Aquatic.
B for Borders.
C for Cake.
D for Destination.
E for Echo.
F for Fearless.
G for Geometric.
H for Horizon.
I for Ice.
The step by steps for all these projects can be found with a search for Mission Inspiration and/or Mini Mission on my blog.  I look forward to continuing with this group!

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