Saturday, 17 June 2017

Art Journal Prompts: Backlog Cleared

Week 1: Word for 2017 (Create)
The reports are finished, but I'm too tired to create any new art tonight so I thought I'd do a pictorial flick through of my Art Journal Prompts journal.  I didn't come across this group until week 9, but I have finally caught up with the backlog so I only have to keep up with each weekly prompt as it is posted each Sunday.  So here is a whistle stop tour through each page.  I have previously blogged step by steps to each of them if you do want details of any of them.

Week 2: Texture

Week 3: Music

Week 4: Life is...

Week 5: Take two!
Week 6: Believe
Week 7: Fill your heart...
Week 8: Spread your wings
Week 9: Material
Week 10: Magic
Week 11: Sparkle
Week 12: Adventure
Week 13: Use your scraps
Week 15: Vintage
Week 16: Step into Spring
Week 17: Magazine Clippings
Week 18: Monochrome
Week 19: Take Five
Week 20: Water Soluble
Week 21: Tissue Paper
Week 22: Repurpose
Week 23: Bloom
Now I just have to complete Week 24: Graffiti/Grunge/Urban before the next prompt is posted and I will be all caught up (until the next day!)
How could I forget Week 14: Eastern Promise

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