Wednesday, 28 April 2021

WOYWW 621: Outside Inside

 Welcome to the weekly contribution to WOYWW.  Further details and links to plenty of other desks can be found at Stamping Ground.  It will be the 12th anniversary of Julia's weekly blog link up in three weeks and I am already on the hunt for a nice local postcard of the area.

My desk doesn't change much from week to week.  There is a new sketchbook ready to go as I only have space in the current one for a few more drawings. I do have one surprise, however.
I had a visitor on the other side of the desk - windows open, door open wide, both in masks and with negative lateral flow tests.  There is also quite a tall barrier of drawers, pens and lightbox between us and the desk is 2m wide.  Eva says "hi" to everyone!

The latest drawings.  Stay safe and happy WOYWW.  I'll be round to visit in the morning!


Helen said...

oh, how good to see Eva again!! Happy days indeed. Fabulous collection of daily drawings, too. Happy WOYWW Helen #4

Lillianb said...

How lovely it is to have people visit you. I know since I have moved seeing the family has been lovely xx

I do love you drawing so talented,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #10

Julia Dunnit said...

Oh that right there is a wonderful sign of things on the return! Happy to see Eva, and happy that you got to spend some chatty time together. Have to admit to seeing a friend over the weekend and being less cautious than you were....the cold got the better of us!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Great to see your crafty friend back and it looks to me as though you've got the whole thing under control there so well done. Take care and happy creative woyww, Angela x14x

Anne said...

Love the drawings. How wonderful to be crafting with Eva again. Take care. Anne x 19

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yay, Eva!! How wonderful to see your friend in person again, I did much the same on Saturday afternoon when three local friends came for a socially distanced gin or three in the garden, we had such a laugh. It just makes you feel better! Fun to see your daily sketches, I still wonder how I’d interpret the prompts!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Sarah, loving your latest drawings as always. How lovely to have your crafting buddy back, I think that's what I've missed the most of all during lockdown. We definitely have light at the end of the tunnel now don't we? Have a great week. Annie C #21

Spyder said...

Hi Eva! (it's ok, you don't know me!) Hope you're having a great crafty time!
drawings are looking good. I used to have a spinning top! Stay safe! Keep crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #8

De serendipity said...

Lovely to see you were able to catch up with Eva and it looks like your drawing book is coming along beautifully. Have a great week.
Sandra de @22

Diana Taylor said...

How lovely to have Eva round again after all this time. I'm loving your little drawings.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #23

Lynnecrafts said...

I’m so glad you can craft with Eva again! You must have missed her. I was hoping to see on your blog why you are “upright” on Fb. Have you been ok? Love your drawings
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 7

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings and lovely to have a crafty visitor. Happy WOYWW Angela #16

Neet said...

The first signs of life becoming normal are there in your blog post with the presence of Eva. Must have felt good to share the desk again with her.
Great drawings again Sarah.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Felicia said...

Sarah, WOW for Eva!! That's great and I know that you were so excited to have your craft partner present and accounted for! What a treat!! Love your sketches this week!! I'm drawn to the sibling one for sure. I did something like that for my one sister whom I am very close to. And...I love the "lunch!" Who doesn't love lunch right?????? Blessings to you and have an AWESOME rest of your week! Felicia #27

Lisa-Jane said...

Hi back to Eva! We're just planning a crafty hall get together for 6 of us when restrictions change in a couple of weeks - I can't wait! Stay safe and keep smiling, Lisa-Jane #5

Shoshi said...

So lovely to see you back with Eva again, Sarah, and another great collection of drawings!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #18

StampinCarol said...

I bet you two had a wonderful time catching up and playing!
Have a great week!
Carol N #26

Stacy Sheldon said...

Ooh how thrilling Sarah :) ( Side wave to Eva) :)
~Stacy #24

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for the visit Sarah, and thanks for letting me know about the ATC's .
Your drawings are always fun. The TOP this week is my fav. I have a few old ones. In the middle of a mess with a bathroom remodel so I've been MIA. Enjoy a great week

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your visit and your lovely comment, Sarah - I'm so enjoying joining up the squares for the kitty blanket. On column 6 now, so over half way! Glad you enjoyed the cat training too - we have a saying in this house when they won't do what you want: "Not her idea." My hubby puts one of them on my lap and she jumps straight off again. "Not my idea!" she says. Then, 30 seconds later, up she jumps again! Ruby says she's not a hussy. She points the claw firmly in her sister's direction!

Shoshi x #18

Susan Renshaw said...

Great to have a visitor!
Love your drawings as usual.
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #17

Empire of the Cat said...

OOh I love your drawings! Elle x (eotc 29)