Wednesday, 29 November 2017

WOYWW 443: No Energy

First of all apologies for not visiting many of you last week.  I woke up with a sore throat on Friday morning and by Friday evening had no voice, a nasty cough, was aching all over and had zero energy.  It was a miracle that I managed to raid the bit box for long enough to keep up my daily blog.  Sunday's was quick, as it was my 500th post and I set up another tag give away.  If you'd like a chance to win, just go to the post (HERE) and say which tag you'd like. I spent all weekend and Monday in bed and was just about starting to feel human yesterday.  Eva came over for some crafting in the morning, but the afternoon was spent at a MFL curriculum leaders get together for all the local middle schools.
Anyway; on with the desk sharing, which is the whole purpose of my Wednesday posts.  For further details, visit Julia at the Stamping Ground who is chief desker!
My side of the desk is staged, showing all the bits and pieces at my disposal to make the tag in the centre (for details see HERE).
On the other side of the desk, Eva was working on a birthday card for her Hubby's forthcoming birthday, using her new Groovi plates (neither of us could resist the Gray Day Sale on the Claritystamp website at the weekend).
Work in Progress

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