Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks which is WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday), the brainchild of Julia, who was kindly entrusted it to me to continue after 15 years of togetherness. Please feel free to link up your desk and visit others' - we are a friendly bunch.
My desk shows the latest Clarity New Design Club stamps and stencils which arrived on Monday. I needed to put them away until I have time to play - but I have secret stuff to work on first. I stocked up on storage in the last sale as I like the folders for the booklets and stencils.The date for the crop is now firm - 10th May 2025 10am-4pm. A few of you expressed concerns about travelling on a Bank Holiday weekend so I played it safe. I will be able to let you know the cost once I know numbers, but I only allowed a half hour either side of the start and finish time this time so it is £20 less than last year. I will be providing hot drinks and biscuits but any cake will be gratefully received by all no doubt. Like last year, packed lunches will be the order of the day (there is a good sandwich shop and convenience store across the road from the hall) and we have the café area available to us again as well as the main hall. The location is the same as last year Penkhull Village Hall, Trent Valley Road, Stoke on Trent ST4 5JB. There is parking behind the hall and it is not too far a taxi ride from the train station.
Hope I will be able to see lots of you there - it will be the 16th anniversary of WOYWW the following Wednesday so ATC swaps can take place there for all those attending.
Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.
happy WOYWW. I like that new stencil!, and your daily art pages. I will let you know asap about the crop. Helen #1
Looking forward to the crop and good that ATC's can be swapped with some. I am enjoying your daily art, loved 'mystical' this week.
Take care, Hugs, Neet 2 xx
Put me down for the Crop please! It seems an age ago that I organised the first one in Wiltshire! Well done with your daily art, you do so well with these challenges.
Hugs LLJ 3 xx
Thanks for the crop whereabouts info last week, did check it out but with over 3 and a half hours drive time it's too much for me. An hour to Brighton (and back) for my friend's wedding last year (see scraping) had the effect of restarting up my Carpal Tunnel in my left hand which I'm struggling with still, let alone my back troubles and OCD I think I can only dream of meeting you all.
loving your daily art, we found a horseshoe on our walk yesterday as it happens, I just nudged it with my boot then looked round and hubby was carrying it home...I wonder where he put it? We had stopped at the pony field some way away on the same walk too. Hmmmm. Anyway I digress, and I only got up to link up, must try and get some more sleep, was tossing and turning till well gone 1am last night (this morning..) Hugs BJ#5
Thanks lots for organizing the crop again this year. Hopefully I will be there with my little sis - looking forward to it. I can imagine your artwork requires a bit of thinking time to decide how to translate the challenge. Ancient - that's me! x x Jo 🌈
How ecxiting. I really hope to be at the crop although life here is very hectic at the mo so I'm keeping everything crossed.
Love the latest daily pages.
Annie x
Love your daily watercolours and I hope to be able to get to the crop. Penkhull village hall is a great choice central and with a sandwich shop opposite.
Lynnecrafts 8 xx
Hi Sarah, I'll definitely be at the crop and can't wait. ATC ideas are a bit stuck in my brain at the moment as i'm full of cold and can't think straight yet but sure it will come to me soon. Well done at getting going with the new journal pages too. Happy woyww, Angela x10x
Traffic, trains and staying over will be less difficult, and possibly a bit cheaper the week after the Bank Hol too, so it's all good I hope! The stencil is pretty, I think I've got a weakness for Bird images. Having said that, I love the paws in the bear set!
Great sketches. My favourite is mythical!
Shame I am so far away for the crop...
Happy WOYWW! Susan #9
Love that bird stencil. I agree with you, thinking about the prompt takes the longest sometimes. Great daily art. Happy WOYWW. Angela # 13
Still not sure on the crop. I think it will depend on travel plans and a few other currently unknowns! But I love seeing everyone in person so fingers crossed. Your daily art is looking great, but I do miss the collages - one of my fave types for sure. Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)
Some day...I may be able to come for the swap. If i ever go to the UK I will have to plan it around the swap! Nice new toys, hope you find the time to play! Your drawings are great, I like the Before Internet best! Writing letters has become a lost art. No more tying bundles of love letters together for future ancestors to discover! Have a great week, Lindart #14
Nice new stencils! I like the prompt for "before internet." That one speaks to my Luddite spirit! I think technology is great, but paper, paint, and ink will always be my first love!
Have a fabulous week!
Chana WOYWW #15
After trying over and over, day after day, I am giving up. Here is my coment for Chana - maybe you can try posting it on her blog? I have no idea why I get the Failure to Publish message every time, but I do want her to know I read it - I read ALL the blogs, even if I can comment :)
Let's see if this works - I seem to get Failed to Publish messages when I try to comment on your blog, no idea why! Anyway, the alcohol ink cards are lovely, not surprised she loves them. I bet that candle smells lovely too - Yum. And yeah, i worry abut the power strips getting overloaded but luckily I can't use a heat gun, a glue gun, and a die cut machine all at the same time LOL!
Happy WOYWW!
Mary Anne (4)
Gosh, what a great start to the New Year crafty wise! I really want to come to the crop - especially as the Lovely Jan has said she is coming (It's been too long!) - and I will let you know definitely as soon as. Wednesday disappeared so here I am trying to visit a few desks while little Splodge has his nap! Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #12
Sorry I'm so late! or I could be early for this coming Wednesday! Too much happening! Boiler leaking, drive needed clearing and cleaning ready for a meter being moved, dec still not all up in the attice....garage needed clearing too, but most other things are jobs, shopping, gardening, hedge cutting and a couple of birthday cards to make, anyway, Geri the Crafter is starting his month long 'thing' in March this year and I really want to do that after doing it for the whole of July last year! I love your drawings, if I had time I would have ago...Wish the crop was nearer...I would get lost and end up having a hissy fit! or passing out! Have a great week! Happy very late WOYWW!?((Lyn))#16
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