Wednesday, 18 December 2024

WOYWW 811/31: One Week to Christmas

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks which is WOYWW (What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday) which was the brainchild of Julia, who was kindly entrusted it to me to continue after 15 years of togetherness.  Please feel free to link up your desk and visit others' - we are a friendly bunch. 

I think I have enough watercolour journals for my daily art next year.  I will probably swap between drawings and watercolours depending whether I am at work on a particular day or not.

This time next week it will be Christmas Day.  I totally understand that you will all be extremely busy with family and friends and I am not expecting many to join in next week.  I will however set up a post for those that wish to drop in later in the week.

It's my last day of teaching today for 2024, as on Friday I will be accompanying KS3 on their reward trip.  I will ensure all the marking is done before then so I can enjoy Christmas with a guilt free conscience!

Happy WOYWW - stay safe everyone.


Neet said...

My goodness, that is a lot of books. Is it a "library" of books - ie the collective noun. Just looked it up and it could be either "library, pile or stack". Well, you have a lot of them!
Enjoy your reward trip , now you have me wondering where you are going. I hope it is somewhere nice and warm.
Not sure if I will be up next week or not but I will be thinking of you and the other woyww'ers at some time during the day.
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Helen said...

wow, what a lot of journals all ready to go! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for next year's challenges. enjoy the trip on Friday and in case I don't get to join in on the day next week, Happy Christmas! Helen #2

Annie said...

Hope your last day at school goes well and you enjoy the reward trip...I wonder where you are going? Have a wonderful Christmas.
Annie x

Twiglet said...

Your collages are fab and festive! Enjoy using your art books - a lovely thing to do. You will be looking forward to your break. Have a good Christmas. I will pop by Christmas day and link up with all the WOYWW folks who are around. x x x Jo 🌈

Mary Anne said...

Wow, some great ones today! Apologies for missing out some lasst week, my mom went into hospital (still there) so life was a bit chaotic. Lucky you on getting to go on the trip! Well, maybe, if the kids are good ones LOL!
On time!
Mary Anne (6)

BJ said...

Glad you are all set with the books for next year's daily art. Don't think I will be doing the same again although as I really ought to get back to the scraping. Loving your collages this week, especially the B&W backing papers and the POP of red.
As I said not quite so busy here so I should be around next week, Have a lovely Christmas, Hugs BJ#10

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah they look like quality journals and a nice size too but I don't recognise the make, I'd be interested to know where you got them from. Hope you enjoy your trip out on friday. I will be around for a while next Wednesday and have an idea for something to go on my blog for anyone who might what to pop by. Hope your Christmas is a happy one. Hugs Angela x9x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That’s a stack o books you have there, so much work involved! Hooray for the last day on Friday, you deserve the rest - I shall be thinking about you next week, sending hugs xx
LLJ 3 xx

Diana Taylor said...

Ooh now that's a tempting pile of 'ready and waiting' sketchbooks - how inviting! I'm loving the Christmas themed collages and look forward to your new daily challenges next year. I hope you enjoy your reward day. Have a good Christmas
Diana xx #13

My name is Cindy said...

I admire your commitment Sarah, one little hiccup and my plans go awry!! I've linked twice 'cos Neet said she had some problems with the first one. Happy Christmas!! Cindyxx

Lynnecrafts said...

You’re well prepared for next year’s journaling! Enjoy your trip on Friday and then your holidays. Where are you going on their Reward trip?
Happy WOYWW and Christmas
Hugs Lynnecrafts 8 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

Wow! Were the watercolour journals on offer? A good start for your new year plan. Enjoy your trip on Friday and happy Christmas . Angela #16

Julia Dunnit said...

Whoah, I think I've got journal envy! How very satisfying to have a stack like that knowing that you will actually use them!

Spyder said...

ohoo I love those little books...I will make a point at looking out to see what becomes of them! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#17

Kyla said...

ooh they look like nice journals (not that I need ANYMORE!! lol) Hope the trip went well and enjoy the down time.
kyla #7

Susan Renshaw said...

I thought I had commented but it obviously didn't come through... Lovely to see you are all organised for next year's project! Love this week's collage clusters. I am now at the holiday house for Christmas...with no internet so am struggling along with just my phone. Wishing you a merry Christmas and a happy new year!