Friday 17 November 2023

#dailydrawing2023: Half Way Through November

 2023 is drawing to an end and I have managed to keep up with my #dailydrawing2023 challenge which I set myself at the start of the year.  Here are the drawings from the first half of November together with the prompts I am following.

A simple start to the month.
Another quick response.
The last easy prompt for a couple of days.
My son likes skateboarding.
A difficult prompt to express.
Copied from an image online!
Another challenge to interpret.
Having to think hard too.
The idea came easily.
Another easy one!
And for this one.
My immediate thought on seeing the prompt.
I added a face mask!
You are the weakest link...
Copied from an image on a greeting card by Bryn Parry.

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