Wednesday, 15 November 2023

WOYWW 754: Music Making

 The weekly Wednesday desk share seems to come round more and more quickly.  Don't forget to visit Julia at Stamping Ground for more WOYWW fun.

This week's desk shows the programm for last weekend's music making with the recorder group among others at Lichfield Cathedral.  I didn't make the Friday performance but spent Saturday afternoon rehearsing followed by the concert in the evening.  It is 40 years since I last played in a performance of Noye's Fludde and it was a great day.  This coming Saturday sees another concert in Lichfield, this time the U3A recorder group are being joined by a choir and we are taking half the programm each.

Some of this week's #dailydrawing2023 prompts have been challenging - I decided to add a face mask to The Scream!
I am popping over to Annie's tomorrow to pick up the wonderful memory cats and cushion that she has made.  Busy in between with work and crafting as well as the music making.  Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

hope the concert goes well this weekend too, and that you have a good trip to pick up the cats & cushion! Happy WOYWW Helen #2

Susan Renshaw said...

I enjoyed reading of your concerts - hope the next goes well! Love the sketches - this time my favourite is the onion! Happy WOYWW! Susan #3

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings, I love the lion and the altered “Scream”. Have a great week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #4

Magic Maggie said...

Dear Sarah - you really make my day(s) with your wonderful imaginings/card designs. Please don't stop.
Maggie (York UK) Bendycat has gone now.

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds like you've been having fun. Loving the new journal drawings too and more to come. Look forward to seeing the cats when you get back from Annies. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x11x

BJ said...

Never heard of that music and had a bit of trouble reading the title it must be said, but recognised the picture. Oh my! hope the concert goes well. Super drawings, giggled at your slink. Looking forward to seeing the memory cats. Hugs BJ#13

Lynnecrafts said...

Your concert sounds lovely- I hope the next one goes well, too, and that you enjoy visiting Annie. Love your daily drawings.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 10 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Noye’s Fludde is such a great work, how marvellous to be part of it! The recorder groups sound a lot of fun, I’m glad you’re enjoying. The drawings are fab as always, hope you have a good trip over to Annie’s!
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

My name is Cindy said...

Just shows the quality of your drawings - I worked out 'the Scream' before I read your text!! Sounds like you have been busy with the recorder playing!! Oh how nice that Annie has made some memory cats and cushion for you. Have a great week, love n hugs, Cindyxx #12

Annie said...

I'm looking forward to seeing you tomorrow but my time will be limited as I will be on Nanny Annie duty. I love seeing your daily drawings ans hearing about your musical achievements.
Annie x #6

Julia Dunnit said...

Wow, Noyes Fludde! Must be forty years since I last heard it! Bet you really enjoyed it, and good luck with this weekend too, how exciting! As usual, enjoying your interpretation of the prompts, the Sceam in particular, well altered! Xx

Neet said...

Sorry I am so late, had one of those days yesterday where i achieved nothing.
Well done on your concert achievement.
Love the drawings - especially The Scream. I once split it up into sections and gave each child in class a piece to do but enlarged. At the end we stuck them together and put them on the ceiling. I don't think it will be there these days.
Hugs, Neet 7 xx

Lindart said...

I hope the concert goes well! Great drawings, my av this week is "altered" - love the mask! Have a great week, thanks for your visit! Lindart #18

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy Belated WOYWW. I played the recorder until my teens - even in a pop song recording. Love the doodles. Ali x. #16

Spyder said...

Very Belated WOYWW! Yes! How odd, I found my old recorder only yesterday, and had to play, 'Go and tell aunt Nancy (the old grey goose is dead' the first thing we ever learnt to play! Still as squeaky as ever, even after all these years! Not sure which drawing I like this week...I'm going with 'hard' as I would've never thought of a diamond! Happy Late WOYWW ((Lyn))#20

Kyla said...

ooh playing the recorder, that takes me back :-)
Loving your makes too, especially your 2 cards from one die on your recent post, really effective. Bet Annies makes were amazing too
Thanks for visiting my desk already