Saturday, 1 July 2023

Daily Drawing Round Up: Half Way Through the Year

 I have now filled my first Seawhite Journal with my #dailydrawing2023 work and am ready to start my second.  Here is a round up for the second half of June.

Mistaken identity?  Mistaken path?

A repeat prompt for this year so had to come up with a different response.
The current Prince of Wales will become King William V (but hopefully not for a while)!
I have a soft spot for black cats.
The weather is awfully warm here at the moment.
The school year isn't over in the UK yet.
Just a coincidence that it's our wedding anniversary. (You get less time for murder here lol).
A better use for the knife lol.
Quick and simple today.
One of the locks on my shed which I unlock every morning.
First thought that came to mind.
Another repeat prompt which needed an alternative thought.
I instantly thought of paper.
My thoughts turned to rugby.

Half way through 2023!

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