Wednesday, 28 June 2023

WOYWW 734: Getting Closer

Welcome to the weekly sharing of desks courtesy of WOYWW and Julia at Stamping Ground.  Please visit to find out more.

Unbelievably, the year is almost half over so I have been getting my second Seawhite journal ready for the rest of my #dailydrawing2023 challenge starting on Saturday.
My first journal will finish with Day 181.
Reports are done and dusted and including today there are only 11 more working days left this year.  Many of Y6 are out on their residential visit this week so Friday's lessons will look a bit different and I have picked up a couple of extra non-contacts so I can get assessments marked in school.  Busy working on leavers' cards for colleagues now.  
Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

I can't believe Saturday sees July! where is this year going... Good luck with the rest of the year's drawing challenge. Happy WOYWW Helen#2

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Gosh, Sarah. Your last full paragraph was like reading Russian. I have no idea about your school system, so what others are familiar with, I am at a loss. However, I am NOT at a loss for those amazing daily drawings. I am in awe, especially of how you interpreted SAVE. Happy WOYWW from #1.

Anne said...

Almost July! Time is flying along. I still remember the anticipation of finishing everything ready for end of term. Sure you are ready for the rest! Take care. Anne x 11

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Only 11 days to go. Hubby has just finished his tour of England's schools and is completing his paperwork completed so I might get my dining room table back soon. Your drawing continue to amaze me so well done with those. Have a lovely woyww, hopefully a bit cooler. Hugs, Angela x9x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

These last few days will whizz by hopefully! Great drawings, I like to see how you interpret the prompts, always interesting!
HUgs LLJ 5 xx

My name is Cindy said...

I'm still chuckling over Elizabeth's comment. And as Helen says, how is it nearly July? This year is just trickling through my fingers. I hope the holidays don't go as fast for you!! Love your daily drawings. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #12

Twiglet said...

Good luck with all your end of term activities - always fun to wind down and enjoy the children's company without pressures of tests, exams and assessment. Well done on your challenge - Great interpretation of each one. x x Jo

Annie said...

It's such a busy life being a teacher [having 2 teachers I see it a lot and Shell has ofsted this week too!!] Don't overdo it.
Annie x #7

Neet said...

This year is going far too fast - July already just around the corner.
Enjoy your well earned holiday time.
Well, I hope you have as much success with the next drawing book as you have with this one.
HJugs, Neet 10 xx

Christine said...

I just love the way you see those words in pictures . . . no wonder you're a teacher . . .
yr6 is I presume 10 year olds? Never understood this new system . . . Nursery, Infant, Junior and then into years at secondary school suited me!!
Well done for managing to get help with the marking.
Have a good week
Christine #15

Crafting With Jack said...

Well not quite Russian, residential visits means a school trip for a few days. Not sure about extra non contacts, but I am guessing that means time on your own in school without pupils. Great drawings, Save is a great interpretation. Happy WOYWW. Angela #14

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. It is hard to believe that this school year is nearly over. It makes me sad that our grandchildren are racing through their childhoods. Our 8 year old granddaughter went on her first residential trip last week (so young - we didn't go away until we were 12 or 13). Ali x #16

Julia Dunnit said...

Hurrah for the end of term being in sight, and thanks to your Uber organised approach, no nasty forgotten deadlines or mountains of work to push through. It is remarkable how quickly the year is going to me, and I blame you entirely...drawing a picture every day is a constant reminder that in a blink there will be another one to do!!!

BJ said...

Busy busy with school still I see. Sadly my reader didn't turn up this week so I've only done 3 out of 8 sessions of the 12 allotted to them. They really need to work on the sound for U so hoping I get to see them before the end of the term. Super drawings, lovely new book all ready too. Hugs BJ#13