Thursday 1 June 2023

#dailydrawing2023: Five Months In

So that was May and with it five complete months of #dailydrawing2023.  One more month and I will be starting on my second Seawhite journal of the year.

I immediately thought campfire.
From my imagination.
Well I do live in the Potteries.
There really could only be one response to this.
My first thought.
Copied from an image but I didn't follow the tutorial (see HERE).

My first thought at the prompt.
Quick and simple.
I had to come up with a different response than smoke.
I went with a sea captain.
I have had this prompt before so came up with a different response this time.
Once again a repeat prompt which required an alternate response.


aussie aNNie said...

This looks amazing Sarah, your ability to draw and feel good is great. xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

You are SO talented.