Wednesday, 9 June 2021

WOYWW 627: Five More Wednesdays

Good morning and welcome to another Wednesday sharing of the desk with the gang at WOYWW, led by Julia at Stamping Ground - please visit to find out more.  Quick today as school is back in session, but only five more Wednesdays until the school holidays.

Same old, same old as far as the desk is concerned.  Still drawing daily!  I did very little but veg out and watch TV over half term I must admit.  No Eva today either as she was busy with school work yesterday.

Meeting after work tonight so it will probably be tomorrow before I visit.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

I am sure the school holidays will be here before you know it! the year is certainly flying by in my opinion; lol. Happy WOYWW and hope the meeting after school isn't too long. Helen #2

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love your drawings. I especially like Day 5. Not only clever interpretation, but a great drawing, too. Thanks again for the amazing postcard and ATC. Happy WOYWW from # 3.

My name is Cindy said...

After all the discussion about going back it hardly seems possible it's nearly the holidays again! What a strange year this has been for everyone in education. My favourite rawing this week is I think 'obsolete'. Becoming increasingly aware that lots of my posessions are going that way!! Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

The countdown begins to the school holidays, they will be here before you know it. I have to say i'm really loving your daily sketches Sarah, I used to love my tape mixes... Happy days!! WoywW Hugs Tracey (13) xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good, I’m glad you had a proper rest instead of trying to fill up your week off with jobs etc. Your drawings still make me smile but I found the Forgotten one very poignant.
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Julia Dunnit said...

It’s a bolt to see a staple of my younger life as the prompt for ‘obsolete’! Great drawings and such a part of your daily routine now.I think your half term activity was just what you needed, slight change of routine and a bit of drifting about, very good for you, I’d say!

Christine said...

Love, love your drawings . . . your take on the tag line ricks my boat!
Five weeks and your time will be your own again . . . hang in there . . .
Have a good week
Christine #24

Neet said...

Not long to go now before the end of term - later mornings on the horizon?
Great thinking behind the drawings, I think the ear of corn was very clever - much easier to draw than the alternative.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! The 'obsolete' made me laugh!! I don't blame you for just vegging out over half term - school must be even more exhausting than normal at the moment. Lovely to count down the Wednesdays with you. Bye for now, Lisa-Jane, #8

Spyder said...

My favourite one this week has got to be the cat in the hat, it reminds of a halloween birthday card I sent to someone many years ago, and she still has it! Stay safe, keep crafting! Happy WOYWW!? ((Lyn)) #26

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Sarah, I love your drawings and especially the ear of corn. The postcard you sent Elizabeth sent me back. I’ve often been to the lovely Trentham gardens; I had my 6th birthday in Trentham park (some friends found a hole in the fence to the gardens) and often used to take my Mum to the gardens. .
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 11

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Only 5 more weeks, sheesh. My son finished school on April 21st - he's feeling very lucky having all this free time while the others are still slaving away in school - of course, we don't know his GCSE results yet. The college gave him some assignments for the summer so at least he's working through those. Some cool interpretations there (obsolete, forgotten) - you must have hundreds of these drawings by now! Happy WOYWW! xx zsuzsa #28

Morti said...

Lots of lovely drawings this week! I've been rather useless at doing them - started and then stitching took over again! oops...

Morti x

Lillianb said...

Just love your daily drawing, it must be hard keeping up with that, Love day 5 must have taken an age to do,

Take care and stay safe,

Lilian B #10

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your interpretation of “Familiar “, your “forgotten” is a bit sad! Happy WOYWW Angela #12

Shoshi said...

I do love your drawings, Sarah - they are quirky and fun. I find it hard to choose a favourite this week but I think it has to be "Ear." A very different interpretation from what one might expect! I am sure that the final five weeks of term will pass very quickly, if the rest of the year is anything to go by.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #9

Annie said...

Thanks for visiting me earlier. I really love your daily drawings....keep up the good work.
Annie x #16

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Bet you'll be pleased when the holidays are here again. Well done for keep ing up with the drawings too. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x17x

Debbie Rock said...

Five weeks until the summer holidays - they sound ages away so it came a quite a shock to realise they are just around the corner. Don't blame you for vegging out over half term ... recharging the batteries & all that! Hope you have a good week. Love to you from Debbie xXx

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your visit, Sarah, and for your commiserations and prayers! I know that my hair should be the least of my worries but it's so long and healthy and very much part of who I am!! The kitties say meow back.

Shoshi x #9

roffeycreations said...

Hiya - just a quick pop by to say Hi - I am - like every one seems to be "flat out like a lizard drinkin" to use an Aussie expression LOL!
Have a great week - Stay safe & well - Cheers Maurs xxx #35

Marit said...

I saw some of your daily drawings on Facebook Sarah, I love your style! Thanks for your visit to my blog the other day, big hug to you beautiful one! Love from Holland. Marit #20 (P.S. Cataract surgery went very well, I am in the healing mode right now but am able to spend some time at the computer... and I can SEE well, yay!!! )

Lindart said...

Oh I remember those cassettes too well, especially having to use a pencil to unravel them! It's amazing how much things have changed since I was a kid, much more than when my kid was a kid! I remember having a transistor radio - it was all the rage at the time! And how we used to record our favourite songs onto cassette tapes from the radio. Now we have Spotify and everything is at our fingertips! Thanks for the memories! Have a great week, Lindart #33

StampinCarol said...

I have oodles of those obsolete items! Great drawings!
Thanks for stopping by! Family issues since Wed. prevented me from visiting until today.
Carol N #30