Wednesday, 4 November 2020

WOYWW 596: Holiday Over

 Only another four weeks until we celebrate the 600th week of sharing desks with Julia at Stamping Ground.  I haven't been involved for nearly as long as that with WOYWW but I am so glad that my sister-in-law pointed me in the direction of this caring, sharing, world wide community of crafters.  It's never too late to join in, whether by sharing or visiting.  You can join in every week or just when you are able.

As you can see from my desk, I have been carrying on with drawing even though #inktober has finished for another year.  I decided to go back and finish the 25 prompts for #drawcember2018 as I didn't complete them at the time.  That should allow me to join in again this year with a clear conscience.  I have even ordered some more of the Daler-Rowney cartridge paper journals ready for next year, as I still have #inktober2019 and #drawcember2019 to complete too.  I can fit two year's worth of both these challenges into one book, so they will keep me going for years to come.

I thought I'd share the last four #inktober drawings that I did, although some of you may have already seen them on FB. I think that Caro probably inspired the last one.

Back to work this week and getting ready for anything that may be thrown at us during the lockdown that starts tomorrow.  I'll be along to visit in the morningas I have to drop a birthday card through the letterbox of #1 aon on the way home from work tomorrow.  We can still have a coffee in the garden (socially distanced) so it will be the last chance to catch up before lockdown.  Stay safe and happy WOYWW everyone.


Helen said...

your drawings have been amazing; I look forward to Drawcember (soon!) Enjoy your socially distanced coffee with your son Helen #?

Lillianb said...


Love your drawing its not something I can do lol so always admire those who can,

Take care and stay well and safe,

Lilian B # 9

Anne said...

Hi Sarah. Yes have enjoyed seeing your drawings on FB. Enjoy the visit with your son! Anne x 11

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Well done on carrying on with Inktober it's a great way of just keeping our hands busy Sarah. Fabulous shares and great references to look back on. Have fun & keep creative it's keeping us busy during these manic times.
Hugs Tracey xx (?)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Hope you enjoy the coffee with your son, got to make the most of your time before lockdown. We’re looking forward to next Monday in Wales, that’s for sure. I’ve enjoyed seeing your inky drawings every day, well done for completing the old challenge!
Hugs LLJ 6 xxx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I knew I saw those washi tape drawers on your desk - I got one too! Soo happy with it! Well done for sticking with the challenge throughout October - you've created some pretty cool sketches. Good luck at work - I would feel more comfortable if the schools were closed for the duration of the lockdown to be honest. Let's hope we can all avoid the virus but we can't keep worrying about it. Happy WOYWW! zsuzsa #19

Neet said...

I have so enjoyed your drawings on both FB and here. Do you feel your skill at drawing is improving? You certainly are doing well and have some great drawings and shading/cross hatching. I am sure something like this will improve drawing skills of anyone who partakes. Gosh thinking of Skinner for a moment.
Your three kings would make a good Christmas card - you could scan it and run some off, colouring them in and using them. Likewise the cracker!
Have a good week ahead, stay safe and well - I don't envy you teaching in this climate.
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

My name is Cindy said...

Morning Sarah, love your commitment to getting your drawings done, they have been interesting. Hoping to see mum (in the garden) and then I'm off to help an elderly friend get her winter duvets and heaters down from the loft. Not strictly allowed but am I gonnna let a 75 yr old up the loft ladder on her own? (Mind you sometimes I think she's more agile than I am). Hope school doesn't have too many extra hoops for you to jump through. Certainly these are trying times. Stay well, stay safe, Cindyxx #16

Spyder said...

Wow, I think I might just go ponkers remebering where and what I should be doing if I was you! Thank you for mentioning Carlo, with the clearing out of my crafty stuff and re-jigging it into the smallest room in the house I have found some ATC's which never got sent out to a group I was running, so there's quite a few people who will be getting them sometime soon! (they're only six years late!) Stay save in Lockdown Happy Crafting, Happy WOYWW
Lyn #25

StampinCarol said...

It's fun seeing what you draw with the prompt! Enjoy your coffee!
Carol N #24

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Sarah, been loving your drawings- I thought of Caro too when I saw the swimmer! So happy to have met you via WOYWW- and at Happy Stampers IRL! Such a shame that may be ended now, although there was some talk about someone else taking over the running, we'll just have to wait & see. Stay safe, Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #4 X

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. It is at times like this that I wished our family lived close together. Haven't seen my mum since the summer - and my sisters for several years! I seem to do less and less crafting as the weeks go by. I enjoy it when I am getting on with a project, but not taking on any new challenges as I never complete them. Ali x #27

Felicia said...

I'm so glad you were able to clear your conscience! LOLOL I think anybody who can go all the way through those challenges are magnificent!! I really like all your little drawings and my hats are off to you! I hope you enjoy your coffee time in the garden....I certainly wish I had one to do that in!!! Blessings on the lockdown, I know how difficult it can be! Felicia #28

Kathryn Frantz said...

Good morning, Sarah!

What a world we have!

Congrats on staying so productive! ( I’ve been a slug!). Still working on the wall where our leak was which means piles of “stuff “ everywhere! This “stuff “.used to be treasures and family heirlooms. Not so sure now. Ready to take it all to a charity shop and be done with it all! However, don’t think I have the required energy to do that!

Stay safe however you work changes!
Happy Wednesday!


Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Sarah. Hope everything's going okay at school. Well done on keeping up with inktober you must be feeling really pleased with yourself. The swimmer definitely looks like Caro. Stay safe and have a lovely creative woyww, Angela x18x

Julia Dunnit said...

This morning was crisp cold and beautiful so I hope a coffee in the garden was a nice thing to do, take every chance you can to see the ‘children’, huh. Really admire your tenacity in completing the former years in the drawing before you tackle the next. Gawd knows how things will work out at school for you, but I do know that you’ll take in your stride as you always seem to do, brilliant you.

Caro said...

I'm useless at drawing so I admire anyone who can. I have been admiring your drawings. The swimmer is excellent! Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#13)

Sue said...

Love your dedication to drawings Sarah. What a star. Love your Clarity work too.
Take care, love & hugs, Sue #26 xx

Shoshi said...

Your Inktober drawings are so amazing, Sarah - just a few lines, and you really capture the spirit of each prompt! Some of them are such fun, too! They make me smile. Thank you for your lovely comment - interesting about the weight loss tip from another source! The science behind this is very interesting, I think. I'm glad you liked my House of Eliott inspired jumper - nice to find another House of Eliott fan! Ruined Rotten Ruby ("not spoilt, favoured!" says my hubby lol!) and Lazy Lily (you got that right!) say "purr purr" in reply and wish you would come and give them a cuddle!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #17

Susan Renshaw said...

Having seen Zsuzsa's comment about the washi tape drawers I had a look - what a good idea...mine are mainly still in tubes which are not really accessible!
Love all the drawings may have to look at #Drawcember...
Thanks for visiting my blog.
Stay safe and keep well...
Happy WOYWW!
Susan #23
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Stacy Sheldon said...

HI Sarah, I am totally loving seeing what you have drawn and I love that you are putting them into little books too. :) ~Stacy #31

Chrissie said...

Your drawings continue to be amazing...I once had a stamp which I had drawn, made into the free gift on Craft Stamper magazine, but that was my only claim to fame! It's a long time since I did A Level Art!
Take care and stay safe!
Chrissie #12

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Yay! For pop up comment boxes, Sarah, appreciated sooo much. Embedded suddenly started playing up again this week, some publish but most don’t.
Lock down isn’t fun is it but needful, was quite surprised to read England only had three times our population, when saw how many death youre compared to us. Sad pray it’s under control. You need good contact tracing and think that’s where your system falls over. I’m blessed to live in best state in Is in that respect .
Brilliant inktober too. Do enjoy seeing them.
Thanks for being a blessing, and may God bless you too, especially in these unusual times, a blessing to rest simply in Him! Praying you’re all kept well too!
Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x 😊

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Heather M said...

Hi Sarah, hope you enjoyed coffee with your son. I fully understand and support lockdown if it helps get rid of this awful virus, but I do much miss seeing my girls and their families. Your drawings are super - and well done on completing the Dec 2018 drawings. I don't take part in any challenges, etc as I would fail miserably at keeping up, so hats off to you for your commitment. Thanks for stopping by earlier - we are all so thankful the wedding took place, what a relief! Have a lovely week, Heather xx #8

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Sarah, I just love the drawing of the lady’s shoe. I don’t have enough washi tape for anything except a small box. I went from loving it to hating it as it never seemed to stick, of course now I have learnt to use some glue with it. I hope lockdown doesn’t cause too many problems for you x Angela #20

Kyla said...

ooh fair play for the catching up on 2018 and 19 drawings. Loving the ones for this year, I have just caught up and wish I saw your Crawl as that is a brilliant idea.
Thanks for visiting my desk already