Wednesday, 25 September 2024

WOYWW 799/19: Having A Good week

 Only one week until an auspicious celebration for WOYWW - 800 weeks of this crafty blog hop of desks.  The brain child of Julia who has entrusted me with keeping things going after 15 years at the reins.

As it will be October by next week (where does the time go?), I have been sorting out stickers for my October #dailycollage2024 pages.

I thought we could celebrate week 800 with a trip down memory lane and the first ever desk that each of us shared with WOYWW.  I have only been joining in since August 2015 and I know there will be more of you who can go back much further than that.  So please share your memories next week.  I thought we would keep our ATC swap until the 16th anniversary next May (#832).

The BOW-WOB (Black on White - White on Black) papers can be coloured or left monochrome.

I look forward to our trip down memory lane next week.  Stay safe and thanks for joining in/visiting WOYWW.


Neet said...

Oh heck! How do I find my first post please? I haven't a clue when it was.
Gosh, autumnal colours have come around so quickly, and yesterday I watched leaves falling on the back lawn and thought it was about time I switched my wardrobe from summer clothes. I look forward to seeing your autumnal collages Sarah.
BTW what did you mean about BOW-WOB?
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

More lovely blue collage pages! Will look for the first desk I shared!
Happy WOYWW! Susan

Helen said...

Some lovely autumnal colours you have sorted foryour October collages! that's a good idea about next week's big week ! Happy WOYWW

Mary Anne said...

Tricky! I think my first desk share wasn’t on a Wednesday…. Lovely cool blues for the collages this week. Ack. Something weird is happening with my comment so just publishing
Happy Woyww

Twiglet said...

Good idea for our 800th celebration. I just hope I can find it but if not, I'm sure we can share a few memories 😃🌈x x Jo

Annie said...

What a lovely idea for next week. I will have to go searching to see when/what it was about :-)
Annie x

BJ said...

Oh what a great idea for the 800th, I watched a couple of weeks before sharing my desk back in ....even I can't remember and it was on my old blog too. Anyway loving the collages and looking forward to the colour change for October next week too. Not sure what you mean about the BOW/WOB papers being coloured though? Hugs BJ#11

Elizabeth said...

Morning Sarah, I almost included my first WOYWW photo on my post today but decided to save it for week 800 instead! You'd think I had some sort of second sight. I don't! It's going to be great to see everyone's first pic next week. Your choice of colours for next month are some of my all-time favourites. However, I do really love the blues in your collages for this month - they're gorgeous. Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #8

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds like a fun idea, will do my best to find it. Loving the new journal colours too. Wishing you a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x13x

Morti said...

Blimey! At least we have a week to do a deep dive.... I think my first desk post would have been waaay back in about 2010 or 11. WOYWW had been going for a year or two at the very least, maybe even three years by that point. I don't remember the date, but I do remember which house I was living in (we've had 4 moves since then) so that might help pinpoint the date range in which to search.

Love the blues on your page today, Sarah - very Delftware.

Morti said...

If you've labelled your posts, you should be able to call up all the WOYWW posts and then go backwards from there to get to the first one? Maybe?

Morti said...

LOL - well thanks to the heads up for next week, I've already got next week's post half drafted!!! Hehehehehe that's a first.... said...

Another month has zoomed by, I do love the changing colours that Autumn brings and the stickers on your desk wonderful too! Your collages are such a lovely combo as always and Im really loving that tone too. Happy Woyww - Michelle #16 x

Crafting With Jack said...

Every so often I delete old posts from my blog, so I have no idea what my first post was. I shall try searching for April 2019 in my files and see if I can find what I was working on then. Have a great week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #15

Lindart said...

What a great idea! I will go searching for that first post. Your journal pages are lovely, I like the last one best - you are beautiful! Have a great week, Lindart #17

Lynnecrafts said...

Sorry I entered my name at 18; I thought it hadn’t registered. I like the idea of going back in time! I remember reading Jan’s posts for ages before I dared take the plunge! Marit’s sashiko jacket drew me in as well! I’ve really loved your blue collages for September.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12 xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Great idea to have a week of memories! I’ve already started of planning out what I’ll blog about. Love your blue September collages, it’s a favourite colour of mine 🥰
Hugs LLJ 6 xx

Julia Dunnit said...

Great idea Sarah, shall go and see if I can even get that far back! 800! Ots a bit hard to believe!