Half way through half term already - how time flies. Joining in with WOYWW courtesy of Julia at Stamping Ground and sharing my desk.
Couldn't resist ordering the new BOW-WOB papers from Clarity. They are the same thickness as the collage papers and you can add colour to them using inks. Perfect for my #dailycollage2024. I am still using the Hibiscus Infusions collage papers for this month as they are red/pink which matches my current colour palette.
I am making the most of my holiday. I have been making samples and also enjoying recorder playing with two different groups. Spent the morning with Mum yesterday before heading over to Lichfield for the U3a recorder meeting. Last Saturday was the monthly get together with South Staffs. SRP (Society of Recorder Players). Having plenty of lie ins so will probably be late linking up.
Happy WOYWW.
Love the new papers. I'm sure you'll use them ,as you say great for your collages. Enjoy the rest of half term . Happy woyww Helen #4
Those papers are fab especially as you can colour them in as well! Perfect for your collages which continue to be really interesting. Enjoy your half term!
Hugs LLJ 7 xx
Lovely collages. Good to hear you are enjoying your break and well done on the recorder playing - must be great to all get together for a play along 😀
I’m really enjoying your new collages…the pop of colour does it for me.
Annie x #1
Those papers will be goid for collage. This weeks collages are great, love those toadstools. Looking forward to doing some more collage myself. Happy WOYWW. Angela #6
I look forward to seeing your collages using the new papers! very cool! My favourite collage this week is Feb 10. Nice design! I love the mushrooms too!
You seem to be nice and busy, but it is also good to find time to rest. Have a wonderful week, Happy ❤️ Day! Lindart #19
Super collages, love the split frames. Glad you are enjoying half term. Hugs BJ#5
Pleased you're having a good holiday and loving those new papers.Good work with the journal pages too. Sending woyww hugs Angela x2x
Glad you’re enjoying half term, Sarah. I love to see your daily collages.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 8 xx
Your new papers are lovely! I really like the Hibiscus Infusions papers. The colors are so nice! Great collage work!
Glad you are having a wonderful holiday!
Chana Malkah, WOYWW #9
Also running late on commenting, have today free, but crafty projects waiting. I do love the unique color you are using And the fun collages you are sharing. Will be fun seeing the new Bow Wob papers I've a stack of B/W for upcoming fun but no coloring on them. ENJOY a great week.
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