Saturday, 21 October 2023

All Hearts Tree Scene

The nested square embedders make great masks as well as providing a crisp finishing touch to a card.
Attach a 6” x 6” white card blank to the largest Nested Square embedder (with geo templates).
Stamp the tree from the Linda Williams’ Christmas Compendium All Hearts Lead Home set in Black Soot Distress Archival ink into the foreground.
Create a mask for the tree using a mask blank and mask it up.
Add the smallest moon mask from the set.
Add the hills and mountains mask and brush Tumbled Glass Distress ink below it using a Clarity stencil brush.
Add the mountains mask and add a sky at the top in the same manner using Broken China Distress ink.
Add further Tumbled Glass ink at the bottom.
Mask off the bottom and add the top of the tree twice in the same ink as before. Remove all masks.
Add the lamppost in the same ink.
Colour the lamppost and the trees using Ecoline and Kuretake pens picked up off a glass mat with a watercolour brush pen (Cold Grey, Deep Green). Colour the baubles and candle with glitter pens. Remove the outer stencil.
Add the Sentiment from the stamp set as before.
To finish, add an embedded frame using another of the embedder frames from the same set as before.

1 comment:

aussie aNNie said...

Absolutely beautifully designed and the result is adorable!