Wednesday, 15 June 2022

WOYWW 680: Still So Busy

 The end of the school year is in sight but things are not easing up yet.  We are in the middle of assessments and Friday is sports' day so equally busy.  I seem to have just as many projects on the go at home too.

I am getting plenty of prep. for my #dailychallenge2022 done in advance and have nearly finished gessoing all the pages of my July/August journal.  I also posted off eight samples on Monday ready for shows on Friday this week.  Expecting more secret stuff any time ready for the first Sunday in July as well. 

I have been going for longer runs of pages with a similar theme and am currently working my way through butterfly and dragonfly stickers.  Don't forget to visit Julia at Stamping Ground to find out more about WOYWW and the reason why my desk is always shown on a Wednesday.  Hoping for a short meeting after school tonight after the marathon twilight session last week.  Stay safe and Happy WOYWW.


Helen said...

I bet you can't wait for the end of term! so tantalisingly close... I really must book some time off work to enjoy summer. Great daily pages, as always. Happy WOYWW, stay safe. Helen #1

Neet said...

Lovely pages Sarah, but "ugh" to the assessments. Just enjoy Sports Day, I always managed to have a job to do so I wa saved crowd control, it was so good to be out on the playing fields cheering my house on.
Hugs, Neet 2 xx

Christine said...

Thanks for your visit . . . I was so late linking up it's a wonder you found me!!!
Why, oh why, are school sports days always on one of the hottest days of the year!!!
Don't forget to take your brolly with you.
Christine #13

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Good luck with all the samples on the shows! I wondered what on earth you were doing with the journal but I get it now, if you’re gessoing pages you need to ensure that they don’t get stuck together! Takes me a while….
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx

Diana Taylor said...

I love your pages Sarah, they are so beautiful, I can never resist vintage, and you have some fabulous images there. I like your page preparation - I really should get more organised like that.
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #14

Lillianb said...

good luck with getting all your pages finished

Great wok as well love the dragonflies,

Take care and stay safe

Lilian B #9

Crafting With Jack said...

Hi Sarah, I was wondering why you gesso your pages if you are covering them with a background piece? I have yet to use the books I have that are similar. Do they react badly to glue? Always willing to learn 🙂. Great pages this week. Happy WOYWW. Angela #11

Lynnecrafts said...

Beautiful journal pages as ever, Sarah. I hope this end of the year rush goes well.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Hugs Lynnecrafts 16

Tracy said...

Grand great dumpy dashing .. that ones sticking in my head ... I love visiting to see your journal pages each week Sarah 💕❤🤗🥰 yaaay for getting your pages prepped 🤸‍♀️ make creating so much easier 😘 I hope all goes well on sports day ⭐ hope all goes well with the shows. Sending love and hugs Tracy #12 🥰❤💕💛 xxxx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I can see how busy you are at home and I know how busy you will be at school at this time of the year so I'm well impressed at what you've managed to get done. Wishing you a very happy belated woyww. Hugs, Angela x10x

Marit said...

Seems like you are very busy Sarah, hope you find enough me-time to play with butterflies and dragonflies (love them!) Have a great week, love from the Netherlands! Marit #3

Julia Dunnit said...

School work and meetings are really eating into your time at this point of the year aren’t they, you are a very dedicated teacher. Meanwhile, love the gessoing shot, am thinking the blue paper will make a great masterboard eventually!

BJ said...

So love the "grumpy" on the man page but have to say my hubby seems to be less so since retiring - horrah!
Thanks for the visit BJ#21

My name is Cindy said...

Now I'm retired and no littles in the family I find I am completely adrift in the year without a term timetable to stick to!! As a librarian the holidays were always our busiest times. It'ss son be here (and sadly the Autumn Term will arrive before you know it!!) Great pages, thosee dragonfly stickers are cute. Happy WOYWW, love n hugs, Cindyxx #17