Wednesday 22 September 2021

WOYWW 642: Plus Ça Change...

Another week, another Wednesday and another link up with WOYWW care of Julia at Stamping Ground.  Please pop over to find out more!

My early morning desk doesn't change much from week to week.  Drawing sketch book and diary to keep track of what needs to be done that day.  In the background you can see my notebook with my planned list of daily blog posts.  So far I have not needed to bring any marking home as I have managed to get it all done in school.  I am looking forward to the #Inktober prompts next month to continue my daily drawings.  Here are the latest lot.

Happy WOYWW.  I have a Zoom meeting after school today so it may be tomorrow before I can visit.  STay safe everyone.



Neet said...

As always you have some great drawings to show us. Such a tidy desk too - do you ever have it messed up, really messed up?
Good on you for keeping up with the marking in school - free time at home is so valuable.
Hugs, Neet 6 xx

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Every year I say I will join in with #InkOctober, but then don't! I have generally given up on giving myself any targets for crafty stuff. I love the popcorn sketch. Making me hungry as it gets closer to my breakfast time. Ali x #10

Crafting With Jack said...

Great drawings, love the fox. Have a great week Angela #7

Helen said...

My desk always feels the same too, although as you've seen (thanks for squeezing in a visit) new stuff today. Must be great not to have to brink marking home - yay!! Happy WOYWW Helen #4

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Always love to see your sketches and hope you're having a good day. Well done for keeping on top of the marking too. It has been noticeable that the primary school near us have been taking their classes out quite a lot in the park so they are obviously trying to make the most of the nice weather to work outside. Have a very happy and creative woyww, Angela x14x

Diana Taylor said...

I'm loving your drawings - that little fox is so cute!
Hope you have a great week,
Diana xx #15

Christine said...

Loving those sketches. Well done for getting the marking done . . . . sitting in the staff room is not always the right environment for marking, I remember it well.
Enjoy your week
Christine #18

Lillianb said...

nice tidy desk and as always love the drawing, Love te clouds today,

Take care and stay safe.

lilian b #17

Lynnecrafts said...

Love your daily drawings Sarah. Glad you’re managing without bringing marking home so far.
Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 11

Shoshi said...

What a tidy desk, Sarah. One might almost suspect you of being OCD, the book being so accurately lined up with the grid of your mat, haha! Gorgeous drawings as always - it always amazes me that you can capture the mood of the subject with just a few well-placed lines.

Thank you for your lovely comment and all your very kind words about my blog! I'm so glad you enjoy your visits. My problem is that I am far too interested in too many subjects lol! My dad was the same. Keeps one young, I guess, always wanting to learn new things (or maybe it's just that I'm nosey).

I'm glad you enjoy the kitty antics too. They are probably the most photographed kitties in the world - I'm always snapping away because they keep doing such irresistably gorgeous things!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi x #9

Anne said...

Hello Sarah. I love hearing that you got the marking done at school.. hope that continues.
Great drawings as always. Thanks for popping by. Anne x 17

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Yay for getting all the marking done at school, that;s a win for me! The notebook is a beauty, I bet you love working in that!
Hugs LLJ 8 xx

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Sarah, did you see that there is an "inktober" list out? ( I had seen Sandy Allnock mention it on her blog not too long ago and it made me think of you.) the sketch's look great. ~Stacy #26

StampinCarol said...

Again, great drawings!
Cool that you can get your work done at school without it becoming "homework."
Have a great week!
Carol N #24

Twiglet said...

Such a treat when you don't need to spend your "free" time marking. Only other teachers and those they live with, know how much work is done outside of school hours. Enjoy it while you can - great little sketches. xx Jo

Julia Dunnit said...

Cute cute fox for Fall and had to smile at sister! The thing about your early morning desk is how much it reflects your efficient and productive self, Sarah!

Susan Renshaw said...

Your desk looks so tidy! Your mat is so clean - mine does not stay like that much! Great drawings!
Happy WOYWW!
Stay safe and keep well!
I am hoping to visit everyone this week – unfortunately last week I just couldn’t make it…
Susan #20
Calling All Crafters! – My Blog!

Lindart said...

Hi Sarah! Such a tidy desk! My favourite drawing this week - Fall! I love the fox enjoying the leaves falling around him. Our foxes have mostly disappeared, but there is one sad one we see once in awhile. I'm sure they will all be back in the Spring. Glad school is going well so far! Thanks for your visit to mine, have a great week! Lindart #27

Marit said...

Love your drawings! I just received the 'prompts' for next week from my son and he told me he has trouble 'finding new things to draw' so we might hop over next week to find that intober list for more ideas, thanks for the tip!!! Enjoy your weekend sweetie! Love from Holland, Marit #3

SusanLotus said...

Great to be able to plan your blog posts that way. I'm more improvising. But at work I was the same. And it works best because you get happy when things are done. Must sharpen me ...

Have a wonderful weekend!

BJ said...

finally turned on PC to reply to WOYWW - love your foxey in the fall.
hand is doing ok only took some paracetamol on the day of the procedure. it's sore if i try to use it but surgeon said i can only gently mobilise the digits and the thumb in the interim but there is no heavy lifting for now. till i see him on 4th Oct. struggling to keep dressing in place. was told NOT to remove it just to add to it. think my efforts will be on display next wed lol. bj#13